Friday, March 25, 2016

A Celebratory Weekend Indeed

Beginning today, this Friday, as American families draw together in worship, we join with millions of others around the world also celebrating the traditions of their denominational and religious faiths. During these days, at least, regardless of nationality, religion, or ethnicity, we are united by faith in God, and the barriers between us seem less significant.
Observing the rites of Passover and Easter, we are linked in time to the origins of our values and to the yet to be born generations who will celebrate them long after we are departed. As Paul explained in his Epistle to the Ephesians, “He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. So then you were no longer strangers and aliens, but were fellow citizens of God’s household.”
This is the time of hope and peace when spirits are filled and lifted. It’s a time when we give thanks for our blessings—chief among them, freedom, amity, and the promise of eternal life.
This week Jewish families and friends have been celebrating Passover, rich in symbolism and meaning. Its observance reminds us all that struggle for freedom and the battle against oppression waged by Jews since ancient times is one shared by people everywhere. And Christians have been commemorating the last momentous days leading to the crucifixion of Jesus 1952 years ago. Tomorrow as morning spreads around the planet, we’ll celebrate the triumph over death, he Resurrection of Jesus. Both observances tell of sacrifice and pain. But also hope and victory.
Take a look at the world around us. Do we still find human pain and suffering? Certainly we do. But we also see it answered with individual courage and faith.
The generation of Americans now growing up in schools across our country can make sure the United States will remain a force for good, the champion of peace and freedom, as their parents and grandparents before them have done. And if we live our lives and dedicate our nation to truth, to love, and to God, we will be a part of something much more enduring than any negative or satanic power here on earth. That is why this Easter weekend is a celebration and why there is hope for us all. Christ in us, the hope of Glory.

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