Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Congress has "Scrooged" America this Christmas

Last weeks $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, handed the Obama administration the gift it was looking for one week prior to Christmas. The Republican House Speaker who negotiated the bill with Rep. Nancy Pelosi should be censored, as should those who voted in favor of the measure. The negative impact on the American people will be felt for generations to come. Last week I wrote a blog post condemning the bill. Following further study and revelations made public, I elected to summarize the main points of the measure in not 2000 pages but 2 sentences. The summation follows: The mentioned bill provides full funding for Obama’s executive actions shielding 5 million illegal aliens from deportation, supports his refugee resettlement program, Planned Parenthood, Obamacare, sanctuary cities and the United Nations climate-change agenda. It also allows for up to a quadrupling of low-skilled foreign “guest workers” to enter the country every year and work in non-farm blue-collar jobs.

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