Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Trump, The Leader America Needs and Why

Is Trump the only candidate out there who can save America? At this moment and time he may just be the only candidate that can. Why?  He’s the only candidate that speaks out about the country’s economic problems and offers feasible fiscal solutions that are logical.
While I disagree with Trump on certain issues, I believe America needs somebody to wake it up. Is Trump sometimes brazen, forceful and self-confident? Yes! But he is willing to say what he believes. Are we not in need of a breath of fresh air in Washington? His ego and wealth permits him to – where a lot of these other presidents don’t – surround himself with really good people that he is not beholden to. One of Trump’s characteristics that sets him apart from the other candidates, and makes him the best man for the White House job, is his willingness and skill to hand pick excellent advisers with reputations as the best of the best. Trump knows he needs as many good people as he can get in this environment today. Aside from Reagan, when was the last time we saw this in a president? Certainly, not at present time.

Like Trump, but with whole lot less money, I am known by some to be outspoken in my views. I want to speak out now because I love America and I feel ardently about the dysfunction that is going on both in Washington and the halls of corporate America. Trump states one problem facing the country is the “carried interest loophole, which allows earnings of hedge-fund managers and other private-equity firms to be taxed at a lower rate than normal income.” Trump proposes to eliminate the tax break.

Unless one has been living under a rock they are somewhat aware that U.S. companies have been doing a great disservice to the economy by maintaining profits in overseas ventures, via complicated tax schemes. It appears to me, a middle-class retired American, that if we continue to allow these companies to continue business as usual we will continue to falter economically as a nation. If we fail to allow these companies to bring the money back that they are making overseas, they are just going to simply move out of this country. It is going to materialize more rapidly than we think. While Congress is sort of fiddling around, this thing is being done. The country is burning and they’re fiddling. Trump’s just released tax plan shows his intent to bring companies back to domestic soil. He has campaigned on the idea that China, Japan and Mexico take too much advantage of America’s economy and U.S. businesses ought to have a restructured tax code to allow them to better compete and grow. Who can argue with that rationale? I have yet to hear of any other candidates (both GOP and Democrat) plans for economic recovery/expansion and real tax reform that benefit America and the middle-class.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hillary's White House Fantasy and Reality of The Big House Outhouse

It’s all over for Hillary Clinton. One may wonder, how bad is it? Hillary is now more likely to wind up in “The Big House” than the White House though she would not be out of place in an outhouse. How bad is it? The Benghazi cover-up is the least of her worries. How bad is it? No one is even mentioning the Clinton Foundation- "where she accepted $2 billion in donations while Secretary of State, much of it from foreign governments and companies, while quickly awarding contracts to those same countries and companies.

How bad is it? This scandal doesn’t even involve 32,000 emails she chose to erase and the server she purposely destroyed. This scandal involves only a few Top Secret (TS) classified documents sent to her, and shared with her staff, on personal emails. It involves only a few TS emails because the intelligence community only looked at 40 emails out of 32,000. That’s Forty. They found two out of 40 that theoretically, broke the law. Two that could have put American national security and lives at risk. What happens when the FBI gains access to all 32,000 or a portion thereof? No wonder she erased them and wiped the server clean. Her lawyers told her if she did not destroy the evidence and claim they were all personal emails, she would be headed to "the Big House." Hillary broke the law every single day with her personal emails. She put our entire country…our national security…our CIA agents…even our children at risk. This is about to explode into the biggest scandal in the history of our government. Hillary is now a presidential candidate under criminal investigation by the FBI and DOJ. Her key aides are under investigation. People around her are going to jail. And when they find out they are facing twenty or more years in the big house, they will begin to sing in an attempt to lower their own prison sentences.

How bad is this situation? The real truth isn't even out yet. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg. The writing is on the wall. It’s all over but the crying and actual speech announcing Hillary’s withdrawal from the race. And there will be gnashing of teeth to be sure. Think of all the disappointed foreign countries, certain they’d bought the next president. This must be devastating to world leaders and corrupt CEOs of multi-national corporations. As I have told my wife, Hillary is done. The real suspense now is who will replace her as the Democratic nominee.

The leading contenders are a socialist (Bernie Sanders), a crazy man (Joe Biden) and possibly a white woman who made believe she was an Indian to get a job at Harvard (Elizabeth Warren). Let me entertain the readers of this post as to speculation as to why bet on Warren.

First, it can’t be Bernie Sanders. He’s an outright socialist. America only elects socialists who pretend to be moderates (see Obama). The Democrats must find a socialist who at least pretends to love America. That leaves Joe Biden (aka Uncle Joe). I, like many Americans, thought it was only a matter of time before Joe Biden would enter the race. But can he win? Let me answer this question with another question. Is not the Democratic Party  composed of angry mentally-wounded, politically-correct, special interest groups united by one cause—a hatred for “privileged” straight white men? Uncle Joe simply does not fit the premise.  

But there’s a woman out there who is perfect for the recurrently ireful or outraged special interests of the Democratic Party. She can continue on with Hillary’s theme- that there’s a “Republican war on women.” Her name is Elizabeth Warren. Warren bowed out of this race months ago in servility to Hillary. But, that was prior to Hillary’s self-inflicted wound becoming public knowledge. Can the reader envision Warren’s heroic press conference? It's patriot Elizabeth Warren to the rescue. I imagine Elizabeth is getting ready at this moment to step over Hillary's lifeless political body. After all, there is only so much deference one can expect from an old ally who is no longer relevant.

And just like that the “Republican war on women” is back in the headlines, social media and back in TV ad campaigns. The Democrats are back in business. They’ve traded out an ultra-liberal woman with ethical issues for an ultra-liberal woman with ethical issues. But instead of ripping off taxpayers and the U.S. government, Warren only lied and ripped off Harvard. That's good enough for the Democrats.

As for Hillary, just like that, she is burnt toast. She is finished. Her aspirations of ascending to the “White House” have been replaced with the possibility of a stay in the “Big House’s Outhouse.”

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Outlines of History Hits the Nail on the Head.

H.G. Wells once wrote in "Outlines of History": "Because Mohammed too founded a great religion, there are those who write of this evidently lustful and rather shifty leader as though he were a man to put beside Jesus of Nazareth. But it is surely manifest that he was a being of commoner clay; he was vain, egotistical, tyrannous, and a self-deceiver; and it would throw all our history out of proportion if, out of an insincere deference to the possible Moslem reader, we were to present him in any other light."

If only those of the Islamic faith would make a foray into Mohammed's historicity, I dare say they would unmask the counterfeit Muslim leader for whom Mr. Well states he really was. As Mr. Wells eludes to, Mohammed appears to be an imitation fabricated in his own delusional mind. I do believe the truth is out there for all who truly seek it. As Christians we have been told that "the truth will set you free." Therefore, I urge Muslims everywhere to seek the truth and be set free. In essence, I agree with Well's in that Mohammed was far from being the prophet Islam depicts him as being.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ahmed and The Clock that Looked Like a Bomb

Remember the Muslim kid that brought the “clock that looked like a bomb” to school? Logically speaking the kid does not belong in jail. Maybe a juvenile detention center but not jail. On the other hand his parents might be deserving of some hard time. Regardless of your skin color, nationality, or faith, who in their right mind lets their child go to school with a briefcase filled with circuit boards, wires, and timers? Is that not setting up your offspring for something bad to happen? What’s worse, is that his parents were aware of it. It appears to me, by outward appearances, Islamist parents, though, really aren't too concerned with the welfare of their own kids.

The progressive left says, but he's just an innocent little guy who liked to experiment with electronics. If that’s not a tall tale what is? One can walk into any small electronic stores or peruse online to get real electronic experiments or projects kits. I smell a conspiracy here. Do you suppose this was a setup from the get-go? I speculate that this was possibly a deception organized by entities yet known so that the rightful and proper response of the school and police could be used to claim victim-hood and Islamophobia for this little spawn.

This is how Islamists take advantage of the tolerance of Western Civilization. They conduct suspicious acts to see how people will react, be it in on aircraft, on the street corner, in schools, in malls and then cry discrimination and Islamophobia if they get in trouble. If they don't get caught, then they know what they can get away with. If they do get caught, their false cries of intolerance embarrass those around them into ignoring their suspicious activities -- at their own peril. The media coverage of those who rally in support of him displays every element of these tactics.

It appears Irving, Texas has become a ground-zero for Islamism to try to embed themselves. Their self-appointed "sharia court" was rightfully shut down by the city council, and now they're going to make citizens of Irving pay. Thankfully for Irving, they have a mayor and city council with backbone. Let's hope your city leaders do the same when the Islamists try to move in. Otherwise, you can look to the Islamic ghettos of Europe to see your future.

This liberal left and media portrayed the future Einstein prodigy as a victim. This “victim” will more likely than not end up at a madrasa, paid for by all of the fools who are bestowing money to him -- where he'll eventually learn to build the real thing. Dismiss my opinion at your own peril or worse yet, call me a dogmatist, if you desire. Defriend me if that appeals to you. Debate me if you wish, I’m game. What if the little guy was a Christian kid and white at that? Does the reader really think Obama would have invited a “Little non-minority Clock Maker” to the White House? How foolish of me to ask such a ridiculous question. We already know the answer. One has to look no further than Obama’s tweet to the privileged “Little Clock Maker.” I quote” Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It’s what makes America great.” What’s next for Ahmed? Would you believe invitations to visit with such celebrities as Mark Zuckerberg, Stephen Colbert, and Ellen G.? Little Ahmed has even received biddings from MIT and NASA. Twitter has even offered him an internship.
What’s next for this clock making child prodigy? How about the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

America's War on Christianity Requires Action Part 2 of 2

Was not the principles and precepts of the Mosaic Law until recently largely reflected in the law of the land in the United States? Is it not one of the most powerful of citadels against tyranny? I contend this is why the authoritarian administration of Mr. Obama is doing its best to sweep every last remnant of it away. And how have our Christian denominations, churches, clergy and parishioners responded? Too many of the mentioned have responded with a resounding, culpable, disconcerted, disconcerting silence. Silence in the face of an enemy is not an option for those who claim Jesus as their Savior. I now call upon Christian denominational leadership, the clergy, and parishioners everywhere to stand up and be counted for Jesus. If His message means anything to them, then let them now come forward and defend it against this latest and most insidious attack upon it.

Let us deal with an often stated objection. Christian denominational leaders and clergy within particular denominations may feel that it is somehow unkind to the malefactor to preach forthrightly against Obama’s and the liberal left’s promotion of deviant lifestyles, or hurtful to hard-pressed mothers to preach against abortion. Yet in Christian doctrine, rightly understood, there has always been the very clearest of distinctions between unremittingly speaking out against the wrongdoing, on the one hand, and just as unremittingly loving the wrongdoer, on the other.

Where can a mother traumatized by the horror of abortion turn? Clearly not to the pitiless, indifferent, “Obamacare” state. They turn to the Christ centered Church, which speaks out more plainly than most secular oriented leaning churches in defense of unborn children, who often seem to have no one else to speak for them and, for obvious reasons, cannot speak for themselves. The Christ centered Church understands how those mothers feel. It does not judge them. It helps them, unconditionally.

By the same token, it is correct for the churches to question one's choices in life that are in inconsistent or incongruous to Biblical scripture but without in any way condemning the person(s) individually. Silence, however, is no longer an option. Most denominations, churches and clergy are not very good at working together, but, in the defense of the Savior’s message, I urge them to do so now. We can no longer ignore the fact that the many liberals in positions of political power detest Christianity and will do anything to weaken or destroy it.

The churches have one weapon that they all too seldom use. It is the faithful in the pews. Millions of them. Many of them democrat voters. Church leaders should now get together and draw up a written declaration of principles, policies and objectives of laws passed by Obama that they want repealed. They should deliver that list to all presidential candidates. And they should make it clear they will preach against any presidential candidate who fails to state, publicly, his or her support for every item on that manifesto.

One may wonder is there is biblical support for such declaration. There is support for action. Look no further than Luke 22:36 “He said to them, but now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword sell your cloak and buy one.” Jesus came to bring not peace but a sword. Is it not time for the church to be confrontational and revolutionary once again? If not, I fear the Church, as it was intended will all too soon become the "Church Forgotten."

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What Advice Would you Give Trump in his Presidential Bid

If you could give Donald Trump some advice that would help him in his presidential bid what would it be? If I had his ear, I would advise Trump to say, as the future president, he would refuse to raise the national debt limit and force Washington to live within its means like every American family and business is forced to do. He should emphasize that $18 trillion is too much debt, and that continued borrowing by the federal government is completely unsustainable. The only way to dig America from the hole it finds itself in is to stop borrowing, and, as president, he will not request or approve any future hike in the debt limit. He should also allay fears on Wall Street that such an action will result in a default by ensuring that Washington, under his leadership, will continue to service the existing debt. And, lastly, he should characterize this action as a great opportunity to return to constitutionally limited government by cutting government spending and programs that never should have been started in the first place. Imagine a smaller government with less duplication of processes and fewer bureaucrats to deal with. That's what I call streamlining for the sake of efficiency.  Sorry Affordable Care Act, SNAP, HUD, OPIC, Export-Import Bank, Rail Subsidies, Head Start, PBS, Endowments for Humanities and Arts, Title 10 Grants (planned Parenthood), EPA, UN Funding, Foreign Aid, IRS, your the first groups to be expunged or in the least curtailed. Note: This advise, freely given by this writer, would be beneficial to any presidential candidate and its at no cost to the taxpaying public. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Fourteen Years and One Day Ago, Remember It

I would be remiss if I failed to remember the men and women that lost their lives 14 years and one day ago as a result of homeland terror attacks by Muslim extremists. The world changed on that day in 2001, and we have a duty to never forget the people that have sacrificed, and the unity of purpose and drive to unite against the enemy that Americans felt in the ensuing days and weeks following 11 September 2001.

Today is also a time to reflect on America's place in the world and the role of Islam in international terrorism. I am aware that Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists in the world today do seem to be Muslims. Apparently some people did not get the memo that Islam is a religion of peace. Obama does not seem to understand this either. It's rather weird to think back to his Cairo speech on this 9/11 anniversary: what perverted, irresponsible rhetoric! Instead of focusing on holding the ground in Iraq that our brave men and women have fought for post-9/11, Obama has another plan: allow the middle-east to fall into chaos and, if Europe won't take the tens of thousands of refugees created as a byproduct of his failed foreign policy, we'll just take them! Come on, do we really need to import Muslims to solve the DNC's recruitment problems?

While 9/11 was tragic, a mushroom cloud over New York would be worse—Obama's Iran deal must be stopped. Now that the Senate minority, with the help of a few GOP counterfeits have delivered the support needed to keep the deal alive, they are complicit in the outcome. When will Americans, both Christian and Jews alike wake up and stop supporting the party that threatens Israel's right to exist and America’s way of life as we now know it?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

America's War on Christianity Requires Action Part 1 of 2

The Obama administration, like all autocratic regimes, has been at odds with Christianity from the start. Now that Obama is in the final months of his occupancy of the White House, the administration has thrown all caution to the winds and is attacking the Christian faith on every front. Obama has deliberately undermined the institution of marriage by promoting “gay marriage.” He has not done this because “gays” represent a persecuted minority. A minority, certainly: Can one actually believe they represent a persecuted people? Certainly not. They already have the right to form civil partnerships, so as to gain the bureaucratic and tax advantages of marriage.
Obama has deliberately promoted child-killing by the abortion funding provisions in “Obamacare.” He promised that these provisions would not actually be enforced against the conscience of Christians. It is now all too apparent that that promise, like so many of Obama’s promises, was hollow. Has not Obama deliberately bowed to a Saudi king, deferred to Muslims, called himself a Muslim, staged himself to make it look as though he was Christian, and gone out of his way to spit in the face of traditional Christian teaching? In particular, faced with the massacre or forced relocation of tens of thousands of Syrian Christians, like the House of Lords before the war, he “did nothing in particular, and did it very well.”

Obama’s policy of deliberately targeting Christians has now led directly to the confinement of a county clerk for the crime of standing up for her Christian beliefs. It has also led to the punishment of bakers who did not wish to bake same sex wedding cakes, and of home-owners who did not want to rent their spare rooms to same sex couples, and florists who declined to cater to same sex couples marriage ceremony.  The baker, the home-owner’s and the florist declined to service the desires of same sex couples, not because of homophobia but religious objections based on their Christian faith. Obama has deliberately done nothing to discourage local authorities who have sought to ban the public display of manger scenes, crosses, prayers, even Christmas trees on the ground that non-Christians might be offended. Has Obama not been silent in the face of attempts to remove public inscriptions mentioning Jesus or God?  Has he not been silent as revisionists profess that the Founding Fathers had little time for Christianity? Moral authority has now gone. Mr. Obama has seen to that. He has seen to it most thoroughly and deliberately and consciously.
The vague ground that the democrats got most of their votes by handing out taxpayers’ money to those who could not or would not work, paid no attention to the repeated warnings they were given that the democratic party would eventually turn on Christianity itself and start to persecute it. Well, persecution is here now. The autocrats know who their true enemies are. And it is we, the professing Christian.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Judicial Tyranny and Religious Liberty

I ask the reader to think about what is written in this post. Consider the questions asked and form your own objective opinion based on what is stated. Will the fight for religious liberty become the civil rights issue of our generation?

I assert religious liberty in America is in portentous condition. The recent decision by Judge Bunning, and other jurists of like mindedness will, in effect, establish a reverse religious test barring those who hold biblical views contrary to secular notions (to include same sex marriage) from positions of public service or lessen small business owner's chances of achieving the "American Dream." Such religious test by proclamation or practice is wrong.

Does not Judge Bunning and his like-minded associates acts of judicial tyranny trouble you? If not, one should be nervous because Bunning's arbitrary ruling sets a standard for what will probably result in an all out assault on people of Christian faith.  We would be wise to remember the words of the German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. He wrote: "Silence in the face of evil is in itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."

Has not history taught us that sometimes words are not enough? Has not history taught us, sometimes to right a wrong we must take appropriate action? This being the case, one must ask themselves if they are willing to pay the cost? Are you willing to stand up to judicial tyranny? If not, are we to become like sheep being led to slaughter? I ask the reader to contemplate Bonhoeffer's statement. "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

To the Contrary, Hillary is not Gifted, Able and Smart

For many years now we’ve been told by the Liberal left and its allies in the mainstream news media that Hillary Clinton is the smartest woman in the world. The most competent and qualified to be President of the United States. Far and above any of her competitors for the highest office in the land.
Democrats like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Boxer, Pelosi and many others promote this narrative, and jump to Hillary’s defense whenever her character is attacked or her record of dishonesty is pointed out. Yet they can provide no examples of Hillary’s accomplishments other than generalizations about her being a “champion for women’s rights and children.” A rather curious argument considering Hillary’s long history of looking the other way and ignoring her husband’s philandering and sexual abuse of countless women over the years. Somehow that doesn’t really sound like someone who is a champion for women. And let us not even touch children's rights, lest we forget her stance on abortion.
And calling herself a “champion for the middle class” is simply Hillary’s version of every other politician running for office who tells us they’re “for more jobs and a strong defense,” without ever providing specifics on how they intend to achieve those goals.
As with Barack Obama, Hillary’s true believers purposefully overlook her obvious character flaws, her history of lies and deceit, and her willingness to throw others, including other women victimized by her husband under the bus in order to protect her own ambitions. Hillary Clinton and her defenders are examples of what is absolutely the worst in American politics.
Yet Hillary, the proclaimed smartest woman in the world, apparently felt that violating the National Archives and Records Act and risking the exposure of American diplomatic, defense, and intelligence related secrets by maintaining them on an unsecured and unencrypted private email server was not a bad thing and really was quite alright. Smart move! This writer is of the opinion that Hillary’s unbridled ambition is what drives her and her allies, not any sense of integrity, or character, or a desire to do something to repay her country for the wealth she has massed over the past decade. After all it's all about Hillary. You tell me, is there a pattern here? Recall Benghazi and "what difference does it make." And now her email server. Yes, there seems to be a definite pattern and not one that indicates a great deal of intelligence. Just an indication of a great deal of dishonesty and blind ambition.