Friday, August 28, 2015

Protests and Another Class of Black People

I have no time to play a politically correct game but will ask, why was there a protest march to remember a young black man who assaulted a store owner, robbed a store, and assaulted a police officer and attempted to take away his weapon? I am quite sure asking that question will draw the ire of a certain group of people more interested in being victims than resolving the issue at hand. After all, there was a quote from Booker T. Washington that aptly describes these present day purveyors of dependency, not self-reliance. Here are Washington’s words, "There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

 The unlearned lesson of Ferguson, Missouri is not about protest marches. It’s not about remembering the tragedy of Michael Brown’s death. For, was he not himself, no more than a thug who reaped what he had sown? The protests should have been about the restoration of a community and the betterment of a people.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What Say You, What Say Them

Can a comparison not be made of the rush to dig up Confederate graves and removal of statues in America to Islamic removal or destruction of religious icons? The only difference that distinguishes one from the other is one is based on a false religion’s Islamic law, the other on politics. Both are forms of iconoclasm. The terrorist group, ISIS is ransacking historic monuments for both Allah and money. The other for political reasons.

The comparison has its obvious limits, but it does highlight a remarkable double standard. Islamic terror has been on the rise for decades, yet over that time the left's calls for gradation, patience and dare I say, understanding have grown increasingly louder. Virtually no one condones or makes apologies for the Islamic State's barbarity, but there has been a Herculean effort to put Islamic extremism in perspective. President Obama insists that the Islamic State is not even Islamic and that the West should not get on its “high horse” about today’s Muslim atrocities given that Christians committed atrocities eight centuries ago. Really, Mr. President! Remember when that unknown minister in Florida threatened to burn the Koran? Did not members of our government, your administration request that he not do so for fear of offending peaceful Muslims? Was it not your administration and Hillary that cast blame on an obscure film maker as the cause for the Benghazi fiasco? Did not you and your talking heads state that the film was offensive to the peace loving Muslims residing in Libya?

Following the tragic shooting in Charleston, S.C., the New American Think Tank, liberal left politicians and race divisive organizations/spokespersons. Claimed that the delusional shooter and his kind represent the real terror threat. Would it not be an improvement if the left could stick to either of its double standards? As for me, I think fellow Americans, even those who outwardly display Confederate flags, place them on tombstones and honor those ancestors with Memorials of stone and iron, deserve some of the gradation, patience and understanding so many reserve for Islam extremism.  

To those who claim offense or desire to play victim for divisive or financial gain, I say to you; if you are going to display zero tolerance for symbols of 19th century slavery so seriously, maybe you should show the same intolerant bigoted extremist stance with regard to the forces who are committing genocidal acts, enslaving people, and destroying ancient artifacts as we speak. What say you?

Monday, August 24, 2015

Experience not Necessarily So

Is lack of experience in either running a political campaign or governing a detriment to those who seek office or actually preside over an administration? The answer is, not necessarily so. Has not the political class weaved an imaginary yarn that they are the only ones who can solve our problems? But the fact of the matter is if you take the collective political experience of everyone in Congress, which is approximately 9,000 years, you'll see that it really has not solved many of America’s problems. What we really need are problem solvers, people with a history of solving complex problems, people who know how to utilize other individuals working with them to solve complicated conundrums, because nobody, this side of Heaven knows everything. Is not wisdom much more important than political experience? We need look no further than those associated with and in the reigning regime or current administration to witness a lack of insight in resolving multifarious and difficult issues.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Say it Ain't so, Joe!

We all need a good laugh now and then, especially at the expense of big-shot politicians who open their mouths and remove all doubt about their inherent idiocy, their lovable lunacy, or their daffy demeanor that again and again makes them a late-night TV punchline. And when it comes to goofy gaffes and dimwitted declarations, nobody does it better than America's most beloved liberal political figure, smiling Joe Biden. Since 2008, Biden, as U.S. vice president, has served at the pleasure of President Barack Obama. At times the pleasure has been all ours as we await the next inevitable faux pas. Perhaps Biden should take a cue from his boss, President Obama: speak only when there is a teleprompter in front of you. Then again, a totally scripted Biden would not wield the same kind of allure that makes Uncle Joe one of America's most prominent shoot-from-the-hip public personas. Joseph Biden illustrates how one man can simultaneously be adored by Democrats as "just one of the guys," yet amusingly repulsed by Republicans who see Biden as the poster child for all that is misguided about the Obama administration. Say it ain’t so, Joe.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Planned Parenthood's Board Clerics are Apostates

Can you believe that Planned Parenthood has a Clergy Advocacy Board? And these clergy, in name only, claim Planned Parenthood employees are doing God’s work? I can scarcely believe it. Then again, are we not witnesses to increasing heresy and apostasy within Church ranks?

While the Advocacy board members claim to be “faith leaders committed to justice, honesty, and liberty.” Their utmost concern, they emphasize, is “the decades-long campaign of harassment against Planned Parenthood and those they serve.” Harassment over what—dismembering babies or Planned Parenthood’s commitment to eugenics? 
The board members write, “Our faiths demand care for those marginalized by poverty and other oppressions. Faith leaders have supported Planned Parenthood for nearly 100 years because of our shared goals: every person — regardless of income, race, or religion — deserves access to safe, affordable, high-quality health care.”
I ask, faith in what? Faith according to the scriptures asserts no such thing. In fact, among Jews and Christians, killing a pregnant woman is considered a double homicide requiring legal justice (Exodus 21:22-25). Shedding innocent blood is condemned throughout the Bible also requiring legal justice (Deut. 19:10; 1 Sam. 19:5; Psalm 94:20-21; Proverbs 6:16-17; Isaiah 59:2-7).
Why do you suppose America’s Founders specifically inserted “unalienable rights”? I firmly believe our Founders knew that human rights came from God alone, not man manufactured laws. Our Founders were cognizant of God authoring every life in the womb (Job 31:15; Psalm 22:9-10; Isa. 44:2; 49:5; Jeremiah 1:4-5; Luke 1:15).
Their “shared goal” that every person have “access to affordable high-quality health care” is nonsensical. How can dead people receive such access? They also mischaracterize Planned Parenthood as an indispensable provider of “high-quality care.” Yet, Planned Parenthood’s own records reveal it as a profit centered abortion business, not a healthcare provider (94 percent of “pregnancy services” were abortions). Ah! Lest we forget, they do barter baby body parts for cash in hand.
The advocacy board also purports a blatant lie: that abortion providers offer “the best of what religious traditions do.” Yet, the “best of religious traditions” have always promoted life giving efforts that contribute to human life flourishing. Christians were the first to found hospitals, schools, orphanages and later adoption and foster parenting services—to help people live—because they understand God’s directive to “choose life” (Deut. 30).
Christian faith demands that every person, regardless of income, race, or religion, deserves the right to live. The Planned Parenthood clerics are not among them. These board clerics  are apostates. They are wolves in sheep clothing. Did Jesus Christ not tell us to "beware of wolves in sheep clothing"?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Encumbered, Hindered, and on Overload via The Debate

My brain is encumbered, hindered and on overload as it relates to last week’s analysis of both GOP debates. If one was to believe everything political pundits and commentators state then we are left with but one conclusion. Most front-runners hate debates. They are the antithesis of the very well known, if not wholly accurate, clause in the Hippocratic Oath, “First, do no harm.” The Hypocritical Political version of that, if one is leading the pack; "First, take no risks." Is this not reason enough to explain why campaigns spend so much time, energy and money on multi-media ads? They can control the timing, the placement, the content, and the costs. "Low risk, high reward." Debates are the opposite: "High risk, low reward."

If you're in first place and do very well, the best you can do is still be in first place. The worst you can do is not be in first place following the debate. This is probably why we have yet to see Hillary debating, much less answering questions.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Enough Sanctimoniousness Amidst the Light of Videos

One may wonder, how in the hell, could the Senate vote to continue funding Planned Parenthood in light of the videos that have surfaced revealing many of its leadership talking about the prices of the body parts of the unborn and some of these same executives discussing higher costs for “intact fetal cadavers.” Does this term “intact fetal cadavers” not suggest numerous infants are born alive and then dispatched (murdered)? After viewing the videos I would be remiss if I did not suggest that Planned Parenthood is engaging in a wicked barbarous practice. Is this practice not a human rights abuse? Is it not time for it to end? There is no reason for an organization that uses illegal abortion methods to sell baby parts and commit such atrocities against humanity to still receive over $500,000,000 per year from the tax paying public.

I like many, who saw the videos via social media say the videos were just too much to stomach. Are you as troubled as I by the callous behavior of Planned Parenthood staff in the recently released videos, which casually discuss the sale, for profit, of fetal tissue after an abortion? There is little doubt that these allegations are in fact reality. It is abhorrent that the Senate continues to authorize funding for an organization as deplorable as Planned Parenthood visibly is. 

To think, Planned Parenthood is being funded on the tax payer’s dime, authorized by the Senate minority and championed by their Senate Minority Leader. Let me be clear, our President is very clear in that he fully supports Planned Parenthood. Has not Obama not threatened to shut down the government if even one dollar is cut from Planned Parenthood’s federal beneficence? According to his Press Secretary, Obama has yet to view any of the Center for Medical Progress videos. For that matter, apparently neither has Obama’s Press Secretary, Obama’s HHS Secretary, Obama’s Attorney General, nor Obama’s Surgeon General. Does it not seem that some of those closest to Obama would have taken time to view these unconscionable and disturbing videos?

Are we living in an alternative universe? We may very well be living in that universe when the White House displays cold indifference to the slaughter of innocents at home contrasts most cruelly with its commendable condemnation of barbarism abroad. Do you not think it is time for the President to end his sanctimoniousness? 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Shame on the 45 Pro Abortion Legislators

Shame on the 45 of the 46 senators who in essence voted to continue funding Planned Parenthood with American tax dollars. The question is, do the 45 senators who voted for continuing to fund Planned Parenthood believe it is so important to continue giving taxpayer dollars to the nation’s largest abortion provider, especially in light of the current outrage, that they would refuse to pass a continuing resolution that does not fund Planned Parenthood? Are they willing to shut down the government rather than pass such a continuing resolution? More than likely they are. Does it have to be? Has not previous precedent been set by both Democrats and Republicans being like-minded in defunding organizations found committing activities that are unprincipled at best and criminal at worst? Need I say ACORN? The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, was stripped of its tax payer dollars for duplicitous conduct. Is not Planned Parenthood accused of far worse acts? Those members of Congress who claim to be pro-life, have a choice to make. The choice itself should not be a difficult one.

In light of the facts of Planned Parenthood staff negotiating pricing for the sale of tissue and body parts, the Senate is currently unable to defund the shameless organization. Supporters of defunding Planned Parenthood, which included almost all Republican Senators, the exceptions being Mark Kirk of Illinois and Mitch McConnell voted against the measure and two Democrats, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Joe Donnelly of Indiana voted for it, did not have the 60 votes they needed to get the bill on the floor of the Senate the week of August 2nd. Note; McConnell voted “Nay” as a procedural move in order to allow him to bring it back for a vote at a later time Those 45 Senators who refused to defund such a repugnant organization are themselves an abomination to all who possess a moral compass and should be censored by the voters next election cycle.

In the name of God, let us continue to fight this battle to rid America of its crimes of legal genocide/infanticide.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Planned Parenthood Somewhere Under the Rainbow

Earlier this summer, many people, including friends of mine, embraced the rainbow symbol and the message of human equality after SCOTUS took it upon itself to redefine marriage.
Actual leaders of “gay rights” organizations universally explain in open partnership with Planned Parenthood, that their concept of “equality” likewise promotes “reproductive health,” which itself includes abortion, does it not? Thus, leading advocates to redefine marriage cite human “equality,” but believe it can coexist with their own decree that only certain human beings are “equal,” while others can be torn apart.

By virtue of a shared concept of “equality” one can easily see where personal conflicts of conscience become unavoidable, almost predictable. Does any refusal to help the activities they have defined as fundamental to sexual license, including abortion, constitutes discrimination?
Recently, America has learned first-hand detailed account that the abortion industry doesn’t just kill babies, it anatomizes or dismembers them. To make matters worse, the little ones are in fact alive at the commencement of the procedure. From what I understand, the same abortion advocates who partner with groups to redefine marriage, including Planned Parenthood, have now united to defend baby organ harvesting as an essential reproductive health option.
Does this not constitute a formal deductive argument made up of a major premise, a minor premise, that are asserted or assumed to be true, and a conclusion? Is this the new human redefinition? Does not this “equality” now redefine man, woman, and marriage, which includes reproductive health, which includes abortion, and baby vivisection. All such “equality” requires “non-discrimination,” which means select citizens must help all things called marriage and reproductive health, including abortion and anatomization, or else be penalized. The same “equality” principle that makes a Christian wedding photographer penniless likewise requires doctors, women, and churches to participate in the abortion medical regime, which includes baby dismemberment. What I am saying is that some people acting in good faith need to examine the assumptions behind what they endorse. If not, they risk finding themselves partnering with Planned Parenthood and all their abortions and baby organ harvesting just like the rainbow equality leaders are doing. Hopefully, the rank and file rainbow coalition folks will speak out against such blatant iniquitous behavior.

Without hue and cry one can only speculate what is to come next. Which individual groups or sub-groups will be derestricted, strong-armed, and gathered next, somewhere under the rainbow?

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Persecution of Christians in Obama's America

The rising persecution of Christians worldwide is one of today’s most heart-tugging and significant stories, with daily reports of Christian believers being murdered, tortured, kidnapped, raped or sold into slavery. But there is another story of growing Christian persecution, which, if not as terrible in scale and severity, is even more inexplicable. That is the rapidly expanding marginalization, demonization and criminalization of the free practice of the Christian faith in America--a nation uniquely founded upon religious freedom. This blog’s title tells the story: Persecution of Christians in Obama’s America.

While Christian persecution around the globe is perpetrated primarily by Muslims, in America the persecution is driven by a seemingly odd and improbable source: Gay America, and the influential activist movement that has grown up around it. Today, that movement has become the spear-tip with which the far left is finally achieving its longtime goal of assailing, browbeating– indeed, legally prohibiting – the free exercise of religion in America. 

Legislation presently moving through the country forbids help for minors who want to overcome undesirable same-sex attractions; rules that boys and young men must be allowed to use girls' restrooms and locker rooms if they claim to identify with the opposite sex (and vice versa); dictates pro-homosexual indoctrination of children as young as five; commands the integration of open homosexuals into the military; forces same-sex marriage on the nation; and, perhaps most ominously, criminalizes Christian business owners for simply opposing homosexuality or same-sex marriage on moral and religious grounds. Should the Supreme Court mandate homosexual marriage throughout the nation, say experts, the persecution will increase exponentially. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled in favor

Many thought, as I foolishly did, same-sex marriage would be the crowning achievement of the gay rights juggernaut. This was not the case. Suddenly, the focus shifted to “transgender rights.” Some of the media and not so surprising, America’s Vice President have declared that those who are psychologically estranged from their sexual identity are participants in America's next civil rights frontier and transgender discrimination is “the civil rights issue of our time." 

It has been said and apparently is true that the secret of this never-ending, always-expanding radical movement is that it has the full support of the far left. Not because the left particularly loves people who are gay, bisexual and transgender for themselves, but because finally the left has found its weapon, with which it can effectively assault, relegate, demonize and pervert or criminalize its chief antagonist : the Christian religion.