Thursday, March 12, 2015

Who is victimizing Whom

As a person, who is admittedly white, I find it incongruous how self-proclaimed leaders of the black community can make hundreds of thousands and often millions of dollars annually and still claim that black people are victimized in this country. I find it more absurd these same self-proclaimed leaders live in luxury and still claim that race relations are worse now than for those who preceded them. Is it not an appalling and deceptive narrative? Furthermore, I contend it is a result of spiritual blindness. I believe that America is a country full of opportunity for all. Far too many blacks have fallen for the deception and indoctrination of race baiters and hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Is there validity to the myth that white privilege puts all non-whites at a disadvantage? I think not. The myth of white privilege has been perpetuated by progressive liberals and race hustlers, which maintain that all opportunity and achievement in life comes solely from the color of one’s skin.  If that were the case, would it not be unreasonable to believe that children of black wealth, our black president, or our black Attorney General are, automatically, in a worse position than the children born in white projects or poor rural areas? The facts are that progressive liberals ignore facts, truth, logic, and the law when defending their narratives. Have you not noted the double standard of how Tea Party rallies were called “extreme” by the liberal media, yet the protests, riots, and looting that have occurred recently across the country are embraced and justified by that same main stream media? If you have not then you are either ill-informed or you are part of the problem.

Have you not noticed how selective outrage is manufactured and fomented in these protests, and how there are three distinct classes of victims that result from this? How about the police as victims, as they risk their lives on the front lines every day to try to keep us safe. What of the black youth, who have been sold a false bill of goods by their self-proclaimed leaders. And then there is the law-abiding citizens who are victims of inner city turmoil. From my perspective and I acknowledge white  conservative viewpoint, the secular liberal policies that have been imposed over the past several decades on black communities have been void of positive results and thus ruinous to those black citizens who would otherwise have achieved various levels of success.

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