Monday, March 7, 2016

It Comes Down to Power

Did you watch last week’s Republican “debate” (and I use the term loosely)? Did you hear the responses from the candidates for the highest office in the land? Were these men not supposed to be debating plans for the future of America? I must confess I was somewhat dismayed by the discourteous interruptions, smart ass retorts (pardon the phrase) and accusations and even offensive references. The “debate” left me wondering what on earth I was witnessing and why anyone would spend time in front of a television watching this circus. It was indeed an egregious display. As I reflected on it, I was reminded why the “debate” was, as it was. It comes down to power both the usurpation of and abdication of same.
The current set of problems in America exists primarily from the usurpation of power at the national level because of the abdication of personal responsibility at the local level. We are experiencing massive changes within our society and the societal traditions or mores on which the American republic rests. The substantial changes have transpired because we (the public) have allowed it. This being the case, and I assert it is, we must learn what that means, how to survive it and that traditional values can still be taught in an unfriendly and anti-morality society. A free society without moral ground work cannot continue to survive, but will, in fact, as with any structure that lacks foundational support, implode. Take a walk down history's memory lane and see  how ancient Greece or Rome fared?

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