Friday, October 30, 2020

The Here, and Now and Future of Christianity and Judaism in America

In our postmodern age, direct Mephistophelian, “cancel culture terrorists”, antitheists bigotry against Christians, the rapid acceleration of anti-Semitic incidents, and Socialist’s/Marxist’s abhorrence of Christianity and Judaism is not frequently manifested. Hatred of God is usually veiled as secularism or pretentious indifference. Such attitudes seem to be more in keeping with postmodern societies. Thus, I never thought in 2020, I would see such an upsurge of anti-Semitic incidents, vandalization, invectiveness, public denunciation and inflammatory hatred of God, like the manifestations that have arisen in our nation’s cities, towns and settlements. As the "Cancel Culture", continues to rage across the U.S. destroying symbols of historical figures, they have now apparently targeted statues depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary as well as torching church and synagogue buildings and vandalizing places of worship with Satanic epigraphs. Has not, 2020 seen a rapid acceleration of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian incidents in America? 

These perpetrators are lost soul activists that follow an ideology in which fraternity demands absolute equality. this ideology makes equality for all unfeasible, better stated, a pipe dream, because it cannot be consummate. Is it not apparent the social contract, complete with an impervious system that guarded against the excesses of hate has now vanished? Had Dante seen these scenes of distruction, desecration of statues depicting Jesus and Mary, blasphemous graffiti inscribed on walls in the burned out ruins of churches and Temples, he might very well have used them to illustrate his descrition of Hell.  ,  

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Left's Inept Strategy

If one is to believe the majority of MSM news outlets, the punditocracy and Democrats themselves, Joe Biden will become our nation’s 46th president in six days. As one journalist wrote: The Democrat contender's campaign seems to be in "run out the clock" mode this week. If Biden’s handler’s stratagem works and he is elected, we as a nation are screwed. With some optimism based on recent history, I am here to tell you, the elite or influential class of experts or political commentators are wrong. The mentioned bare-minimum stratagem may prove to be “the dumbest political blunder since Hillary Clinton decided there was no need for her to pound the pavement in Michigan during her 2016 campaign.” And just like 2016, the liberal left intelligentsia is in for an additional substantial set back this time. If the Democrat Party proves to be as inept in strategic planning as it has in the past and those opposed to transforming America from a Republic to a Socialist country show up in mass on November 3rd and cast their ballot for Trump we will be part and parcel in MAGA. Furthermore, If Trump is reelected, we will again see the left go through another state of profound emotional disturbance resulting in deep depression, accompanied by wailing with pain, grief, and anger. Let us pray the silent majority, regardless of ethnicity, cultural background, gender, be they  Christians, Jews, or other peoples of faith, conservatives, constitutionalists... go to the polls in record numbers and vote overwhelmingly for Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote against the megalomaniacs of the left who are only concerned with increasing their own wealth and power.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Nine Days to Glory or Ignominy

Nine days to glory or ignominy. Nine days and counting from a Presidential election that will most likely change the course of American history. A word to the wise: Be prepared for what is to come. No matter what happens or who occupies the White House, the Left-wing politicos and their egalitarian/Marxist radical ruffians will keep pressing forward. They will be in the streets of our urban cities and rural towns. They will lay waste to everything we hold dear in order to overthrow our government. And they will be on Mainstream News networks, social media platforms, in our public schools and in our state capitals and local municipal government offices trying to persuade us that what's transpiring right in front of our eyes isn't what's occurring in front of our eyes. We will hear the Left’s self-appointed leadership, and those supporting the insurrection/revolution tell us the riotous mayhem we see are peaceful protests and violent actors are mere moral activists. Truth be known, the Left is intent on the destruction of the American way of life, and a win or loss in one election will not dissuade them in their goal of fundamentally transforming the United States. How much resistance the Left will face at the federal, state and local level is yet to be determined. How much opposition the Left will incur from the citizenry and people of faith is also up in the air.

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Core of America’s Problems: Family, Education, Ecclesiastical, and Government Representation

Problems! Problems! Problems! America has problems that need to be addressed now or face the inevitable consequences. With our marriages. The way we parent our kids. With our discipline, we fail to teach accountability to our offspring for fear of hurting their feelings, and there is no direct repercussion(s) for failing to meet standards. We just take the easy route and ignore the reality of future footprints for our actions. This is the problem in our public schools today. The quality of our education is questionable at best and teachers have been deprived of the means they need to be effective, and to educate and discipline our young people who spend much of their lives in educational settings. Why are we allowing others to establish what is best for our children? Where is that getting us? This is the problem within some Denominational Churches and cults, where apostacy is pontificated, dogmatized, and sermonized by influential charlatans/frauds with heretical views. A few of which in positions of authority have been known to take advantage of innocent and unsuspecting congregants, only to have a deviant act swept under the rug. And we allow this! Where is this getting us? And the same is true with our government. Our purported representatives make rules for us that do not apply to themselves. They take sweet heart deals, campaign donations, lucrative contracts, perks, money... from lobbyists and foreign governments. Many of these representatives are self-serving, thus no longer serve us. And we, allow them to get away with it. Why are we allowing this? We see our Republic falling into a dark abyss while we just stand there with our heads up our posterior and do nothing. Remember one thing: if we fail to hold ourselves to a higher standard, a standard of what we know to be just and righteous; if we fail to hold our spouses and our children to the same standards, if we are unwilling or unable to provide a consequence when they do not meet the standard; and if our schools, churches and our government fail to hold themselves accountable to those they serve, there is but one thing to look forward to… dark days ahead! Again, why are we allowing this?

Friday, October 9, 2020

Tides of Tyranny: Climate Change and The New Green Deal

Tides of Tyranny: Climate Change and The New Green Deal: Are the forest fires in California and Northwest United Sates caused by poor forestry management or climate change? Is the uptick in Hurrica...

Climate Change and The New Green Deal

Are the forest fires in California and Northwest United Sates caused by poor forestry management or climate change? Is the uptick in Hurricanes making landfall in the Gulf Coast States and Southeastern  U.S a result of a change in global or regional climate patterns attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels? Is a small change in temperature the difference between normalcy and cataclysm? Do you think Coronavirus is partly to blame for some of these natural catastrophes plaguing America and the world in general? Is the resolution to this environmental dilemma the Green New Deal?  When it comes to climate change policies, left leaning Democrats are doubling down on stupid. Instead of learning from the failures of a prior administration’s clean energy agenda, Democrats are driving over the climate change cliff by supporting the Green New Deal. The Deal itself is an affront to liberty and a wake-up call for Americans and American businesses to the perils of socialist Democrats who seek to control every aspect of our lives. Putting it bluntly, their self-serving heads are up their posteriors and greedy hands in our pockets.