Monday, January 5, 2015

The Diminutive "Reverend"

When a history of the American Presidency is amassed, listed among the most curious aspects of prior presidential administrations will be the inclusion of the Reverend Alfred Charles Sharpton as a ‘trusted presidential adviser’ to the Obama Administration. The archives will show Rev. Al virtually glowing in his self-importance, seated at the side of the president. Imagine, a person with no talent or abilities, of questionable character and certainly offering nothing of substance, can raise himself above the humble beginnings he was born into and achieve prestige and importance among the highest levels of American government. A true American fraud or swindler success story if there ever was one. To appreciate the diminutive Reverend's success one needs to understand that he has been able to repeatedly ingratiate himself with others who have ascended into seats of local, state, and federal government as well as private positions of influence. Did you know that our Alfred is a college dropout and has no formal seminary training, though he carries the title of “Reverend”?

Now, one must face the fact that the Reverend does have some talent. What talent, you may ask? Al’s true talents are those of a conspirator, confidence gamer, race-hustler, and stirring up the cauldrons of racial injustice at every opportunity. Indeed he has found his true niche in life. The good Reverend has been able to wheedle himself into countless incidents where a racial aspect might or might not be involved. If one is not there, he will find one. Having no facts or evidence, Al is always ready and able to infuse charges of racism and stir up civil unrest. All for his own self-gratification and to line his own pockets with other peoples money.

From what I understand wherever Al travels to speak out on behalf of the racially downtrodden he travels first class. He lives a lifestyle of extravagance that those he claims to represent dare not dream of. We are all aware that the honorable Al most recently leapt into the fray surrounding the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Continuing the “hands up, don’t shoot” farce, Rev. Alfred led the charge to railroad an innocent Police Officer. The righteous Reverend even called for a “special prosecutor” because all the forensic evidence did not provide the results he wanted. After all, “little man” Al Sharpton has experience with railroads. Need I mention the Duke University non –rape case? Even more outrageous is the fact that the sitting president of the United States seeks the counsel of someone like Al Sharpton. With Alfred’s history it makes one wonder about the intellectual credentials and motivations of the person sitting in the Oval Office. Alfred’s motivation is all about ‘Alfred’, and much less about those who may actually have been the victims of racism and discrimination. “Little man” Al Sharpton’s excesses will continue as long as the money keeps rolling in and the American news media keep providing him coverage. And American race relations will continue to suffer a setback every time the diminutive Reverend Al comes to town to ameliorate a perceived racial injustice.

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