Friday, October 16, 2020

The Core of America’s Problems: Family, Education, Ecclesiastical, and Government Representation

Problems! Problems! Problems! America has problems that need to be addressed now or face the inevitable consequences. With our marriages. The way we parent our kids. With our discipline, we fail to teach accountability to our offspring for fear of hurting their feelings, and there is no direct repercussion(s) for failing to meet standards. We just take the easy route and ignore the reality of future footprints for our actions. This is the problem in our public schools today. The quality of our education is questionable at best and teachers have been deprived of the means they need to be effective, and to educate and discipline our young people who spend much of their lives in educational settings. Why are we allowing others to establish what is best for our children? Where is that getting us? This is the problem within some Denominational Churches and cults, where apostacy is pontificated, dogmatized, and sermonized by influential charlatans/frauds with heretical views. A few of which in positions of authority have been known to take advantage of innocent and unsuspecting congregants, only to have a deviant act swept under the rug. And we allow this! Where is this getting us? And the same is true with our government. Our purported representatives make rules for us that do not apply to themselves. They take sweet heart deals, campaign donations, lucrative contracts, perks, money... from lobbyists and foreign governments. Many of these representatives are self-serving, thus no longer serve us. And we, allow them to get away with it. Why are we allowing this? We see our Republic falling into a dark abyss while we just stand there with our heads up our posterior and do nothing. Remember one thing: if we fail to hold ourselves to a higher standard, a standard of what we know to be just and righteous; if we fail to hold our spouses and our children to the same standards, if we are unwilling or unable to provide a consequence when they do not meet the standard; and if our schools, churches and our government fail to hold themselves accountable to those they serve, there is but one thing to look forward to… dark days ahead! Again, why are we allowing this?

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