Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The King has Spoken, The Promise is Broken

The King has spoken. A gift he has given to all people's living in his kingdom. What is that gift that all persons residing in America are going to get, like it or not, citizen or not? Let's get this straight...We are now "gifted" with a health care program we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't. Purportedly, it covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor. But, provides for "16,000 new IRS agents." It was written by a committee whose chairman said he did not understand it. It was passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it and signed by His Majesty himself. Imagine, a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare is now showering us with yet another gift.  Is there a catch? Does it involve a bar of soap? The answer to the last two questions are literally "yes" and figuratively "yes." Yes, it must be paid for and yes the American public is being screwed. Think about it; health care being managed and financed by a country that's broke! What else could go wrong?

Hopefully, I will shed some light on a health care program that in itself illuminates little of the dark it was written in. You ask why would I choose to address this contentious and confusing issue? I actually asked myself the same thing. Could I, as a concerned citizen glean enough information about Obamacare to enlighten a few good people. I decided to go where not even our representatives dared go. I scratched the surface of the Patient  Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Let me sum up what I discovered. I learned that a lot of promises were made but few had substance. I am amazed that I along with most Americans simply do not understand what is going on. It has little to do with health care. It's about health insurance. And with Obama mandating a new government health insurance plan, it puts the federal government more in control of our health care decisions. Add that to the spiraling costs, the exodus of practicing physicians and we are faced with a recipe for disaster.

Remember President Obama's promise; "No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period." President Obama was wrong when he said the Affordable Health Care Act would help our economy.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that Obamacare "will cost 800,000 jobs." President Obama stated that if we liked our current health care plan we could keep it. Wrong again. The figures CBO show indicates that "20 million Americans" will be dropped from their employer-provided insurance and placed in the government run exchanges. President Obama said Obamacare would make  health care more affordable. Wrong again. As more and more provisions of Obamacare are implemented, health care premiums continue to rise. President Obama said Obamacare would save money and reduce the deficit. Ah, wrong again. The CBO shows the new health care plan will cost over $1.7 trillion over the next decade. Mr. President, you either misled us or you are sadly misinformed.

The Doctor Patient Medical Association claims that since the passage of ObamaCare that 49% of physicians will stop accepting Medicaid patients; 74% warn they will stop taking Medicare patients or leave Medicare completely; 83% have considered leaving their practices; 65% say rising health care costs are a direct result of government regulations.

In an article written by Nita Ghei I found it interesting that the same government regulations are in fact a regulatory burden on the poor. They will pay more not less. The Affordable Health Care Act "is going to make health care unaffordable to a shockingly large number of poor people." She goes on to say "the burden of regulation falls all too often disproportionately on the relatively poor, especially the working poor-the very people the law was supposed to help. Obamacare, sadly, is merely the latest and most painful hit from the regulatory onslaught of Washington."  I would add that working class middle America is but a step in line behind the poor. Obamacare was long on promises about helping the poor and working class, but it's delivering a regressive tax. The lower one finds themselves on the social economic ladder the higher the price in relation to income earned.

 To my senior friends and readers; Obamacare is a hazard to you and your health. Remember you are in that ever growing line. But in the pantheon of toxic issues none stands taller than overtly acknowledging that elderly Americans are not entitled to every conceivable medical procedure or pharmaceuticals. Most notably, Obama's estimable AFC regrettably includes severe restrictions on any reduction in Medicare services or increase in fees to beneficiaries. This being the case, where is AARP? Are they not the ones who purports to speak for seniors? Why did they support a health care law that is detrimental to senior citizens? Do you think, as some people have acknowledged, it had something to do with windfall profits from Medicare cuts? Did you know that Medicare cuts will give AARP a windfall of "$1 billion" in insurance profits and preserve "$ 1.8 billion" that AARP already generates from its business interests?

To make matters worse and personalize my negativity towards Obamacare, my health care provider up and left her practice to join another medical group who will not be participating in the Obama gift giving program. Are you Mr. President, Mr. Reid and Mrs. Pelosi and Washington in general listening to the majority of the people? I think not. Are you reading the the paper? Are you listening to the news? Hello earth, where are you? Obviously, your out of touch with the citizens you are supposed to serve. The vast majority of Americans say "No Obamacare." Are you and the establishment listening? Do you care? The answer to both questions is probably no.

The kindling grows hot. The fire awaits fuel. The king is Barrack Obama and the gift that keeps on giving is none other than Obamacare. The  kindling is health care regulatory guidance. The fuel is massive debt. It is time to put out the flames before the fire consumes our health,wealth and freedom.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Cards are Marked, the American Dream is dying

Prior to the inauguration of America's "Anointed One", our free-market economy was for the most part the envy of the world. Ask yourself; if America was the envy of the world, why is it no longer so? Why change what has worked for the past 237 plus years? Why is America's "left" challenging a system that for the most part functions well . Why are Obama and his economic advisers so keen on controlling our nation's economy and its outcome? Why punish productivity? The answers to these questions may come as a surprise to many of my readers. The answers are simple. The facts,  as I see them, will support my assertions which admittedly are based on history, verifiable economic realities and a bias. I know what your thinking. Bias, me? Yes, its true. I am bias towards a system that made the United States a once great economic giant. I am bias towards a President who is an underachiever at best. At worst Obama is an economic nightmare for America's working class, both past and present.

The economic malaise under Obama is the result of his policies or dictates, if you will. Some of the policies raise constitutional questions. The results of these policies speak for themselves.  Our financial future is bleak. Our children and grand children's futures are darker still. I really don't think the "anointed one" cares who falls on the sword, be it an assembly line worker or a physician. Do you really think he cares? Think no further than the recent death of our Libyan Ambassador and his Special Forces Operators. Ah, let me not digress. This discussion can wait for another day. That day will come.

Back on point; employment sucks, national debt is at critical mass, entitlement programs grow exponentially, higher taxes are more certain than mail delivery, the cost of illegal immigration is alarming, health care prices will be rising as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Now, "for the rest of the story."

For the followers of His Majesty and appointed minions these next few paragraphs will not bode well with the faithful. Did you know that the nation's unemployment rate is higher since Obama took office than it was under either Wild Bill or GWB?  Did you know that Obama's drilling permits languish at less than 30%? Wild Bill approved 52%. GWB more than 70%. Think about that when you are at the gas pump. The National Debt is staggering. Let me throw some numbers out; total debt as we speak is $16.7 trillion dollars and climbing. I will break it down even further. The population of the U.S is 317 Million. That is $52,862.47 per person and rising. The problem is confounded when one realizes that the debt increases by $1.9 billion a day. And we thought the King had a court of economic royalty. How about a Royal" Flush."

Let us get the record straight on what has actually happened following Obama's Ascension to the throne. For the first time in history the United States credit rating was lowered; Federal spending is highest since World War II (and rising); ditto for budget and federal debt (both rising); Employment is less than 50% of population working (lowest since 1983); Long term unemployment is at its highest since 1930's; Home ownership rate is lowest since 1965; Percentage of tax payers paying income tax is lowest in "modern era." ;  $330 billion is spent annually on select programs that benefit non-citizens that are here illegally; Government dependency is the highest in American history. Today's welfare exceeds $700 billion per year; Food Stamps/WIC recipients have increased by 16 million ( and rising) under the reign of Barack Obama.

President Obama often blames the opposition for policy failures (Not unlike Assad blaming the rebels for his misfortunes). The ever decreasing number of American tax payers are being forced to contribute more dollars to pay for costly government assistance programs. Welfare, food stamps/WIC, health care, problems associated with illegal immigration and myriad of other compulsory programs are hamstringing the taxpayers.

President Obama's report card on economics is cause for alarm. He is not going to abdicate the throne. Some how, some way, we must convince our elected officials that Obama and his fiscal and socialist policies are bankrupting the "peoples" treasury. If the trend continues unabated the king and his kingdom (our country) will suffer a great fall and neither Pelosi, Reid, nor the rest of his lieutenants will be able to put him (and possibly America) back together again. Unfortunately, Obama is not a character in a fairy tale. He is in fact, more representative of a fiend in a bad dream. In dollars and cents, he along with the support of his followers are wining and dining with our money.

Wake-up America. Why not a balanced budget? Why not a deficit reduction plan? Why not support the Keystone Pipeline construction project? Why support a health care plan that is yet another burden on the backs of middle class America? Why not enforce longstanding immigration laws? Why the increases on Federal Income Tax rates, Income/Payroll Taxes, Capitol Gains Tax, Dividend Tax, Death Tax, Internet Tax (proposed),  And the list goes on...

We have identified the problem; Obama and his merry band of thieves. We are now educated on Obama economics; punish productivity, reward slackers. Now, is the time to energize ourselves and infuse fiscal restraint back into Washington. If our representatives fail to listen to our voices replace them. To do otherwise is to subjugate oneself to future social and economic tyranny. Wake-up America before the nightmare, in fact, becomes reality.

Monday, September 16, 2013

All Aboard The Red Line Express

What started off as a bad few weeks for the Obama Administration has gradually gone down hill. Its like the little train that couldn't. To begin with, public support for Obama's Health Care Program continues to plummet (below 40%).  It makes you wonder if those persons who still support such a fiscal train wreck have pre-purchased tickets or were promised special perks to ride it. Oh, and then there is the matter of the AFL-CIO and their floundering support of Obama Care. Yes, you heard me right. The nation's largest federation of trade unions have serious reservations about the program. The AFL-CIO passed a resolution this past week criticizing Obama Care. Trumka now sees the devil in the details. One can only wonder why Trumka sees the error of his ways yet the majority of our Senators remain blind to the fiscal calamity Obama Care brings with it. Employees costs go up. Employers costs go up. Ultimately, many workers are abandoned.  I suggest the unions get off at the next stop. Adding insult to injury, the house voted September 12 to pass the "No Subsidies without Verification Act." This particular action was in response to the IRS plan to allow the use of "The Honor System" in reporting personal eligibility for subsidies under Obama Care. The vote was 253-147. It makes one wonder if these 147 who voted against the measure are possessed or simply like train rides to destinations unknown. And, the train ride continues.

September 11th brought with it memories of things past, but not forgotten by the public. Current Administration and the State Department employees and appointees (both present and past) could only hope American memories were short. I am not speaking of the Twin Towers. I speak of the "Benghazi Consulate" or as the State Department now prefers the "Benghazi Mission." Regardless of the nomenclature one chooses to use, the actions of a few of America's leaders were reprehensible. I question their leadership qualities. Why was the consulate or mission denied additional security as requested by Ambassador Stevens? Who ultimately denied the request? As I understand it the assassination of the Ambassador itself amounts to an act of war according to international law. If the perpetrators have been identified, and they have, why are they yet to be apprehended or remain among the living? Is there something the current administration is not telling the American public? Did the Benghazi attack of September 11, 2012 have something to do with arms shipments to Syrians rebels? Rumors are that it did. And the train ride continues.

Now, our administration is trying to gender-up public support  for a limited surgical strike on Syria. Do you Mr. President or Mr. Kerry really believe throwing a few tomahawks and bombs at Syria will bring peace to a turbulent Middle East? Mr. President and Mr. Kerry, you do realize there are more than a few fanatical Islamists who hate America and would love to destroy it? Fortunately, for us and not so for the administration, the public has spoken. The House of Representatives appears to have spoken. To make your train ride more uncomfortable Putin has stepped up to the platform and spoken. He has urged caution. Furthermore, Putin makes a valid point when he states that "It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America's long term interests?"  You, Mr. Obama and your talented group of confidants should have been the ones urging caution in Syria. If actions speak louder than words, and I believe they do, then you Mr. President will have to vacate your seat in the Presidential Rail Car. Why vacate the Presidential car? That car is reserved for leaders who feel a call to serve something bigger and more important than themselves. It is apparent that you lack the experience for the position of Chief Executive of the United States. The presidency is much more of a challenge than community organizing. Anyone with half a brain knows the Middle East is a cauldron, always has been, always will be. Democracy and Islam can never co-exist in harmony. I urge all Americans to steer clear of the "Red Line" express. Its ride is costly and fraught with danger, death and destruction. At the controls is the man of style and little substance. Encumbered as it is, the train keeps rolling.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Washington's New Dance of Choice

Washington's dance  of choice is presently Syrian Shuffle by quick stepping Barack Obama. Barack will be accompanied by a select few congressional leaders who will  join the Congo line in aimless abandon.  Syrian Shuffle currently lacks enough popular support to make an appearance on daytime television. This failure comes on the heels of the Libyan Limbo  and the Egyptian Two- Step. All three  share one common theme. Middle Eastern diplomacy is a tune that is unfamiliar to the President and his dance troupe.

I will point out why America should skip the Syrian Shuffle. Our dance partner poses little direct threat to America. This particular dance has more possible scenarios than band members. The post dance venue is likely to escalate into a brawl between superpowers: United States, Russia and China. What a dance that would be. Who do you suppose would win the Mirror Ball? Care to take a guess? I did not think so. There would be no winners.

To be sure, the President can dance around an issue with the best of them. The problem as I see it is simple. The President, his cabinet, aides and advisers have no clue to what makes Arabs, much less Islamic nation's people click. He and his advisers simply do not understand the Muslim mindset as it pertains to all Islamic countries. We as a sovereign nation and they as our elected leaders must see Islam for what it is. Contrary to popular belief, Islam does not encourage a respect for the dignity of all individuals. Islamic law (Sharia) teaches that non-Muslims should be subjugated or killed in this world. Did you know that?

Did you know that peace and prosperity for one's offspring is not as important as assuring that Islamic law rules everywhere in the Middle East and eventually the world? While Western nations tend to think that all religions live by a golden rule standard, Sharia teaches two systems of ethics- one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. Sharia encourages the side of humanity that wants to take from and enslave others. Did you think Islamists thought in terms of developing a personal understanding of and relationship with God?  Sharia actually advocates executing people who criticize Islam. To be sure, there are some Muslims who are peaceful..but they have an army that is willing and has already shed blood for the cause of Islam. Remember, the Twin Towers and its 3000 victims to name just one event?

Human rights in  itself  are reason enough for the U.S. to skip the dance and all future dances MC'd by Islamic clerics who routinely issue edicts or fatwas degrading and humiliating females. In Sudan Muslims openly practice slavery of non-Muslims. Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan execute children and stone woman for getting involved in 'wrong relationships.' In most Muslim countries girls in puberty are married off to middle aged men who are incapable of forming normal relationships because of religion. One would get the impression that Islamists enjoy watching others being brutalized, tortured and murdered. For those of you who do not believe me, look no further than the net. See for yourself. In North Africa, Islamists take pictures while non-Muslims are tortured then beheaded. They do this in the name of the omnipotent Allah.

I vote to skip the dance as should Woman's Rights Advocates, and our Nation's Leadership.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Obama's Own Reality Series

Say it ain't so America. Obama and his administration are staring in their own reality series? This made for TV series will make you laugh, cry and cringe with expectations of what is to come next.  In this reality series the main character is cast as a leader of the free world. Unfortunately, the series lacks depth, truth and star power. I rate it one star, though my progressive counterparts would surely disagree. Those who rate the series higher than one star are the same people who think Honey Boo Boo deserves an Outstanding Actress Emmy Award. Why do I make such an assertion? Look no further than the economy, an administration ripe with scandals, our President's disregard for the Constitution and a foreign policy that lacks strategic direction. The scandals, economy and to some extent strategic strategy will be dealt with in future blog posts.

There is a pattern of ambivalence by President Obama in his regard for the powers of the legislative branch in favor of administrative decision making without congressional input. Is this not in violation of the spirit of the Constitution's separation of legislative and executive powers of Congress and the President?  I dare say, it appears so. Likewise, the Obama Administration has often refused to support or enforce laws duly enacted by Congress.

The President has responsibilities delineated in the Constitution. Those powers do not include the authority to make laws or decide which laws to enforce and which to ignore. Nor does the President have the constitutional authority to appoint whomever he wants, when he wants. There are some liberals or progressives, if you wish, who would challenge what I have stated. Let us not quarrel over allegations. Let us mention existing federal immigration laws and the Administration's application (remember the Dream Act?) and selective enforcement of these laws. Has there been selective enforcement in the area of immigration? Do you think President Obama crossed the line of constitutionality when he gave four recess appointments to officials who were subject to Senate confirmation?

Do you know that the President takes an oath , pledging he "shall faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States" and "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."? Let me refresh your memory. When Obama was inaugurated he, like his predecessors, took said oath.  Two questions:1. Do we need a President who will defend and exert their legitimate powers, recognizing that those powers are not arbitrary or unlimited?  2. Does our current President know his powers come with some Constitutional constraints? I, for one, am uncertain he does.

Thus far Obama's accomplishments as a President leaves little doubt as to his legacy. Unless he turns the light switch on he will go down in history as a nominal Commander and Chief who circumvented the spirit of the Constitution for power. Why concern ourselves with Obama's grab for power? Every American should be concerned about Obama's nearly limitless seizure of power, his abuse of authority, the cronyism, corruption, misinformation and disinformation and cover-ups of his administration. We all know, "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."  Has power corrupted our sitting President? His actions indicate it has. Is it time to cancel this nightmare of a show? What do you think?