Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Surppression of Freedom of Speech

Has political ineptness reached an all-time low when government officials don’t realize a sermon is a speech? It has reached that depth in Houston, Texas. Heretofore, I thought Texas was the state leading the way in fighting for constitutional freedoms. Incidentally, I respect all people and persuasions even though I may disagree with their way of thinking, but Houston Texas mayor’s subpoena move against several area pastors is nothing but a political maneuver to suppress dissenting voice and religious opinion.
I dislike and find, vulgar, sacrilegious and hate language as much as anyone. But America has a protection for its expression: It’s called the First Amendment, and I am tired of people trampling it by improperly interpreting it as a right for only feel-good expression or political correct reasons. Even repulsive language is protected under that leading tenet of our Bill of Rights. And if that constitutional decree does not protect the basest of language, then what is freedom of speech all about? It was not a coincidence that America’s Founding Fathers saw that liberty and power – corrupted in the wrong hands – could even be used to suppress the very liberties and power they were trying to secure and protect we the people.

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