Thursday, August 26, 2021

Story of A Fall Part 3

Even the simple-minded Marxist ideologues among us can look at the scenes of the Kabul airport and hear the frantic media reports of people who are trapped in Afghanistan trying to get out, be it by plane or otherwise.  I ask you, the reader, knowing what we now know, is there a realm where it is possible to have everyone out by the end of August? In Joe Biden’s Bizzarro world, it is easy.  Have we not heard Bumbling Joe say repeatedly, “Oh, Americans have safe passage to the airport? The Taliban is assisting them.” Really! You and I know, as do most people that this is a treacherous journey for American citizens, Afghan partners and Allies. Especially so, for those who are in outlying provinces, to say nothing about negotiating through Taliban controlled Kabul checkpoints or interior chokepoints. So, this is a Bizzarro world that has been created by President Biden, by the administration. I don’t see how we can have everyone out by the end of the month, much less honor those commitments we have made to our own citizens and our Afghan partners. I fear thousands of Western citizens and permanent residents will remain stranded in Afghanistan, abandoned by Biden, his administration, and advisors to face the inevitable Taliban retribution. 

As for Biden and his team, what were they thinking? In defeat he and his team threaten the triumphant Taliban with possible exclusion from international diplomacy as the price of its intolerant adherence. We are to assume that in between executing women, men marrying 9-year-old brides... the Taliban will fear losing the chance to visit the United Nations in NYC. Biden has defied a Supreme Court ruling and assumed that it was a good thing to have broken the law. Under his watch, the fate of America’s border, equal enforcement of the laws, economy, energy, safety from crime, foreign policy, and racial relations have imploded. And in seven months no less.


Today’s final thoughts: The real problem is that Joe Biden does not have today, nor has he ever had the strength of character to lead the United States.  This comment is not a political statement. It is the truth.  Those who can be honest with themselves know this to be a reality.  Biden’s history is full of his character failures in the form of political corruption; both himself and members of his family. When a leader takes over a senior position, their responsibilities begin immediately, no excuses, dithering, or indecisiveness.  Yet, passing the buck has already started. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Story of A Fall Part 2

Biden keeps repeating that he was bound by former President Donald Trump’s planned withdrawal. Really? If the truth of the issue matters let’s get straight to the point. A kaleidoscopic Trump repeatedly demonstrated that he was willing to use air power to protect U.S. personnel and to bomb an Islamic would-be caliphate. The Taliban knew that and so struck when Trump was gone. Biden claims he was bound by Trump’s decision to withdraw and thus cannot be blamed for his reckless operation of a predetermined departure. But all Biden has done since entering office is destroy Trump entente cordiale, nullifying past agreements on energy leases, system of rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic with Latin America and Mexico on border security, and pipeline contracts...

No sooner did Biden claim he was hamstrung by Trump than he
stopped and began moving in the opposite direction to defend not just his own abandonment of Afghanistan but the calamitous manner of it. Biden argues that he has no choice while asserting he would have done nothing differently if he did. If real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance, Biden, and his team of crème del crème Military and Political consultants are mere trees without roots.

In a sane world, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense would resign. We have heard for too long their careerist boasts about assigning climate change as their chief challenge. In doing so they have demonstrated they
value success in their career above all else and seek to advance it by any possible means. For too long they have virtue-signaled their critical race theory credentials to Congress. For too long they have patted themselves on the back about canceling alleged white supremacists from their ranks. For too long they have sparred with journalists while fighting Twitter wars and issuing one-dimensional advert to evidence of their current woke credentials. In other words, they pontificated on anything and everything, except their plans to prevent an embarrassing military defeat of U.S. forces and their allies, and the deaths of many innocent compatriots and Afghan partners.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Story of A Fall

Contrary to what President Biden has stated in the past what we are witnessing in Afghanistan is a historical repeat of the Saigon moment, but in grander scale. I witnessed, via media footage American military helicopters evacuating our embassy in Kabul. The footage invoked striking similarities with the 1975 retreat from Vietnam’s Saigon. President Joe Biden rejected any similarities between the past and current hasty pullouts. As a retired Army Officer (65-95), I cannot help but see Vietnam emanations of the ongoing retreat even more embarrassing, however, given that Biden had explicitly promised that the withdrawal from Afghanistan would not turn into another fall of Saigon. To add insult to injury, Biden insisted early in July that the Taliban’s capabilities were not remotely comparable to the North Vietnamese forces and no hasty retreat would happen. Now for the rest of the story. The story of a fall… It all began with the death of innocent people, ended with the death of innocent people. I can still recall the images of innocent people falling from New York City’s World Trade Center Towers on 9/11 and more recently innocent Afghans falling from US military aircraft on 8/18. It is debatable if the events of September 11, 2001, could have been prevented. There is little doubt the events that led to people falling from a U.S. Air Force C17 Transport Plane following takeoff from Kabul, could have been prevented had the Operation Plan outlined an extraction plan in the appropriate annex. 

Biden’s blame game includes the Afghan Army’s unwillingness to hold the line and fight the Taliban to the end. I ask Biden and you the reader, why do you suppose the American-nurtured Afghan military of the last 20 years faded into obscurity following the encirclement of Kabul? Could it be the Afghan troops apparently calculated that their own paltry chances with the premodern Taliban were still better than fighting as a dependency of the postmodern United States, despite its powerful diversity training programs?

Forces more powerful than the Taliban, in places far more strategic, will now leverage an ideologically driven but predictably incompetent administration, a woke Pentagon, and politically weaponized intelligence communities. And why not, when President Joe Biden trashes both American oil and gas extractors and the Saudis, only to beg the Kingdom to rush to export more of its loathed oil before the U.S. midterms? Why not, when Biden asks Russia’s Putin to request that Russian-related hackers be a little less raucous in their selection of U.S. targets?
And why not, when our own military spars with the mercurial “cancel culture” blatherskites of “white supremacy” as Afghans fall from U.S. military jets in fatal desperation to reach such a supposedly racist nation?


Sunday, August 15, 2021

America's Wake-up Call Part 2 of 7

 While touted as promoting “Equality Act,” this legislation would be more appropriately termed the “Inequality Act” … as it would position the government to lord over churches and other faith-based institutions, potentially dictating who they hire, how their facilities are used, and even punishing them for not falling in lockstep with a view of human sexuality that directly contradicts orthodox biblical teaching. If passed and signed into law, this act would cause a significant loss of religious freedom in America, and every Bible-believing citizen would suffer the consequences. As an American of Christian faith, I am raising my voice, and implore you to do the same and to say “No!” to the Equality Act. This disastrous legislation is not about equality at all, but is a direct attack on faith, family, and freedom, and the religious liberty and conscience protections of all Americans. The Equality Act attacks the privacy of children in school locker rooms, the rights of parents to raise their children according to their own values, the equality of female athletes by forcing them to compete against boys, the safety of battered women in shelters, the consciences of doctors who refuse to abort babies, the protections of taxpayers to not fund abortions, the freedom of business owners to refuse work that conflicts with their moral values, and the God-given rights of all Americans to live according to their beliefs. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

America's Fiscal Ticking Time Bomb

After but a few of hours of research, reference the approved infrastructure legislation and the upcoming Democrat proposed reconciliation package, I am both disappointed and angry that Congress has advanced a $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill on the American taxpayers. I am frustrated and mad as hell at the Rhinos who voted for it, thus giving it a measure of bipartisan support. Now is not the time to put America in even more debt. The government has increased America’s national debt by $5.2 trillion just since the start of Tired Joe’s Presidency but adding to that with two more multitrillion-dollar spending packages over and above what the Swamp Politicos have already spent, that threatens to return us to the kind of inflation that most of America has never experienced.  

In addition to the $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill, Democrats are also striving to pass a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package, which adds hundreds of billions to the National Debt. The Bill includes funding for fake and appropriate ‘Pay-Fors’; Sets Up a $3.5 Trillion Left-Wing rigged lottery Jackpot; Massive Amounts of Wasted Transportation Spending (namely it spends as much on Mass Transit and Amtrack as it does on highways); Entrenches Climate Activism in the Department of Transportation; Corporate Welfare for the Energy Sector; Applies Social Justice Approach to Broadband Internet; Wasteful Protectionist Mandates... Nothing like universal day care, tuition-free community college, climate change initiatives, open borders, free healthcare, higher taxes, higher inflation (possible hyperinflation), higher consumer costs... such is the ticking time bomb the United States Congress is unleashing on its middle and working class and retired citizens.


The time has come for Congress and the President to realize and understand the effect such aggressive and reckless spending will have on America’s citizenry and their future. If the collective heads of our elected DC Representatives were not up their collective butts, they would see the importance and understand the consequences of passing a $3.5 trillion package that is the largest piece of legislation in “the history of the world.” I suppose this is what we should have expected when we are dealing with embedded congressional Liberals, Socialists, Marxists, Radical Islamists...

Monday, August 9, 2021

America's Wake-up Call Part 1 of 7

It is of the utmost importance that Christian, Jew, conservative, political non-affiliated Americans, Black, White, Brown, circle the wagons and hold true to our values as left-leaning ideologues seek to exploit the crisis to push their anti-biblical policies. If the Equality Act becomes law, almost no institution of faith, regardless of denomination, K-12 secondary or post-secondary private school/college, house of worship, business or non-profit... will escape the tentacles of this pernicious bill. Rest assured, if the Senate passes the bill, Biden will sign it and it will become law. Imagine an America where religious affiliated healthcare facilities are coerced into performing abortions. Where Bible-believing churches could be compelled to hire clerics and other employees who reject the teachings of God as written in the Bible, where the church and could be required to host same-sex wedding ceremonies. Where Christian schools are required to cater to the preferences of students who identify as transgender, threatening the privacy and safety of our youth. Is this not disastrous legislation? Is this not an all-out assault on parental rights, on the family, on the unborn, and on millions of people of faith in our nation? What we are being legislatively told to do, is isolate our faith within our own mind, and that is where it must stay! What say you?

Sunday, August 1, 2021

As Goes the Pulpit, So Goes the Pew, As Goes the Pew, So Goes the Culture

Are you, as I am, alarmed at the abandonment of biblical truths as stated in the Word of God being proclaimed by “Woke” preachers within ever increasing evangelical pulpits across America? I say beware, of those pastors spewing far-left ideology from the pulpit. It is toxic as far as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is concerned. In the last few years, I have watched with dismay as Mainline Protestant Denominations slowly moved away from biblical principles/truths.  

In recent years, I have seen the same subtle bend toward leftist ideology slowly permeating the wider evangelical church. From what I have seen, read, and heard; those same battles fought in the mainline protestant denominations are now making inroads in evangelical churches. It is the same contretemps, the same jargon, and the same colloquialism repeating themselves with such punctiliousness that it warrants concern. More pastors are falling into the trap of woke culture because it is becoming vogue and appeals to the flesh.

Bowing to woke culture allows you to avoid rejection by culture and society. It is a popular message that resonates with many millennials, generation Z, X, and A demographic cohorts and is now being sermonized from many evangelical pulpits; traditionally Bible-believing, Gospel-preaching churches. We have gone so far that it should cause great concern to all Christians of all denominations.

I believe, "as goes the pulpit, so goes the pew. As goes the pew, so goes the culture." As a believer in Christ, A seminary graduate and an ordained clergyman, I put the full blame on us, right in our laps, because we want to be liked, loved, and followed on social media by millions of people. Pastors are the culprits. We need to be about Jesus, not about being liked, because that is toxic as far as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is concerned. Let it not be said of us; we as lay people, clerics and ministry leaders acquiesced to societal pressure and who are tempted to vacillate irresolutely between biblical truth and the heretical secular world.