Thursday, November 3, 2022

Six Days to Restoration or Ruination

Under normal circumstances, we’d feel sorry for the guy. These times though, aren’t normal circumstances. Frail, ineffectual, and clearly deprived of reason, the shell of Joe Biden was recently in Miami, Florida to preach to an ever-shrinking choir. He there to stump on behalf of Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Charlie Crist, formerly both a Republican and IndependentBack to Biden. He actually said to the sparse Miami crowd that Crisp is running against Donald Trump incarnate,” Really! Obviously, Biden is stomping for a democrat candidate who’s poised to get a double-digit ass-kicking at the feet of Governor Ron DeSantis within in six days. Biden also said of DeSantis, “This guy doesn’t fit any of the categories I talked about. The way he deals, the way he denies. … I always say democracy is on the ballot. I really mean it.” And Unity Joe resumed: “The rest of the world is looking at us... It is really important that a state the size of Florida … comes down on the right side of history.” Oh my gosh. That’s going to change a lot of minds. Biden called the flip-flopping, party-switching Crist a man of “integrity and intelligence,” and perhaps he is when measured against the man paying him the compliment. The more things change the more they remain the same Biden’s main Florida front man failed to share some interesting data about the Crisp the candidate. Crisp is plagued by anemic fundraising, a loss of registered voters and a popular governor who’s done everything conventional wisdom says a governor in a swing state shouldn’t do, Florida’s Democrats are going into Nov. 8 pessimistic. Biden, who’s all but ignored the American people’s major concerns this election season. It feels a little too late for Democrats to bring out the big guns, if that’s what you call Biden, whose popularity among the majority of voters is in the outhouse. Just what is Joe Biden doing in Florida or Delaware anyway? As the sitting president and the bully-pulpiteer and the Democrats’ standard-bearer, shouldn’t he be campaigning in an actual swing state, like Arizona or Georgia or Michigan or Pennsylvania... for candidates who in reality have a chance? Actually, no. Biden is virulent. He’s persona non grata in states with tight Senate races, for the reason that even his fellow Democrats know it. But to keep up appearances, his handlers figured he could be safely dispatched to the once-competitive Sunshine State without risking any real damage to Democrat candidates there. The party can read the electoral writing on the wall. Unfortunately, not even the pomp and pageantry that accompanies the American presidency can get an audience full of dernier cri about Joe Biden. In summation: “C’mon people, let’s wake up! We got the President of the United States in the house! C’mon now! Just wanted to make sure you’re still here...

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