the most delusional would fail to recognize the truth of the matter. For all
intents and purposes, Islamic terrorism is behind yet
another massacre. This time the slaughter took place in Nice, France. Is this more
evidence of a peaceful religion? President Obama needs to call this what it is
and not what he wishes it would be. Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton have denied the truth about Islam far
too long. In its purest form Islam is not a peaceful religion. It is based on a
dogma that is part and parcel to its belief system. Although these people
sometimes talk of fear of Allah or read the Quran regularly, they do so merely
as part of this dogma. Their recitation of the Quran is purely some foreign
words they utter in their deception.
this commentary critical of Islam, the religion? I believe the Islamic faith
and its belief system has warranted worldwide criticism and denunciation for
the actions of many of its proponent’s past and present barbaric
behavior/conducts. Objects of criticism
include the morality of the life of Muhammad, the last law bearing prophet of
Islam, both in his public and personal life. Issues relating to the
authenticity and morality of the Qur'an, the Islamic holy book. Other
criticisms focus on the question of human rights in modern Islamic nations, and
the treatment of women in Islamic law and practice. In wake of the recent
multiculturalism trend, Islam's influence on the ability of Muslim immigrants
in the West to assimilate has been and should be criticized. Is classical
Islamic law not to be disparaged when the penalty for apostasy is death? Death
for leaving a religion seems to this writer somewhat cruel and archaic.
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