Friday, October 30, 2020

The Here, and Now and Future of Christianity and Judaism in America

In our postmodern age, direct Mephistophelian, “cancel culture terrorists”, antitheists bigotry against Christians, the rapid acceleration of anti-Semitic incidents, and Socialist’s/Marxist’s abhorrence of Christianity and Judaism is not frequently manifested. Hatred of God is usually veiled as secularism or pretentious indifference. Such attitudes seem to be more in keeping with postmodern societies. Thus, I never thought in 2020, I would see such an upsurge of anti-Semitic incidents, vandalization, invectiveness, public denunciation and inflammatory hatred of God, like the manifestations that have arisen in our nation’s cities, towns and settlements. As the "Cancel Culture", continues to rage across the U.S. destroying symbols of historical figures, they have now apparently targeted statues depicting Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary as well as torching church and synagogue buildings and vandalizing places of worship with Satanic epigraphs. Has not, 2020 seen a rapid acceleration of anti-Semitic and anti-Christian incidents in America? 

These perpetrators are lost soul activists that follow an ideology in which fraternity demands absolute equality. this ideology makes equality for all unfeasible, better stated, a pipe dream, because it cannot be consummate. Is it not apparent the social contract, complete with an impervious system that guarded against the excesses of hate has now vanished? Had Dante seen these scenes of distruction, desecration of statues depicting Jesus and Mary, blasphemous graffiti inscribed on walls in the burned out ruins of churches and Temples, he might very well have used them to illustrate his descrition of Hell.  ,  

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