Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Message 2014 - Stop, Look, Listen and Act

To all who have ears, listen.  To those who seek peace, open your eyes. The truth of the matter is that mankind has lost much of its humanity and has little heart to seek its return. Deceit has replaced truth as the standard to be expected from too many in political office. Political Correctness is now an accepted doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by the unscrupulous few in the halls of power. Credibility of current leadership, both here and abroad is for the most part gone. Have you really listened to their excuses? Have you seen the finger pointing? Do you not hear their lies and recognize smoke and mirror tactics used by those who betray truth for convenience? What has become of America? What has become of the civilized world? I see America where the anarchic, unaccomplished, oblivious and ineffectual rule. I see an America where basic tenants of a civil society including faith, family, freedom of speech and individual rights, have been rejected by a majority of those in authority.

To the persecuted Church I say peace be with you during these dark days of trials and tribulation. To the Western World and its churches I say stop appeasing those who assault and demean Christianity. Stop ignoring secularism within the Church for it is an anathema. Stop being willfully blind toward Islam. Radical Islamists seek to destroy the West. They seek to destroy all vestiges of Christianity to include the believer. For those who seek harmonious existence with persons of Islamic faith who believe in and adhere to the immutability of Shariah, you are ill-informed. We are unalterable adversaries. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy. As Christians we must unite and persuade our political leaders to halt the spread of Islamic ideology.  As the Church, we must speak out against the destruction of Christian villages and murders of Christians throughout  the Muslim world. Let your leaders know that you will no longer support the political party that placates Islam at the expense of the Christian faith and its followers. For those who stand in the pulpit,  I say take the calculated risk and let your congregation know the realities that face today's Church. This calculated risk is a known risk for the sake of a real gain. I am not asking the Church leader to take a risk for the sake of a risk, for that is a fools choice.

To my reader I ask, have you heard the message? Are your eyes now open to the truth? If so, share this message with others. May your New Year be one blessings and of positive change.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Lack of Honor and Integrity Equals Betrayal

If it had not been Christmas week I would have broached this topic sooner.  I, a career Army veteran, like many Americans are thoroughly disgusted by the betrayal of the United States House of Representatives, the Senate and the President. How dare our political leaders burden the military and retirees with more of the responsibility for budget cuts while immigration and other entitlement programs remain unaffected by the Ryan-Murray budget deal. How can President Obama and members of Congress sleep at night after telling current retirees, medically retired service-members, and future retirees that they must sacrifice their benefits as part of a budget deal? Hello Murray, Hello Ryan, did you not read your own recommended legislation? What is it with our legislators? Is everyone serving in Congress unable to read proposed legislation prior to approving it? I do believe Pelosism ("You have to pass it before you know what's in it.") is now contagious in Washington. I ask a similar question posed by Allen West. Is "six billion dollars in disrespect to our military retirees preferable to offending illegal immigrants?" Here is a thought to ponder Mr. President and Mr/Ms Congressional Representative. When is the last time you experienced the pain of losing a loved one, a friend or peer in a conflict, usually in a far away land, to an enemy we know almost nothing about? When is the last time you really looked a Wounded Warrior in the eye and in your heart acknowledged their sacrifice? Your actions by voting 'yes' to the bill speak for you. Let me guess, you now opt for the Hillary view point; “what difference at this point does it make?  Once upon a time, this great nation honored the selfless service of the men and woman in uniform. There once was something about honoring a sacred oath to a veteran.  Imagine an oath that has no boundaries. Like our southern borders, it no longer exists. The president, the majority of Congress and most of his cabinet appointees represent the antithesis of leadership with values. Their honor is seriously in doubt. Why do I say this? Is not honor a matter of carrying out, acting, and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service and integrity in everything you do?  Let us look no further than the last value I mentioned. Does not one who claims to possess integrity do what's right, legally and morally?  Is not integrity a quality one develops by adhering to moral principles? The passage of the Ryan-Murray budget bill which reduces a promised  military retirement pension for veterans is evidence enough that Obama and a majority in Congress lack core leadership values. Furthermore, by his actions, Obama has proved himself to be a "leader" of doubtful character. What little respect I had for him, I no longer have. I believe he is presently unsuitable to be Commander-in-Chief, otherwise he would have vetoed the Ryan-Murray Budget Bill. He had the last word. He chose to do nothing.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Message 2013

"The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call him Jesus. He shall be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end."-Luke 1:30-33.

The hope of Christmas is that God has sent a very personal message to mankind, His Son. His Son, whom he appointed heir to all things and through whom all things were made (to include this world), provides forgiveness of sins through His death for sins on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. His Son  now sits down at His right hand and Jesus' name is above all names and authority. The Son, Jesus Christ is God's message to mankind. Often we think of the baby in the manger because such a scene is innocent and serene.The manger was the beginning of the incarnation-God taking on flesh. The cross was always in view. Every time you think of the manger, think of the man of sorrows on the cross bearing our sins. The baby in the manger is the Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last.

I do wish all my blog readers a wonderful and most joyous Christmas. I have one special request. Please pray for those Christians worldwide who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ Jesus.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Government Orchrastrated Victimization

 Is it not ironic that in our time, it is government that has put on a mask and played the role of thief?

I am concerned about the direction America is heading. As a nation, we have lost the inspiration and vision that originally characterized what made us great and become a nation of takers seeking perks and giveaways from an increasingly socialistic government. Entitlements in all their many forms is forcing America toward social unruliness, not experienced since the 1930's. Our government actively encourages, requires, and deceives what were once proud and independent people into taking WIC for food stuffs, and other forms of welfare. Entitlements not earned do nothing more than train people to be powerless, slothful, fraudulent and to take little or no responsibility for their individual actions. If you doubt what I say look no further than Detroit. What do we see? The city itself is in shambles. It's inhabitant's for the most part have been conditioned to expect what amounts to socialist benefits. Those who had a work ethic departed the city long ago for opportunity elsewhere. Driving through Detroit is like taking a trip to a third world nation or worse, an otherworldly place not of this earthly realm. I only mention Detroit to feature the most glaring example of what government by socialism really does. It crushes the human spirit. It inhibits productivity and if continued unabated will inevitably lead to class warfare. Detroit is a prime example of a society, if you will, that has been destroyed by governmental coercion, socialism, corruption and overreaching power of the state. What has happened in Detroit is now raising its ugly head in other large urban areas. I believe urban blight and economic chaos if continued could lead to anarchy in the streets of our nation. What do you think will happen if America's citizens continue to be taxed at extreme rates to pay socialist benefits to the work adverse? When you start telling them which mandated curriculum their children must study? When you start giving jobs to people based on race or gender or sexual orientation/identification instead of ability? What are the consequences if you suppress those who have worked and those persons who still work and limit their freedom of choice? Will it not stifle productivity and if continued long enough could it lead to social unrest or worse nationwide pandemonium?  


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue

If ever their was an American horror classic it is Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue, not to be confused with Nightmare on Elm Street. Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 American horror slasher film written and directed by Wes Craven. That particular movie featured several 'B' actors and was Johnny Depp's featured film Debut. Set in the fictional Midwestern town of Springwood, Ohio, the plot revolves around several young people who are stalked in their dreams by Freddy Krueger. The young people are unaware of the cause of this strange phenomenon, but their parents hold a dark secret from days gone by.

Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue is a 2008 American horror story, though not a slasher film, but results nonetheless are not pretty. This American horror story was written and directed by a cabal of hard-left ideologues. This soon to be classic debuts Barack Obama as Freddy Krueger, not to be confused as Krueger the slasher. Set in the all too real inside-the beltway of Washington, DC, the plot revolves around several ideological masked leftist leaders who wittingly contribute nothing to alleviate America's vexing problems - crime, widespread human degradation and immorality, dependency on government handouts, rampant political corruption and overwhelming public debt, sky-high taxes and a pervasive socialist mindset. Unfortunately, much of the citizenry are unaware of the cause of these before mentioned vexing issues, but their elected leaders hold a dark secret from which they themselves actively participate in.

The current cast consists of Joe Biden as a stand-in for Krueger, John Kerry as Sergeant Garcia , Eric Holder as Lieutenant Don Thompson, Kathleen Sebelius as Nancy Thompson, Penny Pritzker as Marge Thompson, Chuck Hagel as Glen Lantz. Hillary Clinton even makes a cameo appearance as an insignificant extra. But then again, "what difference does it make?"

The script for Nightmare on Elm Street contains graphic violence but again it is a fictional movie with fictional characters. The death and destruction is the result of a writer's imagination. Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue on the other hand contains little violence but much drama. It's characters are real and leave little to the imagination.These real life actors seek not the destruction of certain individuals but the dismantling of individual liberties.

The 1984 film was met with rave critical reviews. It was an instant financial success. The film's budget was a mere $1.8 million dollars. It grossed $25.5 million, a surplus by any standard. On the other hand the 2008 version is losing money at a rate greater than $1 trillion year, a deficit by even the most liberal standard.

Now tell me, which Nightmare script would you prefer watching? Remember one is imaginary the other is real.

Friday, December 13, 2013

War for America

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty...and what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?" -Thomas Jefferson

I fear, a not to distant civil uprising is not out of the question as a foreboding dread grasps the nation ever so tightly especially, outside dense urban population centers. Everyday, everywhere a class of America's citizens are being pummeled by a government gone wild. Middle or working class America and small business owners are being sacrificed at the Executive Alter of President Obama and his progressive socialist acolytes (mindless followers) who are blinded by an ideology of wealth redistribution, control through class polarization and economic idiocy. Anyone with a brain wave knows you cannot keep expanding entitlements, sow seeds of discord among the classes, and continue acquiescing to multi-cultural political correct interests. The continuance of this mindset or trend is folly fraught with danger.

I ask the reader, why, we as a nation are mired in this apparent sea of socio-political discontent? I contend that there is a cabal of both liberal democrat and to a lesser extent republican political elite who put their interests above America's interests. They will say what the minority wants to hear and do whatever it takes to buy the vote. During the coming weeks I will lay the foundation for my beliefs and ask pertinent questions that will hopefully enlighten the ignorant, inform the uninformed or misinformed,  inspire those citizens who feel betrayed by an ever growing government and help ignite the fires of liberty as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Absence of Truth in Leadership

I have heard it said that one should never argue with or listen to an idiot. It only brings you down to his level.  Therefore, I choose not to lower myself to their level. I choose not to argue with close minded left wing politically correct liberals much less their Marxist leaning supporters. The truth of the matter is that Barrack Obama was not equal to the task he was elected to do. In all honesty, does anyone with an once of good sense think Obama is capable of being a good steward of the nation's highest office? Though I voted for someone else, I was hopeful that he could fulfill his promise of complete government transparency. To his throngs of followers I ask, where is the transparency? Did Obama not make that promise? I know his legions of faithful followers will and do make excuses for his failed promise of transparency. Let me cut to the chase. To be transparent one must be honest, innocent of deceit, open, direct, forthright, ingenuous etc. Obama's record of transparency has failed to pass the litmus test. He has lied often enough to win numerous Pinocchio Awards from both left and right news publications. Scandals during his watch and subsequent cover-ups  have diminished his credibility. President Obama makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. Nixon lied about Watergate and attempted a cover-up. He was forced to resign. Obama lied to the American people reference doctors and insurance as it related to the Affordable Health Care Act. Obama and Eric Holder lied about DOJ's "Fast and Furious" operation. Obama and his administration tried to cover-up data collection on American citizens by the NSA. Obama and his administration lied and is still covering up the Benghazi Consulate attack. Why then is Barrack Obama still in office? Why was he elected president in the first place? The truth is that Barrack Obama was not properly vetted. He instead "was given a pass-held to a lower standard-because of his skin color." In short, Obama is a "small minded man, with neither the temperament, nor the intellect to serve as President." The man has little or no honor. The truth is how he perceives it to be and if you question him you are viewed as insignificant or worse, a constitutional conservative. Pure and simple, Obama is nothing about health care or insurance or the middle class or the economy or national defense but is about politics and control. I ask the reader if Obama is mendacious. Does not the actions of Obama and his administration perpetuate distrust? Is the President spurious by design or character flaw? Why should anything promoted by Obama, containing Obama's name or associated with Obama's politics be good for America's greatness?