Thursday, August 26, 2021

Story of A Fall Part 3

Even the simple-minded Marxist ideologues among us can look at the scenes of the Kabul airport and hear the frantic media reports of people who are trapped in Afghanistan trying to get out, be it by plane or otherwise.  I ask you, the reader, knowing what we now know, is there a realm where it is possible to have everyone out by the end of August? In Joe Biden’s Bizzarro world, it is easy.  Have we not heard Bumbling Joe say repeatedly, “Oh, Americans have safe passage to the airport? The Taliban is assisting them.” Really! You and I know, as do most people that this is a treacherous journey for American citizens, Afghan partners and Allies. Especially so, for those who are in outlying provinces, to say nothing about negotiating through Taliban controlled Kabul checkpoints or interior chokepoints. So, this is a Bizzarro world that has been created by President Biden, by the administration. I don’t see how we can have everyone out by the end of the month, much less honor those commitments we have made to our own citizens and our Afghan partners. I fear thousands of Western citizens and permanent residents will remain stranded in Afghanistan, abandoned by Biden, his administration, and advisors to face the inevitable Taliban retribution. 

As for Biden and his team, what were they thinking? In defeat he and his team threaten the triumphant Taliban with possible exclusion from international diplomacy as the price of its intolerant adherence. We are to assume that in between executing women, men marrying 9-year-old brides... the Taliban will fear losing the chance to visit the United Nations in NYC. Biden has defied a Supreme Court ruling and assumed that it was a good thing to have broken the law. Under his watch, the fate of America’s border, equal enforcement of the laws, economy, energy, safety from crime, foreign policy, and racial relations have imploded. And in seven months no less.


Today’s final thoughts: The real problem is that Joe Biden does not have today, nor has he ever had the strength of character to lead the United States.  This comment is not a political statement. It is the truth.  Those who can be honest with themselves know this to be a reality.  Biden’s history is full of his character failures in the form of political corruption; both himself and members of his family. When a leader takes over a senior position, their responsibilities begin immediately, no excuses, dithering, or indecisiveness.  Yet, passing the buck has already started. 

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