Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Controlling Information is To Control the People

Just thinking... Kamala Harris, Walz, their cohorts and many within MSM is spouting readily, volubly, and at length claims that “misinformation” about the election is “running rampant” on Facebook. Misinformation, disinformation, deepfakes and other similarly constructed terms treat speech as a dangerous thing. Misinformation “spreads” like a virus, it “runs rampant” until it’s censored. Its existence threatens the governing consensus through which the regime rules the people. The obsession with stamping out “misinformation” has so overridden the liberal DNA of free speech that the ACLU now fights ‘misinformation’ rather than upholding free speech and “PEN America” a nonprofit that defends free expression urges that it is “important to correct misleading or false information”. It’s important because by controlling information, their political allies and agenda control the people. Former Climate Czar, John Kerry has a point. It’s hard to govern when everyone is free to speak their mind. That’s why America was a bold experiment in freedom whose purpose was to be hard to govern. Americans being hard to govern is not, as Obama, Kerry and Harris think, a bug, but a feature.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Epitome of Absurdity or Lunacy

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants with sex-related offenses and murder convictions are loose on the streets, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data provided to lawmakers this week. The data, as of "July 2024", is broken down by those in detention, and those who are not in detention, aka, the non-detained docket.  The non-detained docket includes illegal immigrants who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not detained in ICE custody. There are currently more than 7 million people on that docket.


The data says that, among those not in detention, there are “425,431” convicted criminals and “222,141” with "pending criminal charges." Those include “62,231” convicted of assault, “14,30”1 convicted of burglary, “56,533” with drug convictions and “13,099” convicted of homicide. An additional “2,521” have kidnapping convictions and “15,811” have sexual assault convictions. There are an additional “1,845” with pending homicide charges, “42,915” with assault charges, “3,266” with burglary charges and “4,250” with assault charges.

Some people, though I am, not one of them may be shocked to learn that the Biden-Harris dynamic duo has participated somewhat enthusiastically in releasing tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens, some of which are probably terrorists, cartel members, sex traffickers... into our communities, but their own numbers conclusively prove this to be the case. Does this not defy common sense? Under President Biden and his ‘border czar,’ VP Harris, and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, have directed law enforcement to mass-release illegal aliens whom they know have criminal convictions or are facing charges for serious crimes. Moreover, these menacing, dangerous, and destructive deviants are making their way into every town, community and municipality and every state in America. How many more Americans need to ‘Buy the Farm’ or be victimized at the hands of an illegal alien, a foreign state sponsored terrorist and or geopolitical adversary before this administration is forced to abide by the laws they swore to uphold? Is this not the epitome of absurdity or lunacy? No civilized, properly governed and well-functioning society should tolerate what is taking place at our borders. If I am not mistaken, Border Czar Kamala has had nearly 4 years to protect America and failed. Has she not allowed tens of thousands of murderers and rapists to roam free? Does Kamala's actions or lack thereof paint a picture of one who puts criminals first and the safety and security of you and your family last. 

For more or less than a half-century, the criminal has been portrayed as a victim. Social scientists, criminologists, and mental health professionals and left leaning Democrats, to include Harris continue to characterize criminals as shaped by forces beyond their control. “Criminogenic” environments have long been cited as causal. The assertion is that turning to crime is understandable, even a normal response, if one grows up in a crime-infested neighborhood. Crime has also been attributed to poverty, the thinking being that people who are denied opportunity will seize what they need. And seize, the band of border hoards will, unless the swamp politicians and bureaucrats put a stop to this border imbecility.

Friday, September 20, 2024

The Worst Illiterate is The Politico Illiterate

Just thinking... The worst illiterate is the politico illiterate running for an office which she or he is unqualified to assume. The 2024 dynamic Democrat duo hear nothing, see nothing, obfuscate the truth by being evasive, unclear, or dubious in the telling of the facts. They take little to no interest in the consequences of their political decisions. He or she doesn't seem to know that the cost of living, the price of eggs, of flour, of rent, gasoline, medicines... all depend on political decisions. They even pride themselves on political ignorance.  One sticks out her chest, laughs like a hyena and says she dislikes MAGA conservatives. She, the know-nothing and her dolt running mate doesn't know, that from their political non-participation or political ignorance comes the prostitute, the aberrant illegal immigrant, sex exploitation of women and children, the abandoned youngster, the aborted child, the drug dealer, the thief and, worst of all, corrupt officials, the lackeys of exploitative multinational corporations, Big Tech, MSM... We have moved from an age in which government leaders sought to do what was best for the people to one in which the political leadership is convinced it knows what is best for the ‘People’ whether they like it or not. Lest we forget, the power to lead is the power to lead, and the power to mislead is the power to destroy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A Solemn Day in Commemoration

On this solemn day in commemoration of those who perished on the Islamic 9/11 attack. Let us pray for a spiritual and moral awakening that would make America “a tree planted by water” that “does not fear when heat comes.” And let us remember: Unless the “Lord holds the house. Those who build it labor in vain.” Who is building your “house” today? Moreover, who do we trust to ensure another 9/11 type attack by antagonists with malicious intent, be they foreign terrorists now within our contiguous border or enemies outside our national boundaries does not happen again. For those who fail to understand this warning, the bloody consequences will be on your hands. Are not Republics created by virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizenry? They fall when the wise are displaced from the public ruling body, because they dare to be honest and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, to betray them. However, the imminent domestic threat to our Constitution now is very deceptive, especially because the mainstream media and social media platforms where most people get their information are providing full cover for this political ruse. This domestic enemy’s threat to Liberty is being led by those who have forsaken their sacred oaths to support and defend our Constitution, in deference to their socialist political agenda. And that agenda is wholly antithetical to our Constitution and Liberty. The ramifications of the upcoming Presidential election will likely determine America’s destiny.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Just Thinking... The Questionable Ideologies of The Democrats New Dynamic Duo

Just thinking... My view of President Joe Biden’s leadership and that of Vice President Kamala Harris and her heir apparent VP, Tim Walz is one of trepidation, disappointment, godlessness, sorrow, Abbey Gate... Abbey Gate framing it as a divine judgment and a reflection of societal moral and leadership decline. The mentioned dynamic politico duo is revealing while America as a nation is reaping the consequences of its moral choices. Biden’s administration’s vocal support for questionable ideologies is emblematic of a society straying from biblical teachings. History tells the tale, when a society turns to sexual depravity, and a reprobate mind, God gives them up. If you follow that pattern, what you get is Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the likes of Tim Walz who are part and parcel the epitome of all those things just stated. The good news, societal redemption is possible, but only by returning to scriptural principles and genuine Christian conversion.

Monday, September 9, 2024

My Take on Recent Democrat Gaslighting

Why, if Biden is so fit and competent, did Harris not encourage him to continue his quest for a second presidential term? Furthermore, what does she have to offer the country that Biden doesn’t? Why did the White House and the Democrat power brokers gaslight the American public by tacitly recognizing that Biden is no longer mentally fit for office while at the same time claiming that he is “sharp as a tack” and fully capable of leading the country over the next several months. Moreover, there is also the matter of Biden essentially having gone mute since he terminated his campaign. Could the motive be twofold? Here’s my take based on personal observation: Harris is campaigning not as an incumbent, as one would expect of someone who’s held the second-highest office for nearly four years, but as an outsider. She’s trying to distance herself from her own record with Biden because it reminds Americans just how sorry the country has had it under both his and her leadership, or lack thereof. Secondly, their final objective toward which all their deceit, falsity, dissimulation, and willful deception of facts is directed to capture political power so that, using the power of the State, Mainstream Media, Big Tech... and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the citizenry in perpetual domination. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Just Thinking About the 2020 Presidential Election

Just thinking... No-one yet seems to know who the perpetrator(s) are who pulled the strings in the U.S. presidential elections of 2020, but somehow one person, Joe Biden became president and one woman, Kamala Harris became Vice President. Since their ascension into the DC power offices the following has transpired: either he, she or his/her puppeteers, be they domestic or foreign have cut off our energy supplies internally; persuaded us that we have to eliminate fossil fuels; convinced us that climate change is real; created a woke and weak military unable and unwilling to fight; created rampant inflation to lessen the value of America’s currency; opened the country to a tsunami of illegal immigrants and others of hostile intentions; Wars between nations are now running rampant; American Christians are being targeted for speaking about their faith, be word of mouth or prayer; The dynamic duo have championed biological males to compete against biological females; orchestrated riots and violent demonstrations in the streets... It’s time to make America Great Again.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Lest We Forget the History of Fallen Nations


Just thinking... Cuba’s Fidel Castro had price controls, and people starved for lack of sustenance. China’s Mao Zedong mandated price controls and people starved for lack of sustenance. Russia’s Joseph Stalin established price controls and people starved for lack of sustenance. Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro instituted price controls and people are starving for lack of sustenance... Beware the future of a nation’s citizenry whose leaders set in place restrictions and enforce the restrictions on who gets what and for how much and from whom they get it from... It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights; the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of vassalage, oppression, slavery... the hay and a barn for human cattle. Lest we forget the history of fallen nations, those awaiting their demise that came before us who yielded to the far left of government restrictions and domination. “When the taste for physical gratifications among them has grown more rapidly than their education... the time will come when men are carried away and lose all self-restraint... It is not necessary to do violence to such a people to strip them of the rights they enjoy; they themselves willingly loosen their hold... they neglect their chief business which is to remain their own masters.” Metaphorically speaking, what was true yesterday is true today and will be true tomorrow, regardless of who conclusively champions it. Do you think Alexis de Tocqueville, a French aristocrat, diplomat, sociologist, political scientist, political philosopher, and historian, hit the nail on the head when he stated, “Society is endangered not by the great profligacy of a few, but by the laxity of morals amongst all.”

Monday, August 12, 2024

Just Thinking... Inconsistent and Par for The Course

Just thinking... The poll numbers show that it’s a real phenomenon. There’s a lot of drivel about the shadowy forces of “BlueAnon”, but this isn’t a movement. It’s just what happens when you get your reality from social media. It’s also what happens when a society no longer has any concept of objective truth and people just pick whatever truth fits their preconceptions. It is said that one in three is just an early assessment of where people get their facts from which translates into their truth. Now that there’s a whole infrastructure of grafter’s aka, con artists ‘analyzing videos frame by frame’, doing ""substacks" and podcasts on it, then followed by books describing it as the new Reichstag fire, expect those numbers to climb even higher. The media destroyed its credibility through relentless partisan bias not just for conservatives, but also for much of the public. A culture of lying set in along with online conspiracy grifters and nuts who make mega bucks from social media. But while it’s easy to take shots at “Ear Truthers”, is this any more bizarre than Democrats and the media insisting for years that Vladimir Putin engineered, better stated, rigged the 2016 election with Facebook ads and controlled Trump through videos of pee peeing prostitutes? It’s certainly no crazier and perhaps actually less crazy. If you believe, as Democrats claim to, that Vladimir is running Trump through a series of conspiracies, this makes perfect sense. It’s the media that chooses to draw the line at one insane conspiracy, but not another, which is being inconsistent and par for the course.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

In Past Times Maybe but Not so Much Today

In times past, the Olympic games were the most elite athletic event in the world. Not so much today. For years, we have applauded our world-class female athletes. Remember Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Mary Lou Retton, Katie Ledecky, Simone Biles...  They’re legends of which movies are made of. Their resolution, achievements, and grit made us proud to be Americans, showcasing skill and discipline that took years of blood, sweat, tears and years to cultivate. Young girls looked up to them and were inspired to pursue their own dreams. But what if Jackie had been forced to race against men? Or Mary had been forced to compete against men? Or Katie had been forced to swim against men? Or Biles forced to compete against male gymnasts. What if, after all their years of training and imagining, their accolades had been taken away because they were forced to compete against men? For today’s Olympians, this could become a reality. Powerful institutions in our country and around the world have embraced radical ideology to the detriment of the privacy, safety, and fairness of our girls. Sadly, the media, schools, universities, and even our federal government, to include presidential candidate, Kamala Harris have bought into a lie, and they want the rest of us to live according to this prevaricate, too: that’s what makes us men or women is our own identity, not how God created us.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

What’s Good is Bad, What’s Bad is Good

I’m voting for Trump, not because he is a saint or a man untarnished. He like most of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. As a Christian, Constitutionalist, Conservative, and retired Army Vet following a 30-year soldier’s journey. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Did not Thomas Jefferson also say, "God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever." George Washington, often referred to as the “Father of Our Country,” said “While we are zealously performing the duties of good citizens and soldiers, we certainly ought not to be attentive to the higher duties of religion. To the distinguished character of patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." James Madison said: "We have staked the whole future of American civilization not on the power of government, far from it. We stake the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the “Ten Commandments of God." Regardless of the duo who will represent the Democrat Party this coming election, their present leadership is shifty and, in my estimation, shady. America needs a full-on overhaul. The U.S. Constitution must remain in play. I believe President Trump only wants what’s best for all People. To love America, to Honor her, to love one another, to Unite the People and “Make America Great Again.” What’s wrong with that? I shake my head when I hear the left and their media darlings parroting each other as they talk claptrap. By their words, policy decisions, organization affiliations, lawfare behavior, degradation of America’s National Defense capabilities... they loathe our Republic, its Constitution as founded, liberty and justice for all. This nation, though imperfect, has made them wealthy. They’ve taken everything good and ruined our lives. They see things differently. What’s good is bad, what’s bad is Good. It’s shameful.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Use What You Have, Do What You Can To MAGA

Just thinking... America is facing a constitutional crisis. It's a crisis that involves a fundamental political question: Who rules whom? The Constitution established a limited government in which the people ruled through their elected officials. Under this form of government, America became the freest and most prosperous nation in history. Today, however, our constitutional system is one that increasingly exists in name only. The Constitution of "We the People" is being replaced by an elite, out-of-touch, and unaccountable administrative state that rules without the consent of American citizens. What does this mean? This means we live in an era of growing bureaucratic despotism, manifested in an administrative state that bypasses the Constitution, rejects the separation of powers, and replaces the rule of law with regulations. Is there hope for a turnaround? Yes! How so? Work as if you were to live a hundred years, pray as if you were to die tomorrow, pray for Donald Trump, our next president. Pray that he may know the will of God, and that he may have the spiritual courage and grace to follow it. Deliver him from all selfish considerations and evil. Lift him above the claims of politics. Lest we forget; Dreams are lovely. But they are dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It's hard work that makes things happen. Put differently; Use what you have. Do what you can to “Make America Great Again.”

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The U.S Constitution and We the People

Did the U.S. Constitution not establish a limited government in which the people ruled through their elected officials? Furthermore, under this form of government, did not America become the freest and greatest nation in history? Yet, as we celebrate America’s Independence Day, this 4th of July 2024, our constitutional system is one that increasingly exists in name only. The constitution of "We the People" is being replaced by an elite, out-of-touch, and unaccountable administrative state that rules without the consent of American citizens. This means we live in an era of growing bureaucratic despotism, manifested in an administrative state that bypasses the Constitution, rejects the separation of powers, and replaces the rule of law with regulations, and dare I say fiats. How pray tell, did we get from where we were in 1776 to where we find ourselves in 2024. Real history always tells the tale from the beginning to the end. Lest we forget, truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.  In the early years of our nation’ s founding Thomas Jefferson hit the nail on the head when he cautioned future generations with these words of wisdom: “Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity has a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them.”

It has been said and reinforced by Historians and Statesmen alike that “All healthy societies are bound together, not by the power of a state and its military... but by the power of a culture.” In America’s case, our culture was a fusion of Enlightenment sources such as individualism, self-government, and especially the reformed traditions of Christianity. Consequently, this hybrid-Enlightenment was the source of political shared aims at the time of the founding. It worked because it was impenetrable to the power or faculty of sight that people could read their own tradition and communities into it. The result was a “practical morality” A similar, even if vague understanding of family life, the gender roles, work, civic decency, public responsibility, and the relative importance of faith and the practices that went along with it.” Today, however, diverging issues have fractured this moral consensus. Abortion, gender roles, sexuality, and the authority of religion became mainstream causes of public and political contention. Consequently, cultural opponents have largely stopped trying to legitimate their positions through an appeal to common American traditions of political philosophy. Rather, “the only thing that matters to each is defeating their opponents.” As a result, we are seeing a “narrative of injury” whereby an adversary is not a trustworthy opponent but an enemy. The result is a “shared cultural nihilism.” From what I have been seeing and or hearing via social media posts, MSM news accounts and group discussions as it relates to a “narrative of injury” is that we are presently there. To deny otherwise is irrational to the point of being absurd.  Today’s culture is “fundamentally oriented toward dehumanizing the opposition; it is fundamentally about a symbolic and cultural annihilation.” Is there hope for America and its cultural decay? If we see the immorality of our culture as an imperative summons to pray and work for moral and spiritual awakening there is hope.

In today’s political environment, if a serving or an aspiring politician could persuade every American citizen to accept all their political views, opinions, beliefs... it would not make those views, opinions, beliefs... correct. Nor would it change what is true. As President Ronald Reagan warned: "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” To that end, we must remain vigilant, strong, ready, willing and faithful to both God and country. Unlike both Jefferson and Reagan, today’s President of the United States, his Administration, and many within the Legislative branch fall wide of the mark.





Sunday, June 2, 2024

Bragg's "Trumped-up Charges" and Conviction is Lawfare

The breadth and impact of this action by 12 jurors, as if they were auditioning as 12 “Pinocchio’s” for Judge Merchan’s “Geppetto”, advanced our worst fears about their inefficaciousness or failure to be fair and impartial. In the face of Soro's “bought and paid for” Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s irrational actions, running years-old misdemeanors through a food processor, he created as never before heard of, much less seen in case law that made bookkeeping entries into felonies. And the jury chose to parrot Manhattan’s DA not one, not some, but all "kit and caboodle" of Alvin Bragg’s “trumped-up” charges… choosing to be swayed by convicted perjurer, Michael Cohen into an historic smear of a former president of the United States.

To call the jury weak willed, week kneed or spineless may seem too harsh, but let’s face it: among the men and women of this jury all are simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up.  Additionally, two of the jurors were two second tier lawyers… and a lawyer served as foreman of the panel. Search your heart and ask yourself if you really believed that Manhattan attorneys would weigh the evidence and find it wanting would in fact deliver a not guilty verdict, knowing that they would have to return to their law firms and face the music after “letting Trump go free.” Ditto for the rest of the jurors. They each raised their right hand and swore an oath to be fair and impartial, but obviously peer pressure and ultimately prevented them from voting not guilty on even one of the 34 Bragg-manufactured charges.

Unfortunately for the Biden White House which orchestrated this 3rd World facade of a trial and their acolytes in media and entertainment like the unhinged Robert DeNiro performance outside the courtroom befitting a straitjacket. The Manhattan judgements will not “sink” Donald J. Trump. He will likely gain in the polls as Americans express their revulsion over the Joe Biden/Merrick Garland/Alvin Bragg...  “lawfare” rolled out for no other reason than to convict a political rival who is soaring in the polls.

The historical parallel for what’s coming for Democrats this November can be found in the words of Japanese Admiral Yamamoto who planned the 7 December 1941 sneak attack on Pearl Harbor which thrust the United States into World War II. Yamamoto reportedly wrote in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Monday, May 27, 2024

Skepticism in Biden’s Ability to Lead

Given his standing among voters as evidenced by reputable polls, Biden can only be seen as a vulnerable incumbent. While anything can happen between this post and 5 November 2024 (election day), his approval numbers have remained in the high 30 to low 40 range for much of the year. Those numbers are a proxy for how people feel about his handling of the big issues, otherwise known as economy, immigration, foreign affairs, crime, gun control, homelessness, social activism, his cognitive state, religious freedom... I like most Americans continue to express skepticism in Biden’s ability to handle numerous issues, including international crises and economic policy. About two-thirds of Americans say they are not too or not at all confident in Biden to make wise decisions about immigration policy or to deal effectively with China. Nearly as many express low levels of confidence in him to work effectively with Congress, to make good decisions about economic policy or to navigate an international crisis.

Over the next few months, I will be delivering to you, the reader, various issues, and concerns .... that need to be appropriately addressed if we are to survive as that nation upon the hill that President Reagan famously expressed in his 1989 Farewell Address to the American people ... a shinning city upon a hill: “in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, windswept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.” Reagan built on the phrase preached by Puritan pilgrim John Winthrop in perhaps the earliest example of the idea of American exceptionalism in a 1630 sermon, “A Model of Christian Charity.” He said, “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.” Furthermore, the origin of the phrase is found in the Bible, Mathew 5:14-16... You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and puy it under a basket, but on a stand and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Reagan declared in his farewell speech that America “rediscovered” its commitment to world freedom, so must we do it again in 2024. If the United States is to be respected again on the world stage and looked to for leadership. The key, according to President Reagan, was a return to “common sense” that “told us that to preserve the peace, we’d have to become strong again after years of weakness.”

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dilemma of Progressive Education

In the words of the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Throughout most of our nation’s history, Americans learned about and valued these notions. Alas, because of the Left’s hijacking of historical education in too many of our public-school systems and post-secondary institutions of higher learning. This is especially so, in many of our elite universities. Some may say this is trivial and this too shall pass. What is not trivial is the attempt to spread anti-American ideology into practically every single area of American life... and the fact that too many in positions of authority straightaway retreat when confronted by appropriateness, aka political correctness and anti-Americanism.  

The current college protest theatrics illustrate the vexing dilemma of radicalized or progressive education, which seeks to rewrite America’s history and erode or undermine same. Intentional miseducation or indoctrination is usually perpetrated in a surreptitious and gradual way to render mute the kind of informed patriotism that is essential to preserving liberty. Instead of learning to love America, students today learn to hate it.  


The current anti-Israel and anti-America disputation, like the hysteria for toppling, removing, desecrating... historic statues and the antisemitism that we currently witness daily is the bitter fruit of this leftist progressive educational agenda. To right this wrong we must confront this destructive ideology with the truth about American history and history in general. And we must nurture an informed patriotism among the young if our liberty is to be preserved. As always, “an educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people.” The caveat, the educated citizenry must be prepared to defend it.  

Monday, April 1, 2024

Transgender Visibility Day is an Attack on Christianity

The White House is under fire, and rightly so after declaring Easter Sunday as “Transgender Visibility Day.” It is a direct attack on the holiest day in the Christian faith. The Biden Administration also failed to post a proclamation about Good Friday. And they banned children from decorating White House Easter Eggs with religious images. Biden’s proclamation, begs the question: are we in the midst of “Twilight’s last Gleaming?” I have heard it said that the LGBTQ movement is the religion of many in America. The proclamation from the White House, and by extension the Democrat party lends credence to the assertion. I am of the opinion that the declaration in itself is a sign of contempt of our Lord Jesus Christ by derision. President Bien’s proclamation follows: “Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.” Bidens’s own words, would lead me to believe that he and his political party abhor God, and they especially detest Christians. Lest we forget, Democrats voted to remove God from their party platform during their 2012 summer meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Democratic National Committee literally put the boot to God. I would be remiss if I failed to attest to those who presently serve America via the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of government, be they politicos, political appointees, bureaucrats, Judges... that the path to redemption and eternal life is the cross. The cross of Jesus Christ stands at the center of our faith. It is the symbol not just of a religion but of the ultimate sacrifice and love displayed by Jesus Christ for humanity. The cross stands as a reminder of the immense love of God, who sent His only Son to bear the burden of our sins. Through His sacrifice, Jesus provided a path to redemption and eternal life for all who believe in Him. In moments of hardship and uncertainty, we, as believers, can find strength in the shadow of the cross. It stands as a promise of salvation and the assurance of God's unfailing grace. The power of the cross lies in its ability to transform lives and reconcile humanity with God. It is the ultimate symbol of victory over sin and death. It offers forgiveness and restoration to all who embrace its message.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Consequences of Actions

Is a mountain not composed of tiny grains of earth? Is the ocean not made up of tiny drops of water? Even so, is life not but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts? And the consequences, whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching. This being so, why are the Democrats trying to Donald John Trump in the slammer? Likewise, why are the Republicans trying to put Joseph Robinette Biden in jail alongside the rest of his extended political crime family? Could the reason be that both sides think the only way they can win is by putting their rival in the clink? Is this what our debilitated republic has to look forward to as we head for what appears to be the most consequential election in American history. Presently under Biden’s executive oversight or lack thereof, America is going to Hell in a handbasket, if it’s not already there. Are we not getting wind via our eyes of an invasion of illegal immigrants perambulating across the open border in Texas and creep down steep slopes of San Diego like an assemblage of rampaging army ants? Where are they coming from and where are they going? They’re coming in from China, Venezuela, Cuba...  and all over the world. And they’re going forthright to sanctuary cities like NYC, LA, Chi-town, Philly... to get their free hotel rooms, free credit cards, free healthcare... The tub-thumper mayors of those cities are crying and moaning about how they cannot handle the thousands of illegals who have flooded their social services, spiked their crime rates and are bankrupting their municipal budgets. But to quote our supposedly 14th greatest president, “Come on, man.” Lest we forget, it was these same Trump-loathing Woke leaning leaders and their vociferous supports of blue cities and blue states who created the sanctuaries in the first place. This being the case, I l ask the reader to give serious and careful thought to the following truism or axiom: “Through the law of cause and effect we choose our destiny. Moreover, we are our own prophets for we constantly project our future state by the seeds we plant in the present.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Hur's Report Exposes Biden's Competency

This was the line in Hur's report that got the attention of everyone on both sides of the political aisle to include myself: "In his interview with our office. Mr. Biden's memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began. He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him."

Hur concluded that "no criminal charges are warranted" because a jury would never convict "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

Nevertheless, the White House handlers of that "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" allowed him to challenge Hur's assertions in an ill-advised press conference. After all, Biden's reelection slogan is "Finish the Job" and he certainly finished debunking any illusions that he has even a modicum of competency.

Virtually all the questions that followed were about his quality of being qualified physically and intellectually to continue serving as POTUS. Needless to say, Joe was not pleased as evidenced by his tart responses... "That is your judgment! That is your judgment! ... My memory is fine. I'm the most qualified person in the United States to be president." "I'm well-meaning, I'm an elderly man, and I know what the hell I'm doing." Really! Did not special counsel just declare the president unfit to stand trial by means of cognitive disability? How can he possibly 'discharge the powers and duties of his office' now, much less through a second term?

Monday, February 5, 2024

Border Crisis is Absolutely Indefensible

Do you have mixed feelings about the impeachment of Biden’s hand-picked Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas? Does he deserve it? Absolutely. To say that he’s the worst homeland security secretary in our nation’s history is charitable. As for the case, it’s rock-solid. Has Mayorkas not knowingly and systemically refused to accede with immigration laws enacted by Congress? Has Mayorkas not breached the public trust by knowledgeably making false statements to Congress and the American people and obstructing congressional oversight of his department? Are these facts beyond dispute? Have the results of Mayorkas free-for-all behavior not brought about ruination and destruction to much of our nation and its citizens? Furthermore, by all outward appearances the dereliction of Joe Biden and his homeland security stooge is willful. Some people may dutifully absolved Mayorkas, by implying that this was Joe Biden’s fault, but also parroting Biden’s laughable line that the Republicans “refused to provide resources, blocked efforts to update laws and openly defied federal officials charged with maintaining security and order along the 2,000-mile border.” Got that? The guy who now blames the Republicans is the same guy who during a 2019 Democrat presidential debate stated (refer to search engine to verify) “all those people who are seeking asylum” to “immediately surge to the border,” and the same guy who immediately upon taking office rescinded all of his predecessor’s border-control measures, including the undisputedly efficient “Remain in Mexico” policy. In conclusion, I suggest you use your computer when referring to the full text of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 4, which reads, “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” If willfully refusing to protect America’s borders is not treason, what is? Those who would defend Mayorkas, let us not use maladministration or ignorance in his defense. A standard that the Framers rejected.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Tumultuous and Mercurial 2025

If 2024 is set to be tumultuous, mercurial, unpredictable... just wait until 2025 if Donald Trump wins the presidency again. Needless to say, his foes don’t have a history of accepting his successes with self-control. As a result of Trump’s unanticipated presidential victory in 2016 were not conspiracy theories launched about how Russia had helped him win; generate a years-long law-enforcement investigation into him and his campaign based on those schemes? Did the activity of some members of government and federal law enforcement agencies not act in an organized manner that resulted in public demonstration? Regretfully, the mentioned demonstrations were mild, given what may yet be in the near future. What’s already happened has put our Republic in an extraordinary place. It’s hard to imagine what’s more extreme than one side in our politics indicting its leading opponent, creating the real prospect of jailing him in the months prior to an election, and excluding him from the ballot in select states. Yet, if Trump wins, we have to assume that this is only a taste of things to come. It’s not as though his enemies are going to conclude that Trump was an intolerable threat as a candidate, but if he’s been elected president again, the voters have spoken, and everyone should revert to politics as usual.