Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Should Believers Deal in Reality

They’re marked for extermination in the Middle East. They’re banned from practicing their faith in many nations around the world. They’ve been subjected to violence, intimidation and hatred from the very beginnings of the faith until the present day. Christians are no strangers to persecution. But such treatment largely hasn’t erupted in the United States of America. Until now. American Christians need to prepare for persecution. One could reasonably argue that Christians are increasingly becoming targets for both political harassment and outright violence. This being the case, should we not as believers prepare ourselves for sinister times that await?
There are disturbing trends I believe that tend to lend credence to my supposition that American Christians will in all probability face real domestic threats from radical movements and our own government. Are we not in the middle of a fairly substantial Islamic incursion? How about those organizations and individuals with radical agendas, are they not a menace? Because of these type movements political and cultural opposition to Christianity is likely to intensify in coming years.

Undoubtedly, individual believers may find their businesses targeted for destruction by politically motivated activists and secular humanists. However, political persecution may be the least of Christians' concerns. I believe that in the future Christians could very well be specifically targeted for violence. Let us not forget the recent shootings (executions) of those Christians in both Charleston, SC and Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Was not the anti-Christian motive of the attacks largely ignored by what many see as a liberal left media eager to shift the blame to firearms or worse yet racism? What if the victims had been adherents to a different faith, do you suppose it would have been a much bigger story and the motivation would have been beyond what was discussed and debated? The hypocrisy of this seems to know no boundaries. And of course we know what the Left is going to say. The hypocrisies that will come forward, it's on display right now before the eyes of the world.

Indeed, it is this writer’s belief that the Obama administration consciously ignored the way Christians were targeted. There appears to be little concern by the current administration for the victims, the deepest concern is for the agenda, and the Obama administration's agenda, was to attack the Second Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens. Was it not politicized out of Obama's mouth within hours of the tragic events?

The situation is especially dire, because of an increasing terrorist threat against churches and Christians in particular. Though currently unsubstantiated, I have read and heard that we have a number of ISIS cells in America. I have little reason to believe otherwise, that radical Islamic terrorist are present within our borders. Thus, Christians are right to fear direct persecution, or, in some cases, death. Based on happenings of the last several years, I am of the mindset, political persecution and violent attacks are simply part of a larger, united effort to undermine Christianity and attack believers. Christian America, is progressively understanding that there is an increase in the targeting of Christians and it's a part of this long process of degradation. You ridicule and satirize them first, and then you get to the point where eventually it's banned.

Does not one find this climate surrounding attacks on Christian’s contemptible and confirmation of America's spiritual and cultural decline? I think there was a time in America not too many decades ago when government officials, federal agencies, even media would have addressed that specifically and would have declared it an outrage. Such silence is especially outrageous and frankly an affront to those of us who cherish freedom as constituted in our Founding Documents. Lest we forget, we would not have experienced religious freedom were it not for the country's Judeo-Christian heritage. As Christians, we can take solace in the church's long experience with persecution and look to history for lessons to apply today. Take but a glance at history’s chronicles of Church persecutions and one is able to realize what is imminent and approaching. One need look no further than the early church and see what they dealt with and deal with the biblical principles that transports us to these present days.

Admittedly, many Christians, to include myself may be unnerved with the idea of preparing to defend themselves against persecution. If recent international and domestic events are any indication, we as Christians are being besieged. Do you get it? Do you understand what is said in this commentary? We may very well be subjected to violence, intimidation and hatred in the future. Given everything that's happening, I think it would be incumbent upon Christians to prepare for an eventuality that I pray never happens. I think it makes biblical sense, I think it makes common sense, I think it makes logical sense. The secular Left loathes it and would exclaim, that by taking the mentioned preparations or precautions, we as believers are reacting to something with disproportionate action or excessive emotion. But, should we not deal in reality? Think about it!

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