Saturday, October 11, 2014

So, What's Left

With the mid-term elections just weeks away I will be addressing issues that are germane to not only this blogger but to all who possess a strong work ethic and believe in liberty, honor, patriotism, country and faith in the God of our Founding Fathers.

 Can you tell me why American citizens should respect the law? Is it because it's the right thing to do? Not necessarily. Slavery was once the law. Abortion is the law of the land today. Even in America, it is not unusual for laws to be unjust, unfair, and immoral. Is it because laws represent the will of the people? It is not always so. Currently, the law is too often precipitously created from vague statutes written by bureaucrats who face little or no consequences for ruining people’s lives. Well, is the law equally applied? Not on your life. One's political affiliation and how well someone is connected to the powers to be can have a direct impact on whether an individual is prosecuted for breaking the law and the seriousness of the penalty to be enacted. This being the case, what's left? Why should anyone respect capricious, immoral laws that are not correspondingly applied and do not mirror the will of the people? It has become apparent, under President Obama and the Democratic Senate majority , the law in America has become nothing short of what one can get away with. And we are likely to reap what we have sown (consequences) for many years to come. I will close with a George Orwell line; "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Think about what is written and cast your vote accordingly.

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