Monday, March 23, 2015

God's Own Defeats the Devil's Minions

The “devil in the details” was on center stage this past Tuesday. Imagine the solemnity or should I say, the gnashing of teeth in the White House, when Benjamin Netanyahu overcame the polls, the mainstream media, his opponent, European socialists, and Obama in the just completed Israeli election. I wonder if the Iranian Supreme Leader and Obama will be commiserating over skype, consoling each other. Would Netanyahu have won if not for Obama and the left street media? This we may never know. But the meddling or interloping by Obama’s cohorts and foreign leftists appears to have pushed more Israelis into Benjamin’s camp. Then again, are we not talking about God’s chosen people? Does God not take care of His own? He does and always has and always will. This being the case, Netanyahu’s re-election was likely predetermined by Jehovah God. This particular thought must grate the media, peeve Obama, chafe the left and exasperate Iranian leadership.

Putting theology aside, why would Israel not re-elect their leader? Had he not made three missives that resonated with the majority in Israel? The three messages follow: first, “that if Israel wanted him to return to power, they would have to vote for his party”; second, “that he would not allow a Palestinian state to be created despite earlier commitments”; third, that “foreign donors and governments were mobilizing Arab voters, including some who oppose Israel’s existence,” to turn out.

From this blogger’s view the big losers in the just concluded election are the mainstream media who are at a loss of words as to why Netanyahu won; another real loser is President Barack Obama, who undoubtedly hoped for a weak showing by Netanyahu. And, without doubt, the bigger loser is the Iranian regime, who will now face an emboldened Israeli leader who made the case for his re-election on the grounds of strong public opposition to the generous terms of the nuclear deal that Obama is negotiating with Iran. Perhaps Netanyahu’s decisive victory will bolster the Republicans and the few democrats who seek what’s best for America, the mid-east and the world to derail Obama’s “make-a-deal-at-all-costs” approach in dealing with Iran-even though it was precisely what he himself authorized his lieutenants to do to Netanyahu (defeat-him-at-all-costs). 

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