Saturday, October 25, 2014

Freedom of Speech and Religious Conscience

This blog is a continuation of what was written previously, reference; Perspective on economic representation and casting our ballot based on conscience. I will briefly address another area, we as both Americans and Christians need to examine prior to voting in our upcoming elections.

There is no doubt that the rights the First Amendment protects–freedom of speech and freedom of religion–are increasingly the most attacked. Some of the most recent high profile cases have revolved around the ongoing attempts by the government via Obamacare to force religious groups to provide contraceptive coverage in their health plans and taxpayers to fund elective abortion coverage in theirs.

Just this month, the mayor of Houston demanded pastors turn over any sermons related to the topics of equal rights, civil rights, gay rights, and gender identity. These requests threaten to have a chilling effect on religious and political speech that is protected by the First Amendment.   Apparently, speaking about other cultures, other religions and issues of personal conscience is no longer acceptable-we must now accept them. And as we are seeing with the issue of same-sex marriage in this country, acceptance no longer means live and let live, the tolerance monitors want you to embrace and endorse. I can except one’s choice of lifestyles as I can one’s choice of religious belief but not necessarily endorse it as inclusive for the whole.

Now I ask you, the reader, is religious freedom and freedom of speech not one of our most important Constitutional rights?  Without question, promoting and defending it is one of our most important battles. Just as gay rights and other religious beliefs are protected by the first amendment so it is with all elements of society to include persons of Christian faith. This writer believes one group is not exclusive of the other.

In conclusion, we as Americans and Christians should accept differing views of other people, in religious or political matters, and fairness toward people who hold differing views but not acquiesce to the will of those who espouse a divergent position which is consciously antagonistic to our belief system. 

Think about what is written and cast your vote for the candidate or candidates who would most represent the inclusive rights of all Americans to include those of Christian faith based conscience. 

More pre-election thoughts worth pondering to follow in future blogs.

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