Monday, November 7, 2022

One Day to Restoration or Ruination

Misrepresentations, deceptions, falsehoods, lies, even parodies aren’t the only way Biden is gaslighting. He actually said, “The American people are seeing the benefits of this economy that works for them” Biden also stated, “Families have more net worth today than they did before the pandemic.” You have got to be kidding me. Some of the statements made by Joseph Robinette Jr. make me wonder if he is taking some of Hunter Biden’s stash prior to addressing an audience. To add insult to injury, inflation is a result of his and his administration’s fiscal incompetence, if not ineptitude then what? Do you suppose there are nefarious motives for our nation’s fiscal plight? Did I mention that “inflation” is caused by Joe Biden’s profligate and reckless policies? Do you know Biden’s economic strategies have reduced the true value of Americans net worth because everything we buy costs multiple times more than it did before he took office. Biden contends, “the price of inflation is down,” and “Real incomes are up.” Wrong! I believe he is being economical with the truth. Beter stated he prevaricates.  

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Aside from lying about his party’s weakest and most endangering issue, the economy, Biden can’t even tell the truth about basic autobiographical material. You’ve heard his meritless boasts about his IQ, his plagiarism, or how he did this or that thing that he did not, in fact, do. Possibly, Joe, through no fault of his own, doesn’t know what he is doing at any given time. Case in point. Biden Gives Fetterman eyebrow-raising endorsement. Can you believe America’s barely coherent president calls John Fetterman ‘Incredibly Bright.’ You have got to be kidding me. If you need Joe Biden to defend your intelligence and ability, you really are in trouble. Biden, through White House press secretary Jean-Pierre, claimed that Fetterman was “impressive, incredibly bright and talented.” Now I ask you, the reader, what does Joe know about any of that?

Essentially, the story here is that you can’t trust a word that comes out of Joe Biden’s mouth. If anyone has ears to hear let him or her hear... there is nothing hidden that has not been disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light. Vote not for the liberal insanity that constantly spews from the lips of entertainment’s, Big Tech moguls, Fake News media’s self-serving crème de la crème and their self-righteous posturing about social justice, their environs or mise-en-scène is teeming with permanently damaged progenies, overindulged offspring, and liberal degenerates.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Two Days to Restoration or Ruination

I just want to understand. Democrats claim election-denying is disqualifying for office. Despite this belief, Democrats spent upwards of forty-six million dollars, ensuring such candidates won Republican nominations for office. For the past year, Democrats and their allies in the media have zealously consumed themselves with rage over the events of Jan 6 Lest we forget the congressional Democrats subpoenaed former President Trump as their series finale to the hearings. Could the Democrats have subpoenaed him months prior to the finale? Why did they wait until the end?  I am of the opinion their hearings have always been about the election and not about defending democracy, though they claim otherwise.  

Concurrently, Democrats have embraced abortion as their signature campaign issue. They have fulminated, raved, ranted, raged... across America about Republicans controlling women’s bodies. AG Merrick Garland began publicly rounding up pro-life activists who had protested outside abortion clinics. 15 such activists have been frog-marched from their homes at the muzzle of a gun. All designed to energize Democratic voters. There has been no outrage about the AG running a base mobilization campaign for a political party. The political press, increasingly an arm of the Democratic Party, has encouraged the Left to make abortion an issue. Unfortunately for Democrats, voters cannot fill up their cars with gas. One in five Americans cannot afford all their groceries at checkout. Heating oil is already being rationed in New England. Utility costs are increasing. Inflation remains above eight percent. The Democrats are crowing about all the cool climate change legislation they passed, but voters really want meaningful help paying their bills, keeping their jobs, and keeping their businesses open. “Inflation Biden” says the economy is doing great. Come mid-term election I am of the opinion American voters will sing a different tune, as well they should. Had Democrats tried to address voters’ concerns instead of manufacturing crises through which they could advance their green agenda, perhaps progressive pundits would not now be screaming about the end of democracy. Democrats used to be pretty good at politics. Somehow, they got very bad at meeting voters at the voters’ level and addressing their concerns.

Now, if voters think crime is a problem, they are either racist or watching too much Fox News. If voters think the economy is not doing well, they really are not paying attention to just how good they have it. If voters cannot afford gas for their car, they just need to “drive in sunshine,” as the Secretary of Energy pompously proclaimed. If voters care about their daughters not competing for athletic scholarships with biological boys, they are just bigots. Insults, screams and bullying are what the Democrats offer voters who’ve been robbed, ransomed, and ruined in Biden’s economy. It is my contention that the handwriting is on the wall. Two years of wrecking the economy while insulting the voters’ intellect who were more concerned with making ends meet than election deniers, green agenda, abortion... was not the way to win the hearts and minds of everyday America. Politics 101 is pretty straightforward: Talk about the issues voters care about. Democrats chose to talk about the issues they care about and funded the very election deniers they claim are a threat to democracy. Voters, naturally, decided Democrats are not serious about “We the People.” Democrat leadership as a whole are either incapable or unwilling to address serious needs in serious times. That is why the GOP will do well on Nov. 8, 2022.


Saturday, November 5, 2022

For The Love of All That is Holy

Yet another horrendous biannual time change is upon us. For the love of all that is holy, make it stop. Most of America is about to endure yet another inconveniencing and pestiferous time change as we fall back an hourIf you don’t want to stay on Daylight Saving Time all year, you’re probably a Left-lining off the hedge’s Democrat. Because everyone hates each year’s two-time changes, but no one seems to agree on which time to stay on. Standard Time may be in effect for only four months a year, but that’s because progressives ruin everything and take more than their share of the year for Daylight Time. Adding daylight is a left-wing lie; daylight can only be redistributed. If we conserve anything at all, if we love anything about this country, it should be something called Standard Time. Does not Daylight Time mess with our circadian rhythms, sleep-wake cycles, and overall health? Essentially, it’s wrecking our body and mind. Think of the children! If Daylight Time was extended all year, children wouldn’t just walk to school in the dark; they might eat lunch and have recess in the pitch black of night. How can our children possibly recover from the pandemic education debacle under such conditions?

Finally, the tongue and cheek trump card: Standard Time was created by God Himself in Genesis 1. “Let there be light,” God said, but only during standard hours. Then came Satan in Genesis 3, asking Eve, “Did God really say” the clock is standard? When she moved the hands of the clock forward an hour, all of humanity fell into sin. Now stolen daylight is irrationally extended into the evening hours when only the wicked are still awake and sinning. Righteous people clearly want more light in the morning to help with Bible reading. In all seriousness, you’d think reasonable people could agree to stop the madness of changing our clocks twice a year, but there are pretty strong feelings on both sides, and that means we’re likely to be stuck with the status quo. Again, I plead: For the love of all that is holy, make it stop.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Six Days to Restoration or Ruination

Under normal circumstances, we’d feel sorry for the guy. These times though, aren’t normal circumstances. Frail, ineffectual, and clearly deprived of reason, the shell of Joe Biden was recently in Miami, Florida to preach to an ever-shrinking choir. He there to stump on behalf of Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Charlie Crist, formerly both a Republican and IndependentBack to Biden. He actually said to the sparse Miami crowd that Crisp is running against Donald Trump incarnate,” Really! Obviously, Biden is stomping for a democrat candidate who’s poised to get a double-digit ass-kicking at the feet of Governor Ron DeSantis within in six days. Biden also said of DeSantis, “This guy doesn’t fit any of the categories I talked about. The way he deals, the way he denies. … I always say democracy is on the ballot. I really mean it.” And Unity Joe resumed: “The rest of the world is looking at us... It is really important that a state the size of Florida … comes down on the right side of history.” Oh my gosh. That’s going to change a lot of minds. Biden called the flip-flopping, party-switching Crist a man of “integrity and intelligence,” and perhaps he is when measured against the man paying him the compliment. The more things change the more they remain the same Biden’s main Florida front man failed to share some interesting data about the Crisp the candidate. Crisp is plagued by anemic fundraising, a loss of registered voters and a popular governor who’s done everything conventional wisdom says a governor in a swing state shouldn’t do, Florida’s Democrats are going into Nov. 8 pessimistic. Biden, who’s all but ignored the American people’s major concerns this election season. It feels a little too late for Democrats to bring out the big guns, if that’s what you call Biden, whose popularity among the majority of voters is in the outhouse. Just what is Joe Biden doing in Florida or Delaware anyway? As the sitting president and the bully-pulpiteer and the Democrats’ standard-bearer, shouldn’t he be campaigning in an actual swing state, like Arizona or Georgia or Michigan or Pennsylvania... for candidates who in reality have a chance? Actually, no. Biden is virulent. He’s persona non grata in states with tight Senate races, for the reason that even his fellow Democrats know it. But to keep up appearances, his handlers figured he could be safely dispatched to the once-competitive Sunshine State without risking any real damage to Democrat candidates there. The party can read the electoral writing on the wall. Unfortunately, not even the pomp and pageantry that accompanies the American presidency can get an audience full of dernier cri about Joe Biden. In summation: “C’mon people, let’s wake up! We got the President of the United States in the house! C’mon now! Just wanted to make sure you’re still here...

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Seven Days to Restoration or Ruination

How do we know Democrats are about to pay the party-political partisan piper for fueling widespread inflation? For the reason that numerous Left media MSM organizations are banging the drum and bonking the public that it’s essentially the GOP’s failing, and they’ll make it worse if they become the majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate should they win. Biden and his crème de la crème woke minded advisors and illuminati are gaslighting their base and the undecided by pronouncing to all who have ears to hear that the current administration had little or nothing to do with inflation. It’s all the “pandemic and Putin’s fault,” Additionally he contends, Republican plans will further raise prices. Adding fuel to the fire, Inflation Joe’s Democrat predecessor, his apolitical appointees and MSM mouthpiece magpie types contend that the GOP have no plans. What plans they do have would only help the “the rich and big corporations.” Not so fast Joe. The Republican tax cuts benefited every tax bracket and tens of millions of Americans across the economic spectrum. Obamacare pushed up healthcare prices. Price controls put upward pressure on prices in other areas. Subsidizing some college grads at the expense of other people will raise the price of college tuition even further.

Biden’s line about “corporate greed” is ignorance personified. From oil companies to other businesses, he argues that “roughly 40%” of inflation “can be attributed to fatter corporate profit margins.” As for oil companies, per the Wall Street Journal editorial board “Keep in mind that oil majors’ current profits follow steep losses in the pandemic,” the editors write. “As oil prices plunged amid lockdowns, companies, and OPEC nations pared investment and shut-in wells." Demand for oil then bounced back.

Earlier last month, Biden lectured the oil companies, “You should be using these record-breaking profits to increase production and refining.” For all his bloviating in his usual pompous and often incoherent manner about our climate “emergency,” it’s awfully odd to hear him arguing for more oil production from companies he wants to put out of business. And it’s flat-out inexplicable, even somewhat bazar to think that punitive taxes on “windfall profits” will help consumers. Meanwhile, in regard to an impending diesel shortage... and let’s just say it isn’t the Saudi’s or Putin’s or the Republicans fault.

Elsewhere in the media, The Democrat controlled NY Times is perpetually grumbling about GOP strategies. “Few economists on either end of the ideological spectrum expect the party’s proposals to meaningfully reduce inflation in the short term,” moreover, the Times tells its readers, “Instead, many say some of what Republicans are proposing, to include tax cuts for high earners and businesses that could actually make price pressures worse by pumping more money into the economy.”

Let’s translate: Proposals won’t “meaningfully reduce inflation” because “Inflation Biden” will still be president and Republicans won’t be able to really enact an agenda at all until January 2025. It’s not “tax cuts” to avoid raising taxes, instead keeping rates where they currently are. “Pumping more money into the economy” is a strange euphemism or code word for not confiscating money through higher taxes in the first place. And these close minded left leaning MSM partisan jesters wonder why Americans don’t trust the media.

For what it’s worth, here’s some sage advice: In seven days, you the voter have a choice: Believe the Democrats who have steered the economy into its present stagnant state and the lying media lackeys who defend that record against all evidence or try something different by voting for the Republicans who have made a pretty decent commitment to America.