Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bon Apitite GOP

It appears to me that the Republican establishment, having created Donald Trump, is now going to be eaten by him. That could be good news for everybody – at least everybody who lives outside the Washington, D.C., fishbowl.
My years of life, both here and abroad have taught me that opposition is required, regardless of which ideological persuasion is in power at the moment. All of us become too sure of our own ideas given the passage of time. The last principled opposition to the left’s agenda was Ronald Reagan. Oh, by the way, they were venomous toward him, too.
Well, back to the Republican arm of DC Democrat politics. What did they think they were there for? If we had wanted the left’s agenda to succeed, we would have voted for Democrats. Why did they think it would turn out well, lying to us about who you were? On the campaign trail you pledged to stop Obama’s corruption of the Constitution, if only you were given a majority in both houses of Congress. You were. You didn’t. You ran and surrendered your majority. Way too many of you are pitiful, Machiavellian and nauseating. You care nothing for America. Worse than that, you fought against the principled voices of new members who did understand why they had been elected, and who attempted to hinder Obama’s agenda. You installed as speaker, a political elitist to help assure there would be little to no opposition to the Democratic agenda. When reminded of your power of the purse, did you not promptly negotiate it away in return for … nothing? If memory serves me right, you did this twice. But by far, your worst capitulation came on immigration. Congress makes the laws; the president executes them. Do you see anything about executive orders in the Constitution? I wonder why that is?
At a time when people worldwide are being blown up, hacked to death, machine-gunned and beheaded by the religion of peace, you sought to admit more Islamic refugees into America. To accommodate the cries for safety by Americans, you traded essential liberty for more government power over everyone. Banks, big-government, big-business and Wall Street all seem to have recovered from the most recent economic down turn. Main Street America doesn’t know what a recovery looks like. Rural areas are the leading indicator, spiraling down into the next depression. And America's senior citizens, forget them.
So, of course it makes perfect sense to admit more refugees, put them on government assistance, train them for jobs so they can compete with Americans already here. How else are multi-billion dollar corporations to become multi-trillion dollar corporations that can contribute to your next re-election campaign? As an added benefit, you would make sure our vote never counted again. As one commentator said “you created the desperation that gave Donald Trump birth. Your dinner invitation is on its way.” May I add, might you and yours be the main course.

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