Friday, January 23, 2015

Obama's Rays of Sunshine are Anything But

Was it just me or did others note that President Obama’s State of the Union address was loaded with odorous delights meant to bedazzle America’s long-suffering middle class as he signaled economic prosperity for all is waiting just around the corner. As for me, I was not impressed. Why, one may ask was I not awe-struck with Obama’s oratorical declarations? He speaks of rays of sunshine, while I see dark storm clouds closing in and enveloping his sunshine. I see America (along with the rest of the West) sliding headlong toward the abyss.

From what I have learned of ancient biblical history, parallels can be drawn between Israel’s and America’s falling away from God and a series of judgments that will come as a result. The people of Israel convinced themselves that they were coming back stronger than before and then it all collapsed, and the judgment came. As the Israelites did, so is America doing. We have stopped following God and observing his ways. We have turned to our own devices and removed God from our culture and legal system. Need I say more?

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