Sunday, November 6, 2022

Two Days to Restoration or Ruination

I just want to understand. Democrats claim election-denying is disqualifying for office. Despite this belief, Democrats spent upwards of forty-six million dollars, ensuring such candidates won Republican nominations for office. For the past year, Democrats and their allies in the media have zealously consumed themselves with rage over the events of Jan 6 Lest we forget the congressional Democrats subpoenaed former President Trump as their series finale to the hearings. Could the Democrats have subpoenaed him months prior to the finale? Why did they wait until the end?  I am of the opinion their hearings have always been about the election and not about defending democracy, though they claim otherwise.  

Concurrently, Democrats have embraced abortion as their signature campaign issue. They have fulminated, raved, ranted, raged... across America about Republicans controlling women’s bodies. AG Merrick Garland began publicly rounding up pro-life activists who had protested outside abortion clinics. 15 such activists have been frog-marched from their homes at the muzzle of a gun. All designed to energize Democratic voters. There has been no outrage about the AG running a base mobilization campaign for a political party. The political press, increasingly an arm of the Democratic Party, has encouraged the Left to make abortion an issue. Unfortunately for Democrats, voters cannot fill up their cars with gas. One in five Americans cannot afford all their groceries at checkout. Heating oil is already being rationed in New England. Utility costs are increasing. Inflation remains above eight percent. The Democrats are crowing about all the cool climate change legislation they passed, but voters really want meaningful help paying their bills, keeping their jobs, and keeping their businesses open. “Inflation Biden” says the economy is doing great. Come mid-term election I am of the opinion American voters will sing a different tune, as well they should. Had Democrats tried to address voters’ concerns instead of manufacturing crises through which they could advance their green agenda, perhaps progressive pundits would not now be screaming about the end of democracy. Democrats used to be pretty good at politics. Somehow, they got very bad at meeting voters at the voters’ level and addressing their concerns.

Now, if voters think crime is a problem, they are either racist or watching too much Fox News. If voters think the economy is not doing well, they really are not paying attention to just how good they have it. If voters cannot afford gas for their car, they just need to “drive in sunshine,” as the Secretary of Energy pompously proclaimed. If voters care about their daughters not competing for athletic scholarships with biological boys, they are just bigots. Insults, screams and bullying are what the Democrats offer voters who’ve been robbed, ransomed, and ruined in Biden’s economy. It is my contention that the handwriting is on the wall. Two years of wrecking the economy while insulting the voters’ intellect who were more concerned with making ends meet than election deniers, green agenda, abortion... was not the way to win the hearts and minds of everyday America. Politics 101 is pretty straightforward: Talk about the issues voters care about. Democrats chose to talk about the issues they care about and funded the very election deniers they claim are a threat to democracy. Voters, naturally, decided Democrats are not serious about “We the People.” Democrat leadership as a whole are either incapable or unwilling to address serious needs in serious times. That is why the GOP will do well on Nov. 8, 2022.


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