Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween, Not my Favorite Day OK.

Other than the fact my sister was born on Halloween the day itself is my least favorite day of the year. Why you ask? The days of fall festivals and little kids ringing doorbells and dressing as innocent fairy tale figures  and cartoon characters have taken a backseat to the supernatural forces such as vampires, monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils.  Halloween has strong roots in paganism and is now associated closely with worship of the Enemy of This World, Satan. It is a holiday that generally glorifies the evil things of this world, rather than the good and wholesome. I ask the reader these questions; Is it not apparent that 21st century America is consumed with interest in the "the dark side" of the paranormal? Is it not true that the mysterious realm of demonic spirits and other-worldly beings literally fills our culture? If you think otherwise, you obviously are not watching television or going to the movies during the weeks leading up to Halloween. The world operates virtually unaware of the oppression, depression and very tangible torment daily added to millions of lives by unseen spiritual forces – often filtering through the portal of popular entertainment. As Christians we play into the hand of Satan and his demonic hosts when we approach demonic warfare as a theoretical game of curiosity rather than a life-threatening conspiracy from the netherworld. It is hard not to liken our culture as a mischievous or evil spirit on speed.

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