Sunday, August 15, 2021

America's Wake-up Call Part 2 of 7

 While touted as promoting “Equality Act,” this legislation would be more appropriately termed the “Inequality Act” … as it would position the government to lord over churches and other faith-based institutions, potentially dictating who they hire, how their facilities are used, and even punishing them for not falling in lockstep with a view of human sexuality that directly contradicts orthodox biblical teaching. If passed and signed into law, this act would cause a significant loss of religious freedom in America, and every Bible-believing citizen would suffer the consequences. As an American of Christian faith, I am raising my voice, and implore you to do the same and to say “No!” to the Equality Act. This disastrous legislation is not about equality at all, but is a direct attack on faith, family, and freedom, and the religious liberty and conscience protections of all Americans. The Equality Act attacks the privacy of children in school locker rooms, the rights of parents to raise their children according to their own values, the equality of female athletes by forcing them to compete against boys, the safety of battered women in shelters, the consciences of doctors who refuse to abort babies, the protections of taxpayers to not fund abortions, the freedom of business owners to refuse work that conflicts with their moral values, and the God-given rights of all Americans to live according to their beliefs. 

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