Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Seven Days to Restoration or Ruination

How do we know Democrats are about to pay the party-political partisan piper for fueling widespread inflation? For the reason that numerous Left media MSM organizations are banging the drum and bonking the public that it’s essentially the GOP’s failing, and they’ll make it worse if they become the majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate should they win. Biden and his crème de la crème woke minded advisors and illuminati are gaslighting their base and the undecided by pronouncing to all who have ears to hear that the current administration had little or nothing to do with inflation. It’s all the “pandemic and Putin’s fault,” Additionally he contends, Republican plans will further raise prices. Adding fuel to the fire, Inflation Joe’s Democrat predecessor, his apolitical appointees and MSM mouthpiece magpie types contend that the GOP have no plans. What plans they do have would only help the “the rich and big corporations.” Not so fast Joe. The Republican tax cuts benefited every tax bracket and tens of millions of Americans across the economic spectrum. Obamacare pushed up healthcare prices. Price controls put upward pressure on prices in other areas. Subsidizing some college grads at the expense of other people will raise the price of college tuition even further.

Biden’s line about “corporate greed” is ignorance personified. From oil companies to other businesses, he argues that “roughly 40%” of inflation “can be attributed to fatter corporate profit margins.” As for oil companies, per the Wall Street Journal editorial board “Keep in mind that oil majors’ current profits follow steep losses in the pandemic,” the editors write. “As oil prices plunged amid lockdowns, companies, and OPEC nations pared investment and shut-in wells." Demand for oil then bounced back.

Earlier last month, Biden lectured the oil companies, “You should be using these record-breaking profits to increase production and refining.” For all his bloviating in his usual pompous and often incoherent manner about our climate “emergency,” it’s awfully odd to hear him arguing for more oil production from companies he wants to put out of business. And it’s flat-out inexplicable, even somewhat bazar to think that punitive taxes on “windfall profits” will help consumers. Meanwhile, in regard to an impending diesel shortage... and let’s just say it isn’t the Saudi’s or Putin’s or the Republicans fault.

Elsewhere in the media, The Democrat controlled NY Times is perpetually grumbling about GOP strategies. “Few economists on either end of the ideological spectrum expect the party’s proposals to meaningfully reduce inflation in the short term,” moreover, the Times tells its readers, “Instead, many say some of what Republicans are proposing, to include tax cuts for high earners and businesses that could actually make price pressures worse by pumping more money into the economy.”

Let’s translate: Proposals won’t “meaningfully reduce inflation” because “Inflation Biden” will still be president and Republicans won’t be able to really enact an agenda at all until January 2025. It’s not “tax cuts” to avoid raising taxes, instead keeping rates where they currently are. “Pumping more money into the economy” is a strange euphemism or code word for not confiscating money through higher taxes in the first place. And these close minded left leaning MSM partisan jesters wonder why Americans don’t trust the media.

For what it’s worth, here’s some sage advice: In seven days, you the voter have a choice: Believe the Democrats who have steered the economy into its present stagnant state and the lying media lackeys who defend that record against all evidence or try something different by voting for the Republicans who have made a pretty decent commitment to America.

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