Thursday, January 21, 2016

Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good and Good Evil...

The progressive left under Obama is bringing about much more than just expanding government, redistributing wealth and desensitizing our culture of Christianity. With its madcap salutation of carnal anarchy, its overwhelming culture of political correctness and its lack of understanding of the fundamental sacredness of human life, it is also, whether intentionally or not, promoting extensive dependency, decadence, family breakdown, criminality, depravity, hopelessness, poverty and addiction. 

One only has to survey this emergent chaos in American society to expose both the utopian revolutionaries and their remarkable methods that have turned America's most valued ideals literally upside down – to the point that lunacy is applauded and normalcy demonized. 

In essence, what is happening in America under the leadership of the progressive left is the modern-day manifestation of the timeless biblical truth found in Isaiah 5:20: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." But unlike the doleful occupant of the White House, there is room for real hope and real change that will fundamentally repair what the progressive left has essentially transformed.

Granted, in this day and age of political corruption, ever increasing government intrusiveness, racial unrest and acts of terrorism it is easy to give up hope. Well, I refuse to do so. In other words, one could say, if there's no hope then what do I do? I go off, I drop out, I live for myself, for my family, and I try to live a good life. No; too many people have answered the call, and bled and died to help this country and to help the innocent in distant lands. I believe there is still a majority, slight as it may be, of the country that has not had their mind poisoned by entitlement promises of a utopian life that only the government can provide. Which half of the country maintains majority influence over the whole, may determine whether we have any future at all.

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