Thursday, January 28, 2016

Does it Not Violate Natural Law

Does not the freedom to kill innocents violates all norms of civilized society? Does it not violate the natural law? Before governments existed was it condoned in the state of nature? Does this freedom to kill innocents not violate the 13th and 14th Amendments? Yet, the Supreme Court and numerous Congresses have refused to interfere with it. Is it not a grave and profound evil? Is it not legalized murder? It all comes down to one great question. Is the fetus in the womb a person? Since the fetus has human parents and all the needed human genome to develop, of course the fetus is a person.
A simple one-line statute could have been enacted when Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush were in the White House and Republicans and a hand full of anti-abortion Democrats controlled the Congress. They could have ended the slaughter by legislatively defining the fetus in the womb to be a person. They did not. Are the self-proclaimed anti-abortion folks in Congress sincere, or do they march under the anti-abortion banner just to win votes?
Their failure to attempt to define the fetus in the womb as a person seriously, and the Supreme Court’s unprecedented dance around the requirement of due process and the prohibition of slavery has resulted in up to 60 million abortions in 43 years. That’s an abortion every minute. Abortion is today one of the most frequent medical procedures performed in America; and the Democrats have become its champion.
They, and their few Republican allies, have become the champions of totalitarianism as well. The removal of legal personhood from human progeny in order to destroy the offspring is only the work of tyrants. How long can a society last that violates universal norms and kills its babies in the name of “sexual freedom?”
Whose personhood will the government define away next? I contend one has to look no further than the affirmed and the elderly.

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