Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ebola Concisely Defined but Uncertainty Remains

The news of Ebola virus has been unsettling to most Americans and the developed nations of the world in particular. Hence, I decided to research it enough to gain a basic understanding of said virus and the potential peril to a nation’s populous if Ebola is not contained. The repercussions of Ebola outbreaks to any country’s citizens is alarming in the least. Ebola has been described by “authorities” as a rather simple virus (as simple as a firestorm). Ebola is distantly related to measles, mumps and rabies. It is also related to certain pneumonia viruses: to the para-influenza virus, which causes colds in children, and the respiratory syncytial virus, which can cause fatal pneumonia in a person who has AIDS. Ebola seems to have developed the worst elements of all the above viruses and probably more. Again, this is information I have heard, read and researched, albeit, on a limited basis. It may be as simple to contain and as many experts claim. Then again, do they really know? Or, is it the highly infectious, deadly virus that will suddenly appear in this nation’s or other nation’s cities and towns and rapidly infect its population? Is there a viable cure that will save the majority of a country’s citizens? If there is no cure, why then are we allowing infected persons into our nation and its medical treatment facilities? Why not limit access to those from West Africa and treat the disease in West Africa if for no other reason than public safety. I contend that America and the rest of the world's developing nations can wage a successful campaign against this ravaging disease in West Africa without endangering their own people. Then again, maybe we are a day late and a dollar short in prevention and containment. 

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