Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Perils of Multiculturalism is Extinction Part 1 of 5

Diversity is perversity,” which is a saying that I attribute to Dr. Michael Weiner.  This is not an attack on ethnic and racial diversity, but rather an attack on multiculturalism and "forced" diversity. One might even refer to it as reverse racism. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great when people with diverse backgrounds get along, just not when they are forced to by government, academia or corporate America. All this in the name of political correctness, is a fall waiting to happen. 
I realize, pointing out dangers of multiculturalism in America today is like criticizing motherhood in a conversation with the recently canonized (and well deserved) Mother Teresa. Nevertheless, when  rban overpopulation, lack of jobs, staple shortages, increasing debt, and chaos in the streets begin to emerge as the foremost threat to the survival of America, that criticism may be warranted. A similar argument might be presented against the well intentioned promotion of ethnicity anywhere today in a world being wrecked by tribal violence--and especially in a country like the United States where, even now, the center is just barely holding against the forces of fragmentation.  

While researching a prior post on the economic impact of illegal immigration, I began formulating a commentary as it relates to America and perils of multiculturalism, diversity and political correctness. Key to this brainchild of mine and the motivation to write this commentary was threefold. First, socio-econ and political changes I have observed over the past few decades that give me rising concerns about America’s future. Second, historical research on long dead, once great empires/civilizations. Third, writings and oratory clarity by Arnold Toynbee, Lamm, Bartlett, Orwell, Weiner and Hutcheon. Of these influential learned men, I found Toynbee, Lamm, Hutcheon and Weiner most philosophically aligned with my train of thoughts as it pertains to multiculturalism and diversity. Being already familiar with Toynbee and Orwell, I concentrated the works and words of Lamm, Weiner, Bartlett and Hutcheon. Never one to shy away from controversy, I chose to piggy-back on one of Lamm's  presentations; The Dangers of Multiculturalism.  Essentially, all of the authorities highlighted speak about the potentiality of multiculturalism and diversity leading to the demise of nations, to include the United States of America. Lamm, particularly addresses the subject in a unique and interesting manner. For brevities sake I will capsulize the writings and/or oratorio (in italics) and make personal and appropriate comments.   

Lamm said, “If you believe that America is too smug, too self-satisfied, too rich, then let’s destroy America. It is not that hard to do. No nation in history has survived the ravages of time. Arnold Toynbee observed that all great civilizations rise and fall, and that, “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.”  

Here is the blueprint for America’s destruction: “First, turn America into a bilingual or multi lingual and bicultural country. History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.” Admittedly, it is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it may very well be a curse for a society to be bilingual. The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy. Is this not happening as we speak?  

Without the ability to speak to ourselves, we fracture to the core of our national foundation. Without a common language, we cannot and do not communicate.  All one has to do is watch the news, read a paper, peruse any internet search engine and witness other nations fracturing today because their leaders allowed their immigrants to displace their language and culture, even laws. Unhappy and unhealthy examples abound: France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Deutschland, Quebec, Malaysia, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Belgium, Pakistan…They all face internal turbulence and disorder. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Much of the Middle East, Africa, Turkey and Russia have suppressed or are in the process of suppressing minority ethnic rebellions.

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