Monday, March 21, 2016

The Voters, Remember Them

To the extent it's still standing after “Super Tuesday”, and the latest primaries, the Stop Trump movement is comforting itself with the world's biggest lie: that John Kasich (or Mitt Romney) is the embodiment of the Republican Party, while Donald Trump is the bastard stepchild. I contend it is precisely the contrary.
It is no longer a question of what the party wants. The voters -- remember them? -- keep showering Trump and Cruz with favorable percentages. The combined vote for Trump and Cruz is a ringing chorus of what this party wants: a wall, deportation, less immigration, a strong military and no job-killing trade deals. In other words, what the party wants is the diametric opposite of what the benefactor and consultant class wants. One would have to search the history books to find a party establishment so categorically overruled by the voters as today's Republican Party has been.
Trump and Cruz don't agree on everything -- Cruz is more interventionist on foreign policy, and Trump is more aggressive on bringing manufacturing home. But there's not much daylight between them on the crucial issue of whether to dissolve America's borders. By now, they both say build a wall, reduce immigration and protect American jobs. More appropriately, Trump and Cruz have totally rejected the establishment position on immigration. God forbid the party respond to its core constituencies!
Only Ted Cruz was smart enough -- or disliked the Republican establishment enough -- to adopt Trump's pro-American immigration policies. Now the only question for voters is, which one is more electable: an articulate son of a preacher man, or a brash alpha male billionaire?
They've crushed the rest of the field -- winning large majorities of Hispanics along the way, incidentally. Between them, Trump and Cruz have won 77 percent of the delegates (1,067). The donor-approved, mass immigration advocates, John Kasich and the now departed Marco Rubio, have 23 percent (313). You doubt the figures? You do the math.
Gov. John Kasich is awful on immigration and is so unexciting. Think hard, can you remember anything he says? Did Kasich not say, he opposes deporting illegal aliens because that's not "the kind of values that we believe in?" OK! I do remember him saying that. I also remember him saying that illegals are "made in the image of the Lord," which would require America to admit everyone in the world -- provided they can pass the thorough background check of being human.
For those of us who support either Cruz or Trump the last laugh is not on us. It is on the establishment. Did not the establishment want our votes? But then, did the establishment not ignore us? They lied to us about opposing amnesty while repeatedly conspiring to pass it. Now we're going into the presidential election with 80 percent resounding will of the people against immigration. I'm not sure someone who is more preacher than president is the most electable expression of that will, but whether Trump or Cruz, make no mistake about what the will is.

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