Monday, December 7, 2015

Fearlessness and Courage Trumps Evil

Should America accept in open arms Syrian refugees on "humanitarian grounds"? Is that not a fair question considering what just took place in California? The United States of America is without doubt the most caring and giving nation on earth. But there comes a point in time when one has to say, No! Nein! Het!  And this is the time to say stop. One may ask, why halt the mass resettlement of Syrians now? Because in the midst of these people, if they're allowed to resettle here, some are going to kill us. Not all of them, but the radical Islamists among them will take pleasure in doing so.

And the same thing with Barack Obama, the only reason Obama has been able to get away with doing all the undertakings he's implemented is that no one has said 'no' to him. The GOP has been afraid to say it for fear of being called racists or xenophobes. It's the same reason that too few white people are standing up to the Black Lives Matter horde or rabble. 

Is not the situation getting dire? Is there hope Americans will finally find the courage to stand up to both the president and the racially charged activists. Are you not like me, an American patriot who really cares what happens to this nation that owes its very existence to Jehovah-God? Do you not realize whatever happens to our Republic happens to all of us? I have little doubt that if we do not say ‘no’ to the president, if we do not say ‘no’ to Black Lives Matter and all these other radical groups that are seeking America’s destruction, it's going to only get more acute. 

However, as upright, nice, and wise as we may be, we as a whole must possess one other trait that makes us different than those who refuse to say ‘no.’ There are many admirable traits that a good person may possess – integrity, sense of justice, dependability, kindness, among others – but there is one trait that very few good people have. That trait is courage, both moral and physical.

One of the great tragedies of the human condition is that all the goodness that people have in their hearts and express outwardly adds up to very little without courage. There were undoubtedly many good Germans. The reason the Nazis prevailed was that few had courage. The same holds true whenever evil takes over a society. It is rarely an absence of decent people that enables the triumph of evil. It is that few of those virtuous people have courage.

And here is where we must stand and hold the standard high. We must be fearless. Or to be more accurate, we must not allow fear to govern our conduct or discourse. I have no idea whether those who read this post have fears. I only know that fear plays little or no role in an American patriot’s work. He or she answers to God and their conscience.

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