Wednesday, July 20, 2016

America's Brewing War on Christianity

In an age when lunacy is the new norm – like when the president says global warming and not radical Islam is our true enemy, and when the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is a career criminal and everyone knows it but embraces her anyway, and when men who think they're women are now enthusiastically recruited into our military – one veiled factor hastens this ever-metastasizing insanity. And, what would that be, one may ask? How about the secular Left’s war on the Christian faith.

That's right, Christianity! You know, the religion of the Apostle Paul, Columbus, the Pilgrims, the American Colonists and Founding Fathers, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the religion of virtually every signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, of the abolitionists and of Martin Luther King Jr., Dwight L. Moody, Billy Graham and of the vast majority of soldiers, sailors, Marines and Airman who have ever fought and bled and died to preserve Americans' freedom. Yeah, that one. 

The reality is that in contemporary America, Christianity is progressively more regarded with absolute contempt by today's elite class, including, nigh on the entirety of academia, the news media, the entertainment/performing arts industry, our government and our courts of law. To these, Christianity – which for centuries served as the ethical or moral, cultural and legit foundation for the most successful nation in history – is a sort of antiquated, unenlightened, superstitious, ill-disposed towards the worldview of science at best. At worst, it is deemed a precariously deceived, prejudiced, vile, radical Islam-like authoritarian sect determined on enforcing an unconstitutional theocracy on America. 

Did I overstate the arguments? I think not. Consider that just a few years ago, overt attacks on the religious freedom of Christians in America – like prohibiting school students from singing "Silent Night" at Christmas or confining a county clerk for reasons of conscience refusing to sign off on a same-sex marriage license – seemed few and far between. However, disconcerting such incidents were sporadic enough that we self-confidently hoped they were aberrations, lamentable unwelcomed overreaches by some over-obsessive activist judge. Regrettably, today that chimera has been shattered by daily incidents of out-and-out persecution of Christians with the full vigor of law, all because they were sincerely living their faith in exactly the same way Washington, Lincoln, the founders, the soldiers, our parents and their direct descendant’s did. 

It's no exaggeration to say that, on close examination, just about every irrational, pertinacious, madcap drift you can identify in today's America – and for that matter, in Europe, currently reeling under the onslaught of a full-blown Islamic invasion – can be traced directly to the abandonment of the Western world's founding faith and moral values in response to the secular left's decades-long war on Christianity. 

So, now that we've acknowledged the problem – the real problem, underlying the vast majority of our other national problems – what can we do about it? We can pray. That’s always a good start. We can biblically scrutinize our perspective presidential candidates and choose to vote for the candidate most closely aligned with our Christian faith. We can share informed views with friends, neighbors and fellow Christians. Why not share this post after digesting its contents? As for me, I assume you know where I stand. What say you?

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