Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Who Really is The Messiah

Some thought, others expressed in written or spoken word, that Obama would be the next messiah. Yet after six years as president, it's clear that not only is Obama not "the next messiah," he is generally regarded as the worst, most deceitful, inept, anti-American president in history. 

The desire for a messiah – a God-anointed religious leader who is sent to save the world and who will lead his people to lasting peace and happiness – is rooted deep in the human soul, and is fundamental not just to Christianity and Judaism, but also to Islam, which has its own bizarre version of an end-times liberator. 

According to some sources, Muslims currently living in the Middle East believe they will see, in their lifetime, the coming of their messiah, whom they call the Mahdi. Many of these same Muslims believe that Jesus will accompany their champion. The Muslim Jesus is expected to tell the entire world that he is “not the son of God, was not crucified and was not resurrected from the dead.” Rather, according to Muslim teachings, Jesus message upon his return will be that he does indeed exist, but that he is a Muslim, and that all the world must convert to Islam. 

It is manifestly evident, as history reveals yet again, man is predisposed to appointing false messiahs in hopes of solving their innermost troubles and directing them to freedom and harmony. But what about the real Messiah? I challenge the reader to seek the answer to the question and I dare say you will be enlightened with what you find. If not, dig deeper. Rest assured, He is coming, be it tomorrow, next year, or the next millennium. 

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