Sunday, March 8, 2015

Inept Leadership Endangers America's Future

Let me ask you a simple question, who is most perilous? Radical Islamic terrorists or the Obama Administration? Time and time again, the Obama Administration has carelessly (or possibly intentionally) leaked classified information to make headlines with absolutely little or no regard for the safety of individuals or families put in harm's way by their leaks. Now I ask you, has Barack Obama and persons associated with his administration not tarnished the office he holds? 
Whether it was by leaking classified information from the Bin Laden raid, or lying to the American people about Benghazi and orchestrating a massive cover-up, his administration is as great a national security threat as our enemies.

Stoking the flames with fuel, it doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to tell you, America is at the top of ISIS, al Qaeda and like minded Islamic terrorists hit lists. They are determined to strike America. The sad fact from what I hear and understand is that America’s military is not capable of fully meeting the threat as it exists today and in the future. Barack Obama is in the process of neutering our military at the same time that all of our adversaries are targeting us. Does this not spell catastrophe for you, for me, and for every single person living America? 

As a retired Army Officer who served with the 82d Airborne Division, 10th Special Forces Group, Army Special Operations Command, among others, I am dismayed of what the Obama Administration and the liberal left is doing to our military. As I have stated in the past, I am just as dismayed that today’s Flag Officers are not standing up to Obama’s budget cuts which effect military readiness.

Inept leadership is destroying America’s readiness to defend itself and its interests. And ignorance is razing our national security. The rise of ISIS in the Middle East was largely ignored until the terrorists had taken over large portions of Iraq and Syria. Then the U.S. response was inadequate. Now ISIS's, al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist organizations continue to threaten escalation of acts of terrorism.

Do you not think it is about time to sound the alarm and demand President Obama, Congress, and the Department of Defense take immediate action to strengthen our military and prevent a terrorist attack on U.S. soil? The most important job of a commander-in-chief is to make sure America is secure. When we elect leaders that ignore or abandon a nation’s national security, or view it as a political game, you get someone like Barack Obama who is without qualifications, negligent, and blatantly dangerous to America's national defense.

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