Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Sad State of Affairs

Where is the news media who claims that they will challenge anyone who stands against press freedoms?  So, where’s the media in defense of Daleiden and Merritt who exposed California’s Planned Parenthood for selling baby body parts? In 2015, Daleiden and Merritt released video showing high-ranking Planned Parenthood members joking about selling baby body parts for market rates and picking through baby body parts to demonstrate which sorts of body parts were available for sale for medical research, as well as talking about the best methods of abortion for procuring those baby body parts. More mindboggling is that California is prosecuting them for deception instead of rewarding them for exposing infanticide. Is this not a travesty of justice. My thoughts: Only in California do the unborn, legal citizens, taxpayers, homicide victims and their loved ones take back seats to abortionists, illegal aliens, non-taxpayers, murderers, and social deviants.  To my friends in California, you have my sympathy and prayers. Sad state of affairs in a sad State.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Immigration; Rule of Law Governs

I can see it now; liberals clutching their rosary beads when Department of Homeland Security Secretary said he was "considering" a plan to separate illegal alien children from their illegal alien parents if they're caught crossing the border. The idea of taking children away from their parents who recklessly risk their lives and subvert our laws was too much for the professional liberal outrage class, to include their surrogate media, which set out to create a domino effect of Rosary clutching across America at the prospect.  To put it simply, the DHS Secretary was succinct and to the point in his assessment: "Illegal entry has got to stop, regardless of circumstances." Like General Kelly, most Americans, myself included do not wish illegals harm. We just do not desire illegals entering this nation illegally, and I sure as hell don't want them to be rewarded with tax payers subsidies. If apprehended they should be sent back from where they came from as quickly as we can find a suitable mode of transportation bound for their homeland. 

I have empathy for people fleeing corrupt and pathetic nations/regimes to come to America, but to allow individual reason to be prevailed is simply not sound. America is a compassionate nation with a big swinging gate. If one chooses to climb over the fence those same persons should be sent home packing. Since that’s not how our system currently works, rather than (Obama’s) “catch and release,” people caught entering illegally should be detained until they can be sent home. And as a possible deterrent they should lose their children during that process.

If that doesn’t deter people from risking their lives and the lives of their children, so be it. If they choose, they can pay the thousands of dollars to do it all over again, complete with another one-way flight back home when they get caught. I know the main street media wants me and others like me to care, to feel emotions that override logic and condemn this inhumane treatment. But it’s not going to happen. Emotion should not set policy; the rule of law matters. I can’t be the only one who thinks so.

Yes, some legal immigrants have founded companies and employ people, others have distinguished themselves while in the service of our nation. Like my Grandparents, they also arrived here legally and assimilated. Note, the word assimilated.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What Ignorant Fools These People Are

I’m writing this while disgusted at the lies and misinformation on the news, and as I have previously learned, it is probably not a good idea to put anything in writing while disgusted. But then when has that stopped me before? Hopefully I am wrong but by all appearances, Democrats both elected and with media credentials, are in the middle of an attempted annexation of the government right now. They are not taking up arms themselves; By their misguided actions they’re inspiring aimless, ignorant malcontent dregs to do their bidding. And there is no sign of them stopping until someone gets hurt or worse.

Everything changed when DJT took office. Alleged journalists put away their laptops and took out the long knives, sharpening them for their fellow Americans who simply exist wrong, in their estimation. The American people, the masses of humanity who enable these elites to live lives of leisure and sumptuousness crossed a line. They rejected the last eight years of what the left considers a resurgence for the enlightened and elected a man they consider a clown.

With “What ignorant fools these people are” trickling from the gradation of their every word, they garbed their souls in their best brown shirts and set about to destroy this “mistake” before it took root. Since the election, Democrats and journalists alike (redundant?) have been slipping further and further into “Trump is Hitler” themes. Some have outright said it. They toss around words and phrases such as “fascist, racist” and “anti-American” as if they were daisy petals trying to determine true love. These Gestapo aspirants employ tactics that would make Goebbels go red in the face to manipulate those who still trust them.

Let us hope these interlopers and their surrogates realize “biting one’s nose to spite their face” is foolhardy at best. If not opposed by the conservative right, they may still pull it off.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Progressive Left's Postscript of A Failed Election

By their actions, the progressive left are doing whatever they can to subvert President Trump.  Why, one may wonder. Simply put, their far left ideologue presidential candidates  were defeated by a pro-America first electorate. The democratic party still cannot put their heads around that fact. Are we kidding here? The Democratic Party nominated the worst and most vulnerable candidate in U.S. history who, after losing, blamed the head of the FBI, who declined to recommend that she be indicted, as the reason for her loss. Regardless of Mr. Trump's many vulnerabilities, Mrs. Clinton was an awful candidate and the post-election meltdown of the Democratic Party is demonstrating the wisdom of the voters.

I voted for Mr. Trump not Mrs. Clinton. To date, I like what I see from Mr. Trump and I find the Democratic reaction to Mr. Trump reason enough to cast the appropriate ballot. Excluding voters who thought the wall with Mexico or an indictment of Mrs. Clinton were the touchstones of their vote for Mr. Trump, the number of Trump voters who are happy to date must be nearly one hundred percent.

It is more than apparent that many Democratic and Republican voters who held their nose and voted for Mrs. Clinton must be having voter remorse. Voters do not want a continuous negative approach to the president of the United States. Voters do not want a senator who has never managed more than a group of sycophantic staffers attacking an experienced businessman who is putting together a team of thousands to oversee the government. The man has hardly taken more than a day off since his election, is working 14 hours a day, and has a bit of experience in putting together effective management teams. Voters do not want far left college professors and administrators sniffling about voter decisions and influencing their college age citizens to act like grade school children.