Monday, November 7, 2022

One Day to Restoration or Ruination

Misrepresentations, deceptions, falsehoods, lies, even parodies aren’t the only way Biden is gaslighting. He actually said, “The American people are seeing the benefits of this economy that works for them” Biden also stated, “Families have more net worth today than they did before the pandemic.” You have got to be kidding me. Some of the statements made by Joseph Robinette Jr. make me wonder if he is taking some of Hunter Biden’s stash prior to addressing an audience. To add insult to injury, inflation is a result of his and his administration’s fiscal incompetence, if not ineptitude then what? Do you suppose there are nefarious motives for our nation’s fiscal plight? Did I mention that “inflation” is caused by Joe Biden’s profligate and reckless policies? Do you know Biden’s economic strategies have reduced the true value of Americans net worth because everything we buy costs multiple times more than it did before he took office. Biden contends, “the price of inflation is down,” and “Real incomes are up.” Wrong! I believe he is being economical with the truth. Beter stated he prevaricates.  

I have said it before, and I will say it again. Aside from lying about his party’s weakest and most endangering issue, the economy, Biden can’t even tell the truth about basic autobiographical material. You’ve heard his meritless boasts about his IQ, his plagiarism, or how he did this or that thing that he did not, in fact, do. Possibly, Joe, through no fault of his own, doesn’t know what he is doing at any given time. Case in point. Biden Gives Fetterman eyebrow-raising endorsement. Can you believe America’s barely coherent president calls John Fetterman ‘Incredibly Bright.’ You have got to be kidding me. If you need Joe Biden to defend your intelligence and ability, you really are in trouble. Biden, through White House press secretary Jean-Pierre, claimed that Fetterman was “impressive, incredibly bright and talented.” Now I ask you, the reader, what does Joe know about any of that?

Essentially, the story here is that you can’t trust a word that comes out of Joe Biden’s mouth. If anyone has ears to hear let him or her hear... there is nothing hidden that has not been disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be brought to light. Vote not for the liberal insanity that constantly spews from the lips of entertainment’s, Big Tech moguls, Fake News media’s self-serving crème de la crème and their self-righteous posturing about social justice, their environs or mise-en-scène is teeming with permanently damaged progenies, overindulged offspring, and liberal degenerates.

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