Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Afterthoughts and Hot Coals of Rage

I ask you, the reader, isn’t it about time we campaign for self-defense? Allow me to state it again: Political correctness is an obstacle to reality and a passageway to totalitarianism and it’s also lethal. Case in point is Nice, France.

As I wandered through my social media feeds almost two weeks ago, the horrific, blood-bathed images of 84-plus slaughtered innocents on the streets of Nice, France at the hands of yet another Muslim man named Mohamed made me wonder where are America's leaders. Are they anywhere to be found? This heinous act and others like it jog my memory of a quote by Winston Churchill: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” I also read of a statement by Hillary Clinton: “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” At best, is this woman not an appeaser? Apart from Barack Obama, she has proven “chief chum-chucking chump to the crocodiles” of the caliphate. This level of errant self-delusion requires deferment of incredulity stimulated by potent linctus indeed. That linctus or medication is multiculturalism – the global “progressive” left’s pet project, save cultural Marxism, in a disastrously failed globalist public policy.

While Hillary is an appeaser, an apologist for Islam, President Obama, I fear, is something far worse. Anger and contempt swelled within my heart as I viewed the now viral of a child sprawled lifeless on the streets of Nice, covered by a body blanket and flanked by her doll. As I stared at this image, a grim allegory for modern multiculturalism, a hot coal of rage burst within me. I reflected upon how Obama once described the Muslim call to prayer as, “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” And I felt disgust for the man. What does the “Muslim call to prayer” assert?  I suggest one go no further than their internet browser to see for themselves what the “Muslim call to prayer” asserts.

Allow me to be blunt, America’s susceptible postwar global order may already seem to those abroad to be swollen carrion ready to be picked apart by opportunistic vultures. Many of these scavengers are of the Islamic faith who have been radicalized. They seek to satisfy their appetites with the blood of infidels. Guess who's on the menu?


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