Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rise of Ethno Nationalism and Militarism

Obama believes that resistance to transformational change in the character and identity of countries of the West, from immigration, can only be the product of unbalanced minds or sick hearts. Obama intends on spending the last months of his presidency battling the nativism and nationalism of Trump and Britain's exit from the EU.

Prognostication: Obama will fail. For rising ethno nationalism and militarization of borders is almost as certain as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. That is, if the West wishes to remain the West. One has only to research the data found in the United Nation’s "World Population 2015" chart to realize why the West will eventually choose nationalism and militarism over Obama belief in transformational change in the character and identity of countries of the West.

And the United States? America is already evolving into another country. Can Obama and the likes of him believe that the right-wing parties proliferating across Europe, which see their nations imperiled by a rising tide of Muslim immigrants and refugees, will pack it in and support the EU's march to a transnational super state that controls immigration and borders? I think not. So goes Europe, so goes America. What has been tabled for discussion this year, in Europe and America, is the future of the West as an identifiable civilization to be cherished and defended by the peoples whose ancestors created it.

And Obama's reverence for Islam notwithstanding, the West remains the greatest civilization of them all. Belatedly, Western Man appears to have decided to “defend the shire, pull up the drawbridge, and man the parapets on the castle walls.”

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