Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Transparency Man

Have you not noticed the rancorous Israeli-loathing rhetoric coming from the White House? Makes one wonder if Obama is an Israeli ally or anti-Semite. Clearly, Obama is working behind the scene to upend the Israeli elections and hurt Netanyahu’s election chances. More than this, he is fuming at the vision of Netanyahu standing before an applauding Congress, reflecting the overwhelming support of the American people.

In light of all this, it came as no surprise that Obama declined to attend the 70th anniversary ceremony for the liberation of Auschwitz. Other heads of state and leaders will be represented there, including those from France Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, etc. Representing the U.S. will be Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew. Obama’s detestation of the Israel is so out of control, he doesn't even try to mask his disdain. Ever ask yourself why the apparent enmity and not outward support of an old friend? Do you suppose remembrance of the Holocaust is an insult to Islam? Then again, Obama was a recent no-show in Paris following the murders of a dozen or so cartoonists. Do you suppose the Paris Memorial Solidarity March could be interpreted as an insult to Islam? When presented with the facts one can only conclude that remembering the Holocaust, just like supporting cartoonists and free speech is an insult to Islam.

In essence and contrary to belief, Obama is the transparency man. The occupant in the White House did not join heads of state in Paris to stand against terror and stand up for freedom of speech. So why should we expect him to join the heads and leaders of other states to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz? Every day, we are able to see who and what Obama really is. Obama’s Paris absence, his snubbing of Egypt’s President’s speech advocating Muslim tolerance and castigating Muslims for not standing against radical Islam are just some examples of who Obama really is. Do you suppose, Obama sending Jack Lew to the before mentioned ceremony was more than an afterthought?  Lest we forget, did not President Obama opt of Margaret Thatcher’s funeral but did find time to attend King Abdullah’s service? Of one thing I am certain, transparency is not an issue as it relates to Obama’s geo-political and apparent theological ties. 

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