Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Real Leadership is Colorblind, Failed Leadership is Color Conscious

While watching the Mets-Marlins game I came away with some thoughts I would like to share. If you want to know how much Barack Obama has contributed to racial division in America, just watch an NFL game. The National Football League, which once went out of its way to emphasize patriotism, has now, with a crucial go ahead from Obama, become a propaganda wing of Black Lives Matter. Players kneel with averted heads and raise clenched fists during the national anthem to deliver the message that America is an irredeemably racist country. On the other hand, while watching a “tribute” baseball game between two rivals I discovered, contrary to select opinions, patriotism and a spirit of friendship and community in a group can and does exist. More amazing, it exists between ethnocentric lines. Last night I observed Brown, Black, Asian and White’s alike bid a 24-year-old Hispanic farewell, following his untimely death in a boating accident early Sunday morning. I now know the difference between real leadership and pretend governance. I see the world of sports as shades of color. I see Major League Baseball as colorblind. I see the NFL as an entity that permeates color conscious instead of color blind. The latter, like our nation’s current leadership is blinded by ill-perceived ethos and lack of character at the top.

San Francisco back-up quarterback Colin Kaepernick started it. But the President, in the middle of a crucial meeting of world leaders in Beijing, couldn't keep himself from jumping into the controversy, praising Kaepernick for caring about "real, legitimate issues" and strengthening "the democratic process." And how had Kaepernick helped our democracy? By charging that there were black bodies "in the streets" because racist police officers were "getting away with murder."

In fact, has this not been Obama's own message, although delivered in more polished language, all during his presidency? The candidate who promised to get us "beyond race" has made America more racially divided than at any time since the sixties. Has Obama not insisted for the last eight years that America has racism in its DNA? Did Obama not give his first Attorney General, Eric Holder, the go ahead to color code the Department of Justice's approach to race and the law? If I am not mistaken did not Obama summon racial arsonist Al Sharpton to the White House far too many times?  Did not Obama leave America’s law enforcement officers blowing in the wind by honoring Black Lives Matter, a group that has done more than any other to set our streets on fire and bring racial conflict back into America's daily experience?

But the President and his "progressive" backers who preposterously hailed Kaepernick as the second coming of MLK couldn't resist the opportunity to once again tar and feather America, as they have for the last eight years. The damage they have done to our social fabric will be the President's enduring legacy. I contend, that America’s slide into racial animosity is a direct result of Obama’s lack of leadership. Never say we were not warned about the consequences of the vindictive effort to make our nation color conscious instead of color blind.
I have pointed out in past posts, the real tragedy of race in America: that some 93 percent of black murders are committed by other blacks. We have emphasized that the police, rather than being rampaging murderers as Kaepernick and his ilk suggest, are the black community's last best hope against the reign of terror by black criminals.
We have been in the forefront of the effort to hold Obama and all other cynical leftists responsible for the tragedy their policies have visited upon helpless minorities in our urban centers, controlled by Democrat politicians for a generation. The Obama era is thankfully ending, but the Left's destructive racial politics will persist. Police will continue to be demonized, making them reluctant to go into black areas to help those in danger. Demonstrations that have turned Charlotte and other cities into racial war zones will still be encouraged. The Left will continue to smile as the street violence intensifies and racial animosity it has caused comes home to roost. 

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