Wednesday, August 11, 2021

America's Fiscal Ticking Time Bomb

After but a few of hours of research, reference the approved infrastructure legislation and the upcoming Democrat proposed reconciliation package, I am both disappointed and angry that Congress has advanced a $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill on the American taxpayers. I am frustrated and mad as hell at the Rhinos who voted for it, thus giving it a measure of bipartisan support. Now is not the time to put America in even more debt. The government has increased America’s national debt by $5.2 trillion just since the start of Tired Joe’s Presidency but adding to that with two more multitrillion-dollar spending packages over and above what the Swamp Politicos have already spent, that threatens to return us to the kind of inflation that most of America has never experienced.  

In addition to the $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill, Democrats are also striving to pass a $3.5 trillion reconciliation package, which adds hundreds of billions to the National Debt. The Bill includes funding for fake and appropriate ‘Pay-Fors’; Sets Up a $3.5 Trillion Left-Wing rigged lottery Jackpot; Massive Amounts of Wasted Transportation Spending (namely it spends as much on Mass Transit and Amtrack as it does on highways); Entrenches Climate Activism in the Department of Transportation; Corporate Welfare for the Energy Sector; Applies Social Justice Approach to Broadband Internet; Wasteful Protectionist Mandates... Nothing like universal day care, tuition-free community college, climate change initiatives, open borders, free healthcare, higher taxes, higher inflation (possible hyperinflation), higher consumer costs... such is the ticking time bomb the United States Congress is unleashing on its middle and working class and retired citizens.


The time has come for Congress and the President to realize and understand the effect such aggressive and reckless spending will have on America’s citizenry and their future. If the collective heads of our elected DC Representatives were not up their collective butts, they would see the importance and understand the consequences of passing a $3.5 trillion package that is the largest piece of legislation in “the history of the world.” I suppose this is what we should have expected when we are dealing with embedded congressional Liberals, Socialists, Marxists, Radical Islamists...

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