Monday, March 14, 2016

Conservatives, Trump is not the Adversary

Many of my friends, to include Facebook friends are opposed to Trump’s presidential candidacy. Their arguments are sound, and don’t look to me to argue that they should vote for a former Demo-donating, ill-mannered fabricator with CCD (Consistency Deficit Disorder) other than to say I will if he’s the nominee because he’s better than the malevolent progressives from the evil Democratic empire. But his National Socialist rhetoric must be toned down. If you really think a substantial portion of the conservative-leaning segment of the American people are active fascists, then you might as well take your ball and go home—Game over. And I refuse to lower myself to despondency when a guy wearing a ball cap who probably got shot at in Fallujah or Afghanistan thumps some semi-illiterate reprobate skulk who wittingly crashes a Trump rally to set fire to Old Glory.
Let’s be clear, conservatives: During this race, Trump supporters are our rivals. But always and forever, the leftist lowlifes of, BLM, MoveOn and their leaders like Bill Ayers, and George Soros are our adversaries, and if it’s a choice between the two I’ll side with the team that at least is not repulsed by conservativism, American exceptionalism and the “American Dream.” No prevarication. No reluctance. No qualms.
This nonsense in Chicago was a preview; to the extent Rubio, Cruz and Kasich hinted that somehow Trump himself was even partially responsible for an organized mass of leftist goons shutting down his speech they were at a minimum wrong and possibly strategically confused in thinking they can ride the progressive tiger for a bit until it eats Trump. If the left wants to rumble in the jungle, then we need to say “Let’s go,” not “Use your words.”

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