Sunday, October 25, 2020

Nine Days to Glory or Ignominy

Nine days to glory or ignominy. Nine days and counting from a Presidential election that will most likely change the course of American history. A word to the wise: Be prepared for what is to come. No matter what happens or who occupies the White House, the Left-wing politicos and their egalitarian/Marxist radical ruffians will keep pressing forward. They will be in the streets of our urban cities and rural towns. They will lay waste to everything we hold dear in order to overthrow our government. And they will be on Mainstream News networks, social media platforms, in our public schools and in our state capitals and local municipal government offices trying to persuade us that what's transpiring right in front of our eyes isn't what's occurring in front of our eyes. We will hear the Left’s self-appointed leadership, and those supporting the insurrection/revolution tell us the riotous mayhem we see are peaceful protests and violent actors are mere moral activists. Truth be known, the Left is intent on the destruction of the American way of life, and a win or loss in one election will not dissuade them in their goal of fundamentally transforming the United States. How much resistance the Left will face at the federal, state and local level is yet to be determined. How much opposition the Left will incur from the citizenry and people of faith is also up in the air.

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