Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 New Year's Message

New Year's comes close to being the almost perfect public holiday with the exception being Christmas and Easter. It is a combination of reflection, celebration or possibly just being glad of ridding oneself of the old year, while at the same time looking forward to the potential and possibilities of the new year ahead. It is a link or span between the past and present, where what has been is over but the future still looks bright, albeit a bit hazy.

Looking into the year ahead, I am not going to attempt to line up resolutions or objectives to achieve by the end of the current year. What I have learned in my many years is that, while we make plans, God changes our path by closing doors that were previously open, and opening others that we might not have noticed before. It is our job to be ever present in the shifting backdrop of life, taking advantage of newly opened doors.

This coming year, let us focus on joy and wonder. By joy and wonder, I do not mean gratifying or astonishment, but the profound joy and wonder that comes from God, from simply being alive. Let us focus on knowing Him and making Him known.    

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