Sunday, March 29, 2015

He Arrived in Humility He Departed in Glory Part 1

The crowds that normally pressed in tight around him made way, garnishing the sandy roadway with the vestments off their backs and branches freshly cut from palm trees. He came riding in on a borrowed donkey, humbling himself even as the people praised him. They honored him as the king who would overthrow the Romans; rejoicing at the entrance of the man they hoped was their awaited Messiah. And, how they shouted, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” Days later, some of the people who held in in adoration crucified him.

Palm Sunday is this weekend, commemorating Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem and marking the beginning of Holy Week. This last week of Lent leads the faithful into the observance of Easter—the most important celebration of the Christian faith. During Holy Week, many in the church reflect upon the suffering Jesus endured on our behalf, knowing that this commemoration will make the joy of Easter so much sweeter. Some churches set up “stations of the cross”—artistic representations of Jesus’ path to his death—for visitors to slowly make their way through, reflect on and pray over. The point, like all of Lent, is to help us recall, to help us dig into and dwell upon the fullness of this faith we cleave to. The point is to immerse oneself in it—in the account, in its significance, in the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus suffered in every form possible, but still, even more than we could ever imagine. The bodily torture he endured was only the surface of his sacrifice, and the pain grew worse as the wounds reached deeper. Crowds beat him. Guards, drunk so they could carry out his gruesome punishment, flogged him within an inch of his life using a whip of tails, laden with small fragments of metal and bone which sank into his skin as it wrapped around his body, shredding away pieces of flesh as it pulled back for another lashing. A crown of thorns dug into Christ’s scalp. He carried a rough, splintering bed of torture on his raw back, collapsing under its weight, laboring and straining forward again, his vision blurred by the blood and sweat that poured into his eyes.
Finally, the nails were driven through his feet and hands. His whole body weight dragged against those small points of pressure as the guards lifted him up and dropped the base of the cross into a hole in the hill. He hung there for hours; using what strength he had left to strain against his nails so he could lift his chest to breathe, the wood of the cross scraping up and down his body like sandpaper, up and down with every breath until his last.

But no physical pain could match the excruciating duplicity and rejection. One of his disciples handed him over to his death for forty pieces of silver, and all of his friends fled in fear as he was arrested, leaving him utterly alone. Then came the accusations. Though he was innocent, he was accused of dreadful crimes. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Traitor and The Circumstances

On Wednesday this week, Bowe Bergdahl—the traitor who Obama traded for five Taliban commanders—will now be officially charged with desertion. Finally, some justice for those soldiers killed while attempting to rescue a fellow service member who they thought had been involuntarily captured.

In the case of the Taliban Five swap, was Obama being ill-advise or malicious? If either is the case, should not Congress investigate whether he knew Bergdahl was a deserter when he made the repugnant trade? What does it mean for Americans when our president releases known terrorists in exchange for a known deserter? From what I have heard, contrary to what Obama promised, three of the five Taliban involved in the exchange are already trying to get back in the terror game or enterprise, if you will. Likewise, was it not Susan Rice who stated that Bergdahl served "with honor and distinction?" Was this just a small falsehood or a tall tale? Or does she consider abandonment of one’s post to be an admirable act? Does the reader of this post remember how indignant the left was about Chris Kyle, and how silent they are now about Bergdahl? Surely, I am not the only one to take note of the silence.

When Ted Cruz announced his presidential candidacy at Liberty University, he set off a liberal conflagration for voicing his belief that our rights come from God. But is it not entirely consistent with the longstanding American tradition? When Thomas Jefferson sat down to write where our rights come from, he could only think of one source—the Creator!

Here is hoping I am wrong with this next view. I am of the opinion that President Obama might just pardon Bergdahl prior to leaving office in 2016. If he were to do such, it would be a travesty of justice to those patriots who served honorably while in harm’s way.

Monday, March 23, 2015

God's Own Defeats the Devil's Minions

The “devil in the details” was on center stage this past Tuesday. Imagine the solemnity or should I say, the gnashing of teeth in the White House, when Benjamin Netanyahu overcame the polls, the mainstream media, his opponent, European socialists, and Obama in the just completed Israeli election. I wonder if the Iranian Supreme Leader and Obama will be commiserating over skype, consoling each other. Would Netanyahu have won if not for Obama and the left street media? This we may never know. But the meddling or interloping by Obama’s cohorts and foreign leftists appears to have pushed more Israelis into Benjamin’s camp. Then again, are we not talking about God’s chosen people? Does God not take care of His own? He does and always has and always will. This being the case, Netanyahu’s re-election was likely predetermined by Jehovah God. This particular thought must grate the media, peeve Obama, chafe the left and exasperate Iranian leadership.

Putting theology aside, why would Israel not re-elect their leader? Had he not made three missives that resonated with the majority in Israel? The three messages follow: first, “that if Israel wanted him to return to power, they would have to vote for his party”; second, “that he would not allow a Palestinian state to be created despite earlier commitments”; third, that “foreign donors and governments were mobilizing Arab voters, including some who oppose Israel’s existence,” to turn out.

From this blogger’s view the big losers in the just concluded election are the mainstream media who are at a loss of words as to why Netanyahu won; another real loser is President Barack Obama, who undoubtedly hoped for a weak showing by Netanyahu. And, without doubt, the bigger loser is the Iranian regime, who will now face an emboldened Israeli leader who made the case for his re-election on the grounds of strong public opposition to the generous terms of the nuclear deal that Obama is negotiating with Iran. Perhaps Netanyahu’s decisive victory will bolster the Republicans and the few democrats who seek what’s best for America, the mid-east and the world to derail Obama’s “make-a-deal-at-all-costs” approach in dealing with Iran-even though it was precisely what he himself authorized his lieutenants to do to Netanyahu (defeat-him-at-all-costs). 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Government, Economy and America's World Role Part 2

Having discussed America’s present political pathologies and its related economic woes in part 1 of this two part series on government, economics and America’s world role, I will briefly touch on America’s world role now and its eventual consequences if we fail to have a change of direction. Now I ask you, has the world become a safer place by America vacating its leadership role in the world? Only an ideological  fool or one who is totally out of touch with reality would think the world and America are in a more benign state than heretofore. Would it not be nice to have a president who believed in American exceptionalism? With the ideology of our current leadership, a vacuum is being left that is creating chaos and opportunity for America's enemies. Let us not be fooled by the current administration’s “Obama-think” and "Obama-talk" or rhetoric if you prefer. We have enemies and they want to destroy us. By attempting to control the language that an administration uses in designation of an adversary will in no way control an enemy’s actions. To think otherwise is idiocy. To speak otherwise is mere drivel. Winston Churchill once said “you must fight your enemies while you can beat them. If you wait too long, you will be fighting for your survival and your freedom."

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Real Saint Patrick was Remarkable Indeed

St. Patrick of Ireland is one of the world's most popular saints. To be sure, he was neither a leprechaun nor sprite. He may have been a tenor but probably not a Celtic dancer. Did he drink Irish Whiskey or imbibe in strong drink? I am uncertain as to what, if any spirits he consumed. This I am uncertain of;  St. Patrick was born in Britain around 389. As a youth, he was captured by marauders during a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. Ireland at this time was a land of druids and pagans. St. Patrick learned the language and practices of the people who held him. But he turned to God during his captivity and became a devout Christian.

After an extraordinary escape from Ireland around the age of 20, he was called back in a vision from God. He returned to the place of his captivity to spread the gospel. There he spent the remainder of his life, converting all of Ireland to Christianity. 

What is remarkable about this man is not that a holiday is named for him but how he lived his life. He spent his life building churches, living in poverty and enduring much suffering and privations for the sake of Christ. Legend has it that St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity, and it has been associated with him and the Irish ever since.

By his death in A.D. 461, Patrick had founded 300 churches and baptized 120,000 believers – and his followers re-evangelized Europe! We have much to learn from the life of this unassuming, dutiful and passionate man. The story of his devotion to Christ and to preaching the "Good News" should serve as an inspiration to all Christians, everywhere. Saint Patrick was obedient to Christ's calling. Jesus called him to "make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and Holy Spirit."

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Government, Economics and America's World Role Part 1

If you are like me and most other Americans, would you not like to see the size of government reduced by anyone who sits in the Oval Office? Would it not be nice if a president, their administration, and Congress would place top priority on understanding that ‘they work for the people’ not the people work for them? Would it not be nice to have a president that puts constraints on the nation’s financial plan to control the size of government and have a balanced budget and reduce the debt? Think how beneficial it would be if we had a president who understood capitalism and business ventures. Why, one may ask, is it important for a president and his administration to understand how capitalism and business impact economic growth? We have the highest corporate tax rates in the world. And then we criticize companies for doing work overseas, People do not go into business to support the government. People go into business to make money. So, in order to do that, do we not have to create an environment that’s conducive to economic growth? More important, is that being achieved by the present administration? Let us hope it will become a priority for future administrations for the sake of future generations. If I, who admittedly am not an economist, can plainly see the financial implications of a rogue economic policy, why cannot the present administration and Congress not see it?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Who is victimizing Whom

As a person, who is admittedly white, I find it incongruous how self-proclaimed leaders of the black community can make hundreds of thousands and often millions of dollars annually and still claim that black people are victimized in this country. I find it more absurd these same self-proclaimed leaders live in luxury and still claim that race relations are worse now than for those who preceded them. Is it not an appalling and deceptive narrative? Furthermore, I contend it is a result of spiritual blindness. I believe that America is a country full of opportunity for all. Far too many blacks have fallen for the deception and indoctrination of race baiters and hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Is there validity to the myth that white privilege puts all non-whites at a disadvantage? I think not. The myth of white privilege has been perpetuated by progressive liberals and race hustlers, which maintain that all opportunity and achievement in life comes solely from the color of one’s skin.  If that were the case, would it not be unreasonable to believe that children of black wealth, our black president, or our black Attorney General are, automatically, in a worse position than the children born in white projects or poor rural areas? The facts are that progressive liberals ignore facts, truth, logic, and the law when defending their narratives. Have you not noted the double standard of how Tea Party rallies were called “extreme” by the liberal media, yet the protests, riots, and looting that have occurred recently across the country are embraced and justified by that same main stream media? If you have not then you are either ill-informed or you are part of the problem.

Have you not noticed how selective outrage is manufactured and fomented in these protests, and how there are three distinct classes of victims that result from this? How about the police as victims, as they risk their lives on the front lines every day to try to keep us safe. What of the black youth, who have been sold a false bill of goods by their self-proclaimed leaders. And then there is the law-abiding citizens who are victims of inner city turmoil. From my perspective and I acknowledge white  conservative viewpoint, the secular liberal policies that have been imposed over the past several decades on black communities have been void of positive results and thus ruinous to those black citizens who would otherwise have achieved various levels of success.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Inept Leadership Endangers America's Future

Let me ask you a simple question, who is most perilous? Radical Islamic terrorists or the Obama Administration? Time and time again, the Obama Administration has carelessly (or possibly intentionally) leaked classified information to make headlines with absolutely little or no regard for the safety of individuals or families put in harm's way by their leaks. Now I ask you, has Barack Obama and persons associated with his administration not tarnished the office he holds? 
Whether it was by leaking classified information from the Bin Laden raid, or lying to the American people about Benghazi and orchestrating a massive cover-up, his administration is as great a national security threat as our enemies.

Stoking the flames with fuel, it doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to tell you, America is at the top of ISIS, al Qaeda and like minded Islamic terrorists hit lists. They are determined to strike America. The sad fact from what I hear and understand is that America’s military is not capable of fully meeting the threat as it exists today and in the future. Barack Obama is in the process of neutering our military at the same time that all of our adversaries are targeting us. Does this not spell catastrophe for you, for me, and for every single person living America? 

As a retired Army Officer who served with the 82d Airborne Division, 10th Special Forces Group, Army Special Operations Command, among others, I am dismayed of what the Obama Administration and the liberal left is doing to our military. As I have stated in the past, I am just as dismayed that today’s Flag Officers are not standing up to Obama’s budget cuts which effect military readiness.

Inept leadership is destroying America’s readiness to defend itself and its interests. And ignorance is razing our national security. The rise of ISIS in the Middle East was largely ignored until the terrorists had taken over large portions of Iraq and Syria. Then the U.S. response was inadequate. Now ISIS's, al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist organizations continue to threaten escalation of acts of terrorism.

Do you not think it is about time to sound the alarm and demand President Obama, Congress, and the Department of Defense take immediate action to strengthen our military and prevent a terrorist attack on U.S. soil? The most important job of a commander-in-chief is to make sure America is secure. When we elect leaders that ignore or abandon a nation’s national security, or view it as a political game, you get someone like Barack Obama who is without qualifications, negligent, and blatantly dangerous to America's national defense.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Who Really is The Messiah

Some thought, others expressed in written or spoken word, that Obama would be the next messiah. Yet after six years as president, it's clear that not only is Obama not "the next messiah," he is generally regarded as the worst, most deceitful, inept, anti-American president in history. 

The desire for a messiah – a God-anointed religious leader who is sent to save the world and who will lead his people to lasting peace and happiness – is rooted deep in the human soul, and is fundamental not just to Christianity and Judaism, but also to Islam, which has its own bizarre version of an end-times liberator. 

According to some sources, Muslims currently living in the Middle East believe they will see, in their lifetime, the coming of their messiah, whom they call the Mahdi. Many of these same Muslims believe that Jesus will accompany their champion. The Muslim Jesus is expected to tell the entire world that he is “not the son of God, was not crucified and was not resurrected from the dead.” Rather, according to Muslim teachings, Jesus message upon his return will be that he does indeed exist, but that he is a Muslim, and that all the world must convert to Islam. 

It is manifestly evident, as history reveals yet again, man is predisposed to appointing false messiahs in hopes of solving their innermost troubles and directing them to freedom and harmony. But what about the real Messiah? I challenge the reader to seek the answer to the question and I dare say you will be enlightened with what you find. If not, dig deeper. Rest assured, He is coming, be it tomorrow, next year, or the next millennium.