Monday, September 5, 2016

Are You an "Uneducated Voter"

If the democratic party or the main stream media is referring to Trump supporters who happen to be male Caucasians suffering from a lack of knowledge brought about by an absence of formal or practical instruction, then I guess ‘uneducated white men’ is a reasonable portrayal. However, if the Trump supporters in question are being labelled ‘uneducated’ by the same just mentioned entities simply because they did not earn a post-secondary degree, As Mike Rowe would say, “their slip is showing.” Well, that last statement, is probably not viewed by some as politically correct. If it offends the reader and, if it is perceived as failing to exhibit political correctness, so be it.

Now let us look back at the last two election cycles. Did the progressive “peoples party” or their lap dog, the mainstream media appear in the least concerned with the issue of “uneducated voters”? To my knowledge, the term “uneducated voters” was not uttered by a single liberal ideologue during the last two presidential elections. In the last election, an even greater majority of African-American males who voted for President Obama had no college on their resume. Maybe I missed it, but I don’t recall any headlines or articles that delved into Obama’s popularity among "uneducated black men."

If the democrats and their media darlings did not care about the lack of college among black men supporting Obama, why do they care so much about the lack of college among white men supporting Trump? Moreover, when exactly did a lack of college become synonymous with a lack of education? There are many ways to become educated that do not involve the indebtedness or procurement of a college degree. Why would the media ignore thousands of apprenticeship or intern programs, on-the-job-training opportunities, and all the other high-quality didactic options that have led so many people into so many fruitful careers? The answer is obvious – many in the press are looking for ways to impact the election. If a biased reporter can get away with labeling Trump supporters who failed to attend or graduate from college as uneducated, he can concurrently infer that any ballot cast for Trump is the hallmark of an ‘uneducated’ voter.

During my lifetime I have met hundreds of well trained, very intelligent, highly knowledgeable citizens who went on to thrive without the benefit of academia experience. These people should be applauded, not used as poker chips by candidates, political figures, commentators and reporters with a political agenda.

To those who work for a living, and this coming from a person who is both a college graduate and a retired career Army officer, the progressive politicians along with their media minions has minimized your work, insulted your intelligence, and ignored your contribution to civilized life. Try not to take it personally. Just keep doing what you do. Proceed running your business. Vote your conscience. Keep the water running, the toilets flushing and the lights on for the rest of us. And the next time some hack writer impersonating a journalist attacks a candidate by calling their supporters “uneducated” – simply because their base of knowledge isn’t adorned on a piece of paper–tell them “their slip is showing,” and one derisory poison pen letter or ax job deserves another.

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